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  1. WillHayward

    Let's chat about the Liberal leadership spill.

    After today I seriously think Jack Watts could become PM.
  2. WillHayward

    Let's chat about the Liberal leadership spill.

    Come to think of it. I've never met a Queenslander I liked.
  3. WillHayward

    Let's chat about the Liberal leadership spill.

    Low something.... Low level of coverage of the cleavage for starters...
  4. WillHayward

    Let's chat about the Liberal leadership spill.

    Dutton's wife has a certain something.
  5. WillHayward

    Let's chat about the Liberal leadership spill.

    Need a 'Trivago Girl' option in poll.
  6. WillHayward

    Let's chat about the Liberal leadership spill.

    Firstly, people over 70 shouldn't be allowed to vote. That would take Abbott out of the game. Second - it seems the world is dominated by people who talk in a serious way and have a serious look on the their face - but who are actually completely bat shit crazy. Seriously. Eric Abetz. The man...
  7. WillHayward

    Let's chat about the Liberal leadership spill.

    I am pretty sure there is a secret plot by the Belgians to over-take Australia. Control the breweries - control the country. Cormann is part of of it.
  8. WillHayward

    Let's chat about the Liberal leadership spill.

    Ok own up. Who is the solitary Abbott fan?
  9. WillHayward

    Let's chat about the Liberal leadership spill.

    DapperJong . Would be a corrupt regime but plenty of leftover spoils available to his loyal cronies.