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  1. oaks

    FTA-TV Community

    funny as episode. the psych had me going for a minute! need more episodes! i hope they make a full 24 ep season4
  2. oaks

    FTA-TV Shows you refuse to watch

    I dont watch anything on TV really, apart from when Seinfeld or MASH comes on but even then im not really watching it to watch it if that makes sense. 95% of the stuff on TV is just trash. not even worth naming shows.
  3. oaks

    FTA-TV TV shows prematurely cancelled

    I remember watching Jericho on Ch10 ages ago, the show had heaps of potential but it never really went anywhere. Also would love if they made more Episodes of the Inbetweeners
  4. oaks

    Movie Movies that deserve sequels

    +1 this movie is destined to have a sequel they cant just leave it how they did! Other movies for sequels. 28 days/weeks later Harold and Kumar Kill bill (pretty sure they are making a 3rd) Tomorrow when the war began
  5. oaks

    FTA-TV Community

    Smashed out All 2 seasons and 18 eps of season 3 in 4-5 days. Such a good show!
  6. oaks

    FTA-TV If you could recommend one show

    Always Sunny In Philadelphia is awesome would definitely recomend. The sopranos and seinfeld would run a close 2nd and 3rd