Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

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Started tinkering and just had the best game. I made marking and hit outs harder and smothers easier.

When you're not always clearing the ball you are under a ton of pressure. Impressively though grabs were harder it didn't feel like I was being robbed, maybe I've found my own personal sweet spot.

The extra pressure meant my DE dropped and a few of the extra tweaks (maybe in this patch?) have started to be more evident.

  • Clearance handballs and kicks have been nerfed, especially ones that you're trying to fire off at an angle. Pretty sure I didn't adjust those myself.
  • HTB is an active concern
  • the AI has got a fair boost at times. I've seen forwards a long way out handball to a running player (amazing) and even just now saw a player on the ground after a speccy handball to a running player.
  • I was playing Freo and maybe it was a coincidence but Fife dead set ran amok, he was everywhere.
  • a defender going to mark was knocked to the ground when the oppo punched the ball. Colour me pink! We've not had that before. Hopefully that can also be an infringement sometimes, it wasn't on this occasion.

One negative - when you're under the pump and every tackle counts those moments where your player micro freezes dead set kills you. You barely notice it when you're ten goals up but if the clock is ticking and all you have to do is lay tackle it is hard not to blow a gasket.

I think we've crossed a line here where there is 'footy stuff' happening that hasn't been in a game before. Sure the game play still needs work, features are missing etc but two thumbs up for these latest improvements.
What are your slider settings?
Haven't tinkered with much since, I redueced the general kick shot slide so now my intended short passes remain short passes instead of long bombs :p. Have made it so that while you can still "mark" in theory, there should be more spoils/spillages of the ball in contests. It's nice to see in action, although the animation can look wonky (see player jump up in air, and the ball smashes into players shoulder when they have not even raised their arms for a "mark attempt").

Haven't touched center bounce/ruck settings - but (I guess it varies with teams - I was winning most ruck contests against Sydney.... but I was losing most ruck contests when facing the Eagles!).

Getting pushed in the back wasn't very nice :p

A Chol goal technically from inside the center square

Also unsure what I did to make the goal kicking meter stay up for a lot of the general play action ? Assume it's a bug similar to months ago ?

I also had the same thing happen where I was going for a set shot a goal beyond the boundary line (along the wing) siren went and the end of quarter animations kicked in just as the goal kicking run up animation was about to finish :(

That Eagles match wasn't bad, while I did dominate most of the play - the AI became an unstoppable force in the last quarter. Ended up winning 43 - 28, but had their missed shots and OOBOTF converted to goals instead. I would have been beaten by a fair bit. I tinkered with the AI accuracy settings for them to be more accurate but something must have stuffed up.

** EDIT**

Essendon can go jump :p


Adjusted the run speed - a little too slow for my tastes (I find 30-40 worse than 0) just that I wanted to go go go but unable to do so. Found it quite bizarre in the same way of watching a video in PAL format, then looking at the same video in NTSC format (plays with the eyes).

Adjusted the marks/spoils. One improved (for me anyway as I usually marked on the last line of defence) instance is there being a lot more spoils and thus loose ball crumb gathers that lead to goals instead of the run of the mill mark on the goal square.

Launched a last quarter fight back, was being too cute with the final winning goal chance (wanted either a last second on the run goal or a very tight angle mark). Tried to increase the angle of a particular shot with a pass, Ginnivan kicked the ball..... from one side of the ground to the other - where there were no players :(. Ball rolls out of bounds, then Essendon kept possession for the remaining 30 seconds of the match.
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Need some advice here, new to AFL 23 just bought it the other day and as a UK fan of the sport, it is alot of fun... but i appreciate those with more knowledge than me are able to pick out the issues.

Anyway, its a game and if its fun, then so be it.

HOWEVER and it does need caps for me. Im not a great stick jockey, getting old does that and although im sure with muscle memory then things will become easier, but im really struggling on Medium to even put together an attack.. let alone score.

I love games to be challenging so losing dosent bother me, and i really want them to look and feel as realistic as possible... so the AI does its best to compete and dosent just do stupid things to allow me to win etc. But what sliders would you adjust just to allow me to be a bit competitive, rather than the 0-30 scoreline i often face after 1 quarter of play?

7 playing "right now"
67 playing over the last 24 hours

HOWEVER and it does need caps for me. Im not a great stick jockey, getting old does that and although im sure with muscle memory then things will become easier, but im really struggling on Medium to even put together an attack.. let alone score.

I love games to be challenging so losing dosent bother me, and i really want them to look and feel as realistic as possible... so the AI does its best to compete and dosent just do stupid things to allow me to win etc. But what sliders would you adjust just to allow me to be a bit competitive, rather than the 0-30 scoreline i often face after 1 quarter of play?

Slow down the cpu/AI running speed, and keep yours higher.

It's a bit hard to suggest anything else (like alter the mark timing so you always mark the ball) or have the AI set shots always miss etc.

It gets deflating being thrashed - my only solution is to adjust to the game itself (be your own slider lol). I eventually got used to the speed of the game, to the point that I was often planning what to do with the ball 2+ steps ahead (eg: even before stopping the AI by outmarking them in defence I'd decide to handball to 1 player, then kick long.... or go on a mini run then bomb it long).

Granted as decent as I am with the game I've had many moments where even I couldn't stop the AI from piling on multiple goals in a row (I swear it's rigged!!).
Enjoying these sliders for AI, a good mix of open play and letting the ball flow a bit more…if you want more ball spillage and less tackle lock-in. Way more fun. After all it’s AFL not rugby, lol, well lol.

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As warped as it sounds, I'm now contemplating double dipping and getting the game on a second system. The only thing stopping me is the $99.95 price tag. If it was under $30 there would be zero hesitation in doing so :p

This was my original plan pre release of the game.

Is there a trick to enabling the sliders? No real difference and I did everything very extreme

When you select the difficulty pre match you need to select the name of the sliders in the difficulty setting area.

There should be a difference after that!
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Is there a trick to enabling the sliders? No real difference and I did everything very extreme

I guess just play around with them, its made a huge difference for me, went from rugby/tackles to open/spills out which is how I prefer it. Even as a game style, players who just punch the ball on makes the game have flow/fluency. then save the slider settings as a difficulty.

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How is the game playing now?
Still broken with the user controls, user controlled players move where you don't want them to, sometimes they don't move at all when you're commanding them to, and the AI doesn't pressure even with "tactical awareness" at 100 in sliders. Not to mention there's no pack marking mechanic. A very glitchy and broken game, I wonder if the QA team even tested it much.
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A few scoreboards of recent matches :)


The loss against Essendon and draw against Richmond stung as I tried to time the comeback so I'd win it with just seconds remaining. One thing goes wrong and I lose possession and things just don't go my way after that lol. But the fightback against Collingwood and Geelong were chef's kiss amazing :p
Still broken with the user controls, user controlled players move where you don't want them to, sometimes they don't move at all when you're commanding them to, and the AI doesn't pressure even with "tactical awareness" at 100 in sliders. Not to mention there's no pack marking mechanic. A very glitchy and broken game, I wonder if the QA team even tested it much.
Your hatred for this game is suspicious.
You must have worked for WW or something because no one seems to be as negative about it as you.

There’s some sort of agenda here
Your hatred for this game is suspicious.
You must have worked for WW or something because no one seems to be as negative about it as you.

There’s some sort of agenda here
I'm very certain they didn't work for WW. They gave them as much shit back in the day in the AFL Evo and AFL Evo 2 threads as he has Big Ant now.

I'm pretty sure they were the person who interviewed Ross about WW back in the day and where we got the "WW don't care about the sport and what they're making because they had the umpire blow the whistle after a goal was kicked in their game." comment from Ross. Which is kinda pot calling the kettle black in hindsight knowing how AFL 23 has gone and some of the lack of detail with things like the hard camera being set to the wrong side of multiple grounds from where they would be IRL, lack of in-game injuries and No Pre-Season games in the Managment Mode.

If they had worked for WW, they wouldn't have been throwing that much shit at their own employer.

I think they're mainly upset because I think what they want in an AFL game hasn't been met by anyone and unlike a lot of people who have been underwhelmed or turned off by the game, they've just stuck around making comments and criticism instead of just lurking and seeing what people have to say about the new updates or just moving on from this game.

I mean, I'm mainly just lurking myself these days.
I'm very certain they didn't work for WW. They gave them as much s**t back in the day in the AFL Evo and AFL Evo 2 threads as he has Big Ant now.
I definitely was a massive BA fanboy over Live 2011, I bought the game twice for PS3 and PC, because it was well designed and it functioned, unlike 23 where it's a mess and doesn't function properly. Players respond to user commands instantly, and there's no stuck in the mud in Live 2011. Maybe others have a different functioning version of 23, ie console works fine and the PC version doesn't? I wasn't super fond of the WW footy games, I liked some elements of Evo 2 (players actually respond to user commands in an instant), but it's not a very replayable game.
I'm pretty sure they were the person who interviewed Ross about WW back in the day and where we got the "WW don't care about the sport and what they're making because they had the umpire blow the whistle after a goal was kicked in their game." comment from Ross. Which is kinda pot calling the kettle black in hindsight knowing how AFL 23 has gone and some of the lack of detail with things like the hard camera being set to the wrong side of multiple grounds from where they would be IRL, lack of in-game injuries and No Pre-Season games in the Managment Mode.
That interview isn't mine, it's from some podcast I just cut out. I really wanted BA to make another AFL game, but in hindsight, it would have only worked out had they done it in the early 2010's off the Live 2011 build.
If they had worked for WW, they wouldn't have been throwing that much s**t at their own employer.
No idea why it's controversial to call out the obvious broken user commands in the game, and how nothing seems to be designed or tested right. There's still loads of glitches, like players teleporting or running at super speeds randomly, goal kick huds not disappearing. I had a player running backwards again, and not turning instantly. And especially if you play other video games, or even other AFL games, you can tell straight away there's something off with the user commands, or if you watch AFL, it doesn't reflect it at all.
I think they're mainly upset because I think what they want in an AFL game hasn't been met by anyone and unlike a lot of people who have been underwhelmed or turned off by the game, they've just stuck around making comments and criticism instead of just lurking and seeing what people have to say about the new updates or just moving on from this game.
I gave it another chance where I customized the sliders, I was shocked how little the gameplay issues had been resolved since last year, it was deja vu.
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I definitely was a massive BA fanboy over Live 2011, I bought the game twice for PS3 and PC, because it was well designed and it functioned, unlike 23 where it's a mess and doesn't function properly. Players respond to user commands instantly, and there's no stuck in the mud in Live 2011. Maybe others have a different functioning version of 23, ie console works fine and the PC version doesn't? I wasn't super fond of the WW footy games, I liked some elements of Evo 2 (players actually respond to user commands in an instant), but it's not a very replayable game.

That interview isn't mine, it's from some podcast I just cut out. I really wanted BA to make another AFL game, but in hindsight, it would have only worked out had they done it in the early 2010's off the Live 2011 build.

No idea why it's controversial to call out the obvious broken user commands in the game, and how nothing seems to be designed or tested right. There's still loads of glitches, like players teleporting or running at super speeds randomly, goal kick huds not disappearing. I had a player running backwards again, and not turning instantly. And especially if you play other video games, or even other AFL games, you can tell straight away there's something off with the user commands, or if you watch AFL, it doesn't reflect it at all.

I gave it another chance where I customized the sliders, I was shocked how little the gameplay issues had been resolved since last year, it was deja vu.
Your copy of the game must be completely messed up because I’m not experiencing any of these issues and haven’t for a long time, even stuck in the mud has disappeared in the recent patches.

I don’t see how anyone can believe that Live 1 is better than this, AFL 23 is the best game we’ve had from a gameplay perspective (after these last two patches) and I don’t even think it’s close.
Evo 2 may have done certain aspects better but the overall gameplay of 23 is miles better.
Your copy of the game must be completely messed up because I’m not experiencing any of these issues and haven’t for a long time, even stuck in the mud has disappeared in the recent patches.

I wouldn't say that it's vanished, it doesn't happen as often but I still get stuck and/or have player stutter issues which results in being tackled when I wouldn't lose the ball if it didn't occur.

Weirdest for me is still a teleporting ball, like you or your opponent could be on the ground with the ball. And out of nowhere the play continues with another player running off with ball in hand, despite never seeing the ball ownership change. Even the replay doesn't show the ball moving from the ground to the player that now has it.
I wouldn't say that it's vanished, it doesn't happen as often but I still get stuck and/or have player stutter issues which results in being tackled when I wouldn't lose the ball if it didn't occur.

Weirdest for me is still a teleporting ball, like you or your opponent could be on the ground with the ball. And out of nowhere the play continues with another player running off with ball in hand, despite never seeing the ball ownership change. Even the replay doesn't show the ball moving from the ground to the player that now has it.
Maybe it is a PC v Console thing, I’ve never had these issues since the 2024 update patch on ps5
Seen some great country footy teams created for this, can these be used in a season mode? Not management but season or if you try and use any custom teams that Chuckinho has created are you just playing single games?
Maybe it is a PC v Console thing, I’ve never had these issues since the 2024 update patch on ps5

Or maybe the frame rate is THAT superior, that you can see everything that's wrong :p

In fairness I haven't had many issues since last week's update, just pointing out that the issues do still exist.

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