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  1. g_TRAIN

    Pickett bump on Cripps

    I reckon there are 3 incidents he will get looked at for altogether not just the bump. He's a great player but he seems a bit dense. How hard is it to remember not to hit blokes in the head.
  2. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    According to Caminiti it was his forearm
  3. g_TRAIN

    Umpiring Eleni Glouftsis should not be umpiring AFL

    Think she is pretty good. I'll admit she wasn't quite up to scratch when she started but she's improved a lot from the recent matches I've seen On Pixel 6a using mobile app
  4. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    I'm just glad to clear up the whole ducking thing. I was genuinely at a loss as to why he appeared to duck or lower himself but the fact he said he slipped makes sense. On Pixel 6a using mobile app
  5. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    Pretty sure it's a recommendation the way it's worded not a hard and fast rule On Pixel 6a using mobile app
  6. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    Fair enough but he also wasn't sent to the hospital so lets not just start making stuff up either.
  7. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    Doesn't matter which way the arrow curves mate look at where his eyes are :rolleyes:
  8. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    Sensible post. Most Saints fans agree and accept he's got weeks coming. We're a little off put by the suggestion he's a dog when in our view he's just a young fella who made a mistake and in this instance he wasn't the only bloke to make a mistake
  9. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    Ok look at this angle and pause it where he makes contact with his stomach then. He doesn't and it's quite clear.
  10. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    So what are we arguing about exactly then? Don't try that BS about him aiming for the head. Look where his eyes are before he ducks.
  11. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    It doesn't make sense at all. Players rarely if ever aim for the gut, they almost always punch the chest. If you pause before he ducks he is throwing an elbow towards chest height. Lowering your center of gravity works if you are preparing for a hip and shoulder provided you also turn your...
  12. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    Who knows but look at the footage yourself he clearly ducks. Call it something else if you want, but lowering your body into a dangerous position makes no sense. On the slow-mo you can see as Caminiti raises his shoulder he ducks in the same motion. It's between 8 and 9 seconds in the below...
  13. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    This is exactly what I thought too except the other slow mo angle shows there was no quick one to the stomach which confused me because I can't for the life of me understand why he ducks without some contact.
  14. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    What other ideas? I'm pretty sure he didn't want to hit him in the head. He was reckless and stupid but I don't think he was intentionally trying to knock his block off. He just wanted to even things up after he copped one himself.
  15. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    In other words, he was scared of being hit back after he dished one out and tried to be too cute. It just amazes me that he wasn't expecting or prepared for any retaliation at all.
  16. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    This just confuses me even more. At first I thought Murphy must have lowered his body due to another knock, looking at this its almost like he's trying to duck and avoid all contact but ended up making it worse for himself.
  17. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    This is the best footage of what happened.
  18. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    Among all the emotions here I don't see any Saints fans saying Caminiti is innocent just that Murphy's shot was a cowardly act and he's a moron if he didn't expect retaliation. Lets hope a fair outcome for both cases.
  19. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    But it wasn't a chest Murphy hit him in the face/neck when he wasn't looking. They've saying now both will be reported so if that happens and they both get weeks then I guess that's fair
  20. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    Yeah, you're right, I'm just a little pissed off. Happy for him to get weeks but I don't think this is entirely on him. Murphy ****ed up
  21. g_TRAIN

    MRP / Trib. Caminiti hit on Murphy

    Well, he ****ed around and found out. He took a cowardly cheap shot when the other bloke wasn't looking then dropped to his knees to what would have otherwise been a chest strike. What does he expect? I'm sure Caminiti will get weeks and rightly so however Murphy isn't innocent and needs to...
  22. g_TRAIN

    Rules Holding the ball

    Agreed completely it would penalize players who go for that ball and we don't want that. We also don't want to see more calls like this where he hasn't even had time to take possession properly let alone dispose of it and he is pinged...
  23. g_TRAIN

    Has the AFL gotten too hard to umpire?

    Yes, it's too hard. And why does the free kick count always seem to end up massively in favor of one side? It's so frustrating. Essendon last night were crucified