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  1. Woody15

    Breaking: Baltimore bridge collapses into ocean as container ship crashes into it; multiple cars in the water, rescue services on scene

    Apparently the sparks and 'explosions' at the top of the bridge prior to collapse are evidence of another controlled demolition. Definitely not the power lines snapping. God I hate the internet.
  2. Woody15

    Sayings or phrases that just really piss you off.

    Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Its a go-to saying for unimaginative plonkers like Luke Darcy.
  3. Woody15

    Sayings or phrases that just really piss you off.

    When people refer to the Grand Final as "The Big Dance". :sick:
  4. Woody15

    Sayings or phrases that just really piss you off.

    " the length of the Flemington straight" :sick:
  5. Woody15

    Sayings or phrases that just really piss you off.

    Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
  6. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    I read they reached approx 9000 feet.
  7. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    Something similar.. apologies if posted already. Given the hull was also comrpsied of carbon fibre, you'd think it would just shatter as well.
  8. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    The Navy immediately relayed that information to the on-scene commanders leading the search effort, the official said Thursday, adding that information was used to narrow down the area of the search. But the sound of the implosion was determined to be “not definitive,” the official said, and...
  9. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    I'd say the guy who referred to Aquaman ripping off doors and arguing opposing opinions on what information was relayed to the families would be a starting point for that.
  10. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    I didn't realise we couldnt discuss parts of the internet's response to this incident on an internet message board forum. "But im not omnipotent and all knowing, unlike you knowing the family were told about the classified NAVY information only just being leaked." No you're not. Neither am I...
  11. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    Well yeah it was pretty clear. If I was going to reference BigFooty, I would have just said BigFooty to the simple types like yourself could have followed much easier.
  12. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    Please show me specifically where I said this in relation to BigFooty. I said THE INTERNET - as in Twitter, comments on news sites. Never once referred to Bigfooty. Jog on.
  13. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    Not really even arguing with you. You're speculating that the families were given false hope. I'm speculating I doubt they weren't informed.
  14. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    Its moments like the incident that I'm reminded what a toilet the internet is. When the ROVs were deployed last night, comments from smartarses like "bit late dont you think" "why weren't you there earlier" completely ignoring the distance the Atlante and other vessels had to travel to get...
  15. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    Of course everyone is speculating. My response was to your point that the family were given false hope.
  16. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    How do you know they weren't informed of this information?
  17. Woody15

    News & Events Missing Titanic tourist submarine

    They also said it was not definitive. I'm sure the family members would have wanted this search to continue in the slightest hope they were incorrect.
  18. Woody15

    Big Footy Book Club

    Couple of books I've read lately: - Really enjoyable book about how Trump cheats at golf and an insight into his golf business/courses. - the author deep dives right amongst the drug cartels in Colombia from the farmers to the top traffickers.
  19. Woody15

    Who is Nelly Yoa?

    Notifications from this thread are certainly my favourites on BigFooty.
  20. Woody15

    Health Coronavirus 2020 / Worldwide (Stats live update in OP) Part 2

    Did ScoMo say small bars stage 2?
  21. Woody15

    Who is Nelly Yoa?

    The great Nelly Yoa has returned. It would appear he snuck in by claiming he was a guest of Majak Daw's (who wasn't invited) and then disappeared. Security found him later hiding in a toilet. Strange cat.
  22. Woody15

    Who is Nelly Yoa?

    Might have got us over the line last year if he played..