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  1. lethalsax

    Toast It's the finals countdown - 2021

    Swans are finishing 6th. If they can beat the Giants, they may end up playing the Bulldogs which they’ve beaten once already. They’d then lose in the prelims to the Dees, but it’d be a considerable run! Sent from my iPhone using
  2. lethalsax

    Toast It's the finals countdown - 2021

    I think it’s entirely possible, likely even, that Brisbane and Port open the door for Swans to make top 4, but I also think there’s no way the Swans win out. They’ve dropped a couple of bad ones already and seem Reed up to do it again.
  3. lethalsax

    Toast It's the finals countdown - 2021

    Seems to me that West Coast is just as likely (or more) to fall out of the top 8 as they are to stay there. Question is, who challenges for that last spot?