
  1. FB19

    News AFL to overhaul the draft, discuss changes to Academy and FS bid matching

    A lot of discussion understandably so about the rort that are academies and father son drafting. A thread to take that out of other draft watchers threads and discuss what changes should occur to make drafting more equitable.
  2. K

    Keeper Lg. supercoach scoring on ultimate footy

    hi - has anyone worked out the best way to edit the scoring format on ultimate footy to get close to champion data - obv some things not possible ie game impact etc, just want to get as close as possible
  3. The Edukator

    Credit Cards

    Hi Bigfooty I'm looking at getting a CC and want to know in your opinions which ones offer the best rewards and bang for buck. Have you uncovered any good schemes recently where you can get a bunch of points up front and then cut loose after x period and move to another CC without incurring...