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  1. JayPea14

    Port Adelaide. The real deal or pretenders?

    LOL its been 11 years you assclown...we have seen the cycle and know what is going to happen before it does
  2. JayPea14

    Collingwood apologise for booing

    Boo whoever the fk you want, fk the haters, world is softer than lurpak! Buddy should come out and say he has no problem with being booed and that he despises Collingwood also.
  3. JayPea14

    Prediction Next coach to be sacked. With Poll

    Kochie too soft to make the decision which should've been made already. Don't forget Hinkley held Port to ransom for the GCS interest and Koch bit the bullet and extended him. Koch too pigheaded to own up to his shortcomings much like Kenneth.
  4. JayPea14

    News Buckley standing down; Robert Harvey interim coach for 2021

    Loving that they are ignoring slobbo
  5. JayPea14

    NO TROLLS Collingwood Football Club is guilty of systemic racism, review finds

    It will probably be better now that he won't be the president...he will blow up more
  6. JayPea14

    NO TROLLS Collingwood Football Club is guilty of systemic racism, review finds

    has to mention the race of people he is thanking "the first asian on a board" what a wank
  7. JayPea14

    NO TROLLS Collingwood Football Club is guilty of systemic racism, review finds

    "It's a day of pride" what a flowering coward
  8. JayPea14

    NO TROLLS Collingwood Football Club is guilty of systemic racism, review finds

    This is the biggest amount of drivel I've heard in a presser...they shouldn't need a report to recommend to not be racist. Pretty straight forward concept one would think!
  9. JayPea14

    More review controversy with a goal clearly touched

    What an absolute atrocity...The AFL just wipes their hands clean of any controversy and never hold the umpires/reviewers accountable.
  10. JayPea14

    Port Adelaide lose by 3 points after a wrong Goal Review against the Crows in the dying stages

    Hrmm didn't Gallucci miss from 20m out running into goal? I must have imagined that. You can pick 100 different moments in a match to see why a game didn't go one way or another. However, the exact situation has unfolded that was the premise to bringing in the goal review system. Farcical.
  11. JayPea14

    Coach Has Ken Hinkley Been Found Out?

    You do realise they are on rookie contracts along with mackenzie..they got the opportunity to have a crack at resurrecting their careers this season and if it doesn't work out we lose nothing apart from giving a pick 70something a game
  12. JayPea14

    Cyril Rioli retires

    I'm going to miss the Bruce wankfest over Cyril :moustache:
  13. JayPea14

    Are Adelaide now in crisis?

    Fagan, Ricciuto et al this morning..
  14. JayPea14

    Stringer; is he performing to the expectations of the media and public ?

    Does this explain his horrendous tattoos? He did it for banta?
  15. JayPea14

    Are Port over doing it

    Guys, your better off smashing your head against a wall than argue with these meatheads.. they probably went to chant night and thought it was a success
  16. JayPea14

    Are Port over doing it

    "Paid for them".. p.s. you can always pick a few players to prove a point without looking at the rest that have i.e. crows poor development of Jarrhan Jacky, Myke Cook, Sam Shaw, Mitch Grigg, Nick Joyce, Harrison Wigg and ignore the draft picks that've worked
  17. JayPea14

    Are Port over doing it

    Your probably the genius who has lots of time on his hands to create Kane Cornes and Mivhelangelo Rucci fake accounts on twitter..
  18. JayPea14

    Are Port over doing it

    Doesn't prove anything - it's subjective at most
  19. JayPea14

    Are Port over doing it

    We have solid players under 23 coming through...Amon, Howard, DBJ, Bonner, SPP, Johnson, Houston, Marshall, Atley who have all got a taste of senior footy I think the drop off is a myth..all teams have players retiring, it all comes down to list management and having contingencies in place to...
  20. JayPea14

    Are Port over doing it

    Ageing list...
  21. JayPea14

    Mark and Goal of year 2017

    How the f**k is this not in contention?
  22. JayPea14

    Tom Jonas: "The consumers of media deserve better"

    Alot of Basil hating..he doesn't care though look what he ended up with!
  23. JayPea14

    The diving thread

    Who cares what Oliver says?? Shouldn't have any bearing on the result.
  24. JayPea14

    Essendon and Adelaide eyeing pre-season game in India

    yeah cause they will pry Indians away from cricket :rolleyes:
  25. JayPea14

    Play Nice Has the China game been a success?

    Gee your good at embarrassing yourself
  26. JayPea14

    Vote with your remote - boycott 2016 Carlton v Richmond season opener on TV

    Australia vs Tajikistan (Yes, thats a real country) looks like better viewing :rolleyes: