Event SFAEW Season 37: V1-Climax Final on now!

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What a way to end the show!!

Pickitt and I taking the Tag titles to the Bang Bang Fury Gang, and the greatest SFAEW performer to ever lace 'em up in ShaunDuggan making his return!!


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What a way to end the show!!

Pickitt and I taking the Tag titles to the Bang Bang Fury Gang, and the greatest SFAEW performer to ever lace 'em up in ShaunDuggan making his return!!


Don’t know why you’re teaming with natural disaster though that Campaigner has been MIA since the last time Ryback was relevant
A huge win for Brak, this might be the most momentum he's ever had as a singles star in SFAEW!

Sadly, the V1-Climax ends here for Froth. He can take solace in the fact that the Bang Bang Furie Gang have the Tag belts though.

I really needed a frothy frosty cold one, thanks Frothies Mcveigh!
I really needed a frothy frosty cold one, thanks Frothies Mcveigh!
How am I meant to kick out of a victory roll when you’ve got a million tentacles to pin me down?! I’ll be taking this loss out on everyone at work today.
World Heavyweight Championship​
World Tag Team Championships​
Intercity Championship​
Hardcore Championship​
Trios Championships​

Dates and stats correct as of 6/5/24.


ClarkeMoney in the Bank​

Championship Board updated following last night.


- Since no matches are booked until the weekend, Mrs Turbo will over take serial_thrilla as the longest reigning Hardcore Champion tomorrow.

- Senor M has overtaken serial_thrilla's World Championship reign to become the 7th longest reigning World Champion.

Senor M James Colorado Pickitt Loonerty Mrs Turbo Dingster MWPP Test Tickle
One day I will find a clique to join.

Starting to think I am the last Wrestler picked fo rany team.
Come over to Mrs T Tavern and bring a friend you want to smash....
We'll create a private Bar room brawl for ya...
Come over to Mrs T Tavern and bring a friend you want to smash....
We'll create a private Bar room brawl for ya...

*Friend cannot be on OOB teamsheet
**CAN be a Gumby

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This Sunday!

I swear the Super Sixes Press Conference is coming! In the meantime, SFAEW Round 15/16!

Let's see what's on the show:

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Lovable loser of the V1-Climax AnUltimateRessie gets a consolation prize title bout! He'll be joining forces with JT_the_Man and DenieD to challenge MWPP, Dingster and Test Tickle for the Trios Championships!

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Meanwhile Ressie's Blue League counterpart Grand Uncle Horace is getting his own consolation prize: stepping into Mrs Turbo's Tavern as the Bar Room Brawl Challenge hits the main SFAEW shows!

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After two months in the wilderness licking his wounds, Shaun Freakin' Duggan returns to the ring with reclaiming the World Championship from Senor M on his mind. But...for now he'll just have to settle with JoshWoodenSpoon.

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Elton Johns Wig and TheInjuryFactory finally use that Tag Team Title shot they had saved up, so James Colorado and Pickitt had better work out!

And in your double main event of the week:

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It's a Super Sixes double to close out the show!

Old foes PhenomenalV1 and Loonerty lock horns to kick off the second stage of the V1-Climax. Will there be no love lost between the two?

And in the other showdown, top seed heavyweights Tigerturbulance and tony clash for the first time ever!

See you sometime between now and Sunday for the press conference, and again on Sunday for the show!

Provisional Super Sixes Standings
Lovable loser of the V1-Climax @AnUltimateRessie gets a consolation prize title bout! He'll be joining forces with @JT_the_Man and @DenieD to challenge @MWPP, @Dingster and @Test Tickle for the Trios Championships!
sorry JT_the_Man and DenieD I very much SUCK at this getting down and dirty wrastling thing. You might have to carry the load while I treat myself to some Byron Bay's in the corner.
It's Sunday, you know what that means!

Screw the press conference, we're going straight into the opening week of SFAEW's Super Sixes!

Kicking us off tonight:


The top seeds clash at Tigerturbulance and tony open up the Super Sixes stage of the V1-Climax!​
Chipmunk accompanies tony to ringside.
They lock up.
TigerTurbulance goes for a lariat, but tony counters it with a spinning backbreaker.
tony throws TigerTurbulance into the turnbuckle.
tony executes a chop against TigerTurbulance.
tony executes a chop against TigerTurbulance.
tony gives him a chop, but TigerTurbulance only stares at him.
Chipmunk throws tony a baseball bat, but TigerTurbulance intercepts it.
TigerTurbulance hits tony with it and goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
TigerTurbulance complains about a slow count.
TigerTurbulance goes for a guillotine choke, but tony blocks it.
tony performs an open-handed chop against TigerTurbulance.
tony executes a Soviet suplex against TigerTurbulance.
The cheers for tony are drowning out the boos.
tony works the crowd.
tony uses a hiptoss on TigerTurbulance.
tony hits a bodyslam on TigerTurbulance.
tony works the crowd.
tony uses a kick to the head on TigerTurbulance.
tony hits a forearm to the back on TigerTurbulance.
tony runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance goes for a lariat, but tony counters it with a spinning backbreaker.
tony launches TigerTurbulance across the ring with a release German suplex.
The crowd is wildly cheering tony with only a few scattered boos audible.
tony whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes, but TigerTurbulance reverses it.
TigerTurbulance nails tony with a lariat.
The crowd is wildly cheering TigerTurbulance with only a few scattered boos audible.
TigerTurbulance puts tony in a guillotine choke.
tony inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
TigerTurbulance performs a forearm to the back against tony.
TigerTurbulance whips tony into the ropes.
tony nails TigerTurbulance with a lariat.
tony works the crowd.
tony doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
tony attempts a power bomb, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a kneebar.
tony is struggling to reach the ropes.
tony manages to grab the ropes after 5 seconds.
TigerTurbulance performs a knee strike against tony.
TigerTurbulance tries a guillotine choke, but tony blocks it.
tony performs a forearm to the back against TigerTurbulance.
tony uses a sleeper suplex on TigerTurbulance.
The boos are resurfacing again.
tony attempts a Soviet suplex, but TigerTurbulance blocks it.
TigerTurbulance takes tony down with a vertical suplex.
TigerTurbulance executes a vertical suplex against tony.
TigerTurbulance kicks tony.
The crowd is wildly cheering TigerTurbulance with only a few scattered boos audible.
tony chops TigerTurbulance.
tony doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
tony hits TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance hits tony.
TigerTurbulance chops tony.
The crowd is wildly cheering TigerTurbulance with only a few scattered boos audible.
tony kicks TigerTurbulance.
tony gives him a chop, but TigerTurbulance doesn't budge.
tony whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits tony with a clothesline.
tony falls out of the ring.
TigerTurbulance goes outside.
TigerTurbulance says, "Get in the Hot Seat!".
The crowd is wildly cheering TigerTurbulance with only a few scattered boos audible.
TigerTurbulance goes for a lariat, but tony counters it with a spinning backbreaker.
tony goes for the Mob Hit, but he can't do it.
TigerTurbulance counters it with a slidedown.
TigerTurbulance attempts an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but tony blocks it.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
Mike Uppet counts: 2.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mike Uppet counts: 3.
tony climbs back into the ring.
TigerTurbulance rolls back in under the bottom rope.
tony executes a forearm to the back against TigerTurbulance.
tony executes a hiptoss against TigerTurbulance.
tony performs an enzuilariato against TigerTurbulance.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
tony runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits a lariat on tony.
TigerTurbulance uses a lariat on tony.
TigerTurbulance gets an armlock hammerlock submission on tony.
tony inches his way towards the ropes after 13 seconds.
TigerTurbulance executes a release German suplex against tony.
The crowd is wildly cheering TigerTurbulance with only a few scattered boos audible.
TigerTurbulance goes for an armlock hammerlock submission, but tony blocks it.
tony uses a running front dropkick on TigerTurbulance.
tony sends TigerTurbulance into the turnbuckle.
tony runs shoulder-first into the corner.
tony whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
tony executes a slap against TigerTurbulance.
tony whips TigerTurbulance into the ropes.
tony hits TigerTurbulance with a clothesline.
tony executes an elbowsmash against TigerTurbulance.
tony gets a Boston crab on TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance is struggling to reach the ropes.
TigerTurbulance grabs the ropes after holding out for 8 seconds.
tony performs a gutwrench suplex against TigerTurbulance.
tony performs a short lariat against TigerTurbulance.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
tony works the crowd.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
tony puts TigerTurbulance in a cross-face submission.
TigerTurbulance reaches the ropes after being locked up for 5 seconds.
tony throws TigerTurbulance out of the ring.
Mike Uppet counts: one, two, TigerTurbulance reenters the ring.
tony nails TigerTurbulance with an enzuilariato.
tony runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance nails tony with a lariat.
TigerTurbulance whips tony into the ropes.
tony hits a lariat on TigerTurbulance.
tony attempts a kick to the midsection, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a dragon screw.
TigerTurbulance uses a release German suplex on tony.
The boos are resurfacing again.
TigerTurbulance whips tony into the ropes.
tony misses with a clothesline.
tony hits TigerTurbulance with a kick.
tony runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance executes an overhead belly-to-belly suplex against tony.
TigerTurbulance executes a vertical suplex against tony.
TigerTurbulance catches tony in a guillotine choke.
tony is struggling to reach the ropes.
tony manages to grab the ropes after 8 seconds.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
Chipmunk trips TigerTurbulance.
Mike Uppet threatens tony with disqualification.
Mike Uppet warns Chipmunk.
Mike Uppet is back on the job.
TigerTurbulance kicks tony.
TigerTurbulance chops tony.
tony chops TigerTurbulance.
The crowd is wildly cheering tony with only a few scattered boos audible.
tony hits TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance chops tony.
TigerTurbulance doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
tony punches TigerTurbulance.
tony doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
tony hits a running front dropkick on TigerTurbulance.
tony runs into the ropes.
tony performs a lariat against TigerTurbulance.
tony doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
tony goes for a hiptoss, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a lariat.
The boos are resurfacing again.
In turn, tony counters it with a spinning backbreaker.
tony executes a European uppercut against TigerTurbulance.
tony uses a neck-scissors on TigerTurbulance.
tony executes a release German suplex against TigerTurbulance.
tony tries a Boston crab, but TigerTurbulance kicks him off.
TigerTurbulance performs a vertical suplex against tony.
TigerTurbulance executes a release German suplex against tony.
The boos are resurfacing again.
TigerTurbulance whips tony into the ropes.
tony tries a lariat, but TigerTurbulance counters it with a spinning backbreaker.
In turn, tony counters it with an elbowsmash.
tony nails TigerTurbulance with a short lariat.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
tony goes for the Mob Hit, but he can't do it.
TigerTurbulance counters it with a slidedown.
TigerTurbulance executes a release German suplex against tony.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
TigerTurbulance uses a forearm to the back on tony.
TigerTurbulance nails tony with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance executes a release German suplex against tony.
TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on tony.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
TigerTurbulance hits a knee strike on tony.
TigerTurbulance uses a mounted punch on tony.
TigerTurbulance covers tony.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
TigerTurbulance attempts a release German suplex, but tony blocks it.
TigerTurbulance low-blow.
TigerTurbulance doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on tony.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
TigerTurbulance throws tony out of the ring.
TigerTurbulance goes outside.
TigerTurbulance launches tony across the ring with a release German suplex.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
TigerTurbulance climbs back into the ring.
tony follows him back in.
TigerTurbulance nails tony with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance uses a release German suplex on tony.
TigerTurbulance takes tony down with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance puts tony in an armlock hammerlock submission.
tony is valiantly trying to break the hold.
tony manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 9 seconds.
TigerTurbulance performs a mounted punch against tony.
TigerTurbulance takes tony down with a vertical suplex.
TigerTurbulance hits tony.
TigerTurbulance chops tony.
TigerTurbulance whips tony into the ropes.
tony misses with an elbow.
TigerTurbulance goes for a lariat, but tony blocks it.
tony goes for a neck-scissors, but TigerTurbulance ducks out of the way.
TigerTurbulance tries a vertical suplex, but tony counters it with a jab.
tony nails TigerTurbulance with a running front dropkick.
tony gets a sleeperhold on TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
tony hits TigerTurbulance.
The boos are resurfacing again.
tony hits TigerTurbulance.
TigerTurbulance punches tony.
tony chops TigerTurbulance.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
tony chops TigerTurbulance.
tony runs into the ropes.
tony misses with a clothesline.
tony hits TigerTurbulance with a kick.
tony takes TigerTurbulance down with a release German suplex.
The boos are resurfacing again.
tony tries a kneedrop, but TigerTurbulance moves out of the way.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
tony hits TigerTurbulance with a backdrop.
tony gives the sign for the Mob Hit.
tony goes for the Mob Hit, but he can't do it.
TigerTurbulance counters it with a slidedown.
TigerTurbulance performs a lariat against tony.
The boos are resurfacing again.
TigerTurbulance is going for the cover.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
TigerTurbulance nails tony with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance runs into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance uses a lariat on tony.
TigerTurbulance is going for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
TigerTurbulance launches tony across the ring with a release German suplex.
TigerTurbulance doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
TigerTurbulance whips tony into the ropes.
TigerTurbulance hits tony with a clothesline.
tony falls out of the ring.
TigerTurbulance jumps onto him with a springboard knee strike.
The crowd is wildly cheering TigerTurbulance with only a few scattered boos audible.
Chipmunk clobbers TigerTurbulance from behind.
tony performs a kick to the midsection against TigerTurbulance.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
tony gives him a bodyslam, but TigerTurbulance doesn't budge.
TigerTurbulance knocks tony into the ringsteps.
TigerTurbulance whips tony into the guardrail.
Mike Uppet counts: 2.
TigerTurbulance gets back into the ring.
tony follows him back in.
TigerTurbulance executes the Ophidian-5 on tony.
TigerTurbulance goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, Chipmunk breaks the pin.
Chipmunk locks in the Chipmunk Choke on TigerTurbulance.
Mike Uppet calls for the DQ.
The boos are resurfacing again.

The winner is Tigerturbulance by disqualification. Time of match: 0:17:35
Sim Rating: *** 1/2

Chipmunk isn't letting go of TigerTurbulance.

tony smirks.

tony makes a gesture towards backstage.

Dingster, MWPP, Test Tickle and JoshWoodenSpoon come to ringside.

JoshWoodenSpoon hands tony a baseball bat.

Chipmunk lets go of TigerTurbulance.

tony hits TigerTurbulance with a vicious hit to the shoulder with the baseball bat.

Dingster, MWPP and Test Tickle drag TigerTurbulance out of the ring.

Dingster, MWPP and Test Tickle nail TigerTurbulance with a triple powerbomb into the ringsteps.

TigerTurbulance clutches his shoulder in pain.

The ringside doctors rush to TigerTurbulance.

Il Famiglia throw the ringside doctors out of the way.

Dingster and MWPP hold up TigerTurbulance.

tony comes over.

tony repeatedly hammers TigerTurbulance's injured shoulder with the baseball bats.

U2tigers sprints to ringside.

Chipmunk goes for a clothesline, but U2Tigers jumps out of the way.

U2Tigers executes the The Edge on Chipmunk into the ring apron.

Mrs Turbo, Harvey Manfrenjensenden, BRAB, and Robertio come to ringside.

Harvey Manfrenjensenden, BRAB and Robertio attack Dingster, MWPP and Test Tickle.

Mrs Turbo nails tony with a lariat.

Mrs Turbo and tony brawl into the crowd.

King Tenz comes to ringside.

King Tenz drags Mrs Turbo away from tony, and they head backstage to prepare for Mrs Turbo's match later tonight.

JoshWoodenSpoon tries to sneak away, but U2Tigers hits him with a dropkick.

The Ophidian Old Boys help TigerTurbulance to the backstage area.
They lock up.
AnUltimateRessie enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
AnUltimateRessie goes for a jumping elbow thrust, but Dingster steps out of the way.
AnUltimateRessie leaves the ring.
Dingster executes a pumphandle suplex against JT_The_Man.
Dingster is starting to get more cheers than boos.
Dingster hits an elbowdrop on JT_The_Man.
Dingster uses a dropkick on JT_The_Man.
Dingster uses a pumphandle suplex on JT_The_Man.
Dingster puts JT_The_Man in a cross-face submission.
JT_The_Man is inching his way towards the ropes.
JT_The_Man is writhing in pain.
Manangatang asks JT_The_Man if he should stop the fight.
JT_The_Man shakes his head.
Manangatang asks JT_The_Man if he's had enough.
JT_The_Man shakes his head.
Dingster lets go after 28 seconds.
Dingster performs a powerslam against JT_The_Man.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Dingster works the crowd.
Dingster whips JT_The_Man into the turnbuckle.
Dingster charges in with an avalanche.
Dingster performs a powerslam against JT_The_Man.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Dingster goes for a half nelson suplex, but JT_The_Man counters it with a backward kick.
JT_The_Man executes a fireman's carry drop against Dingster.
JT_The_Man uses a powerslam on Dingster.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
JT_The_Man goes for the Yokosuka cutter, but Dingster slides down his back.
Dingster tries a superkick, but JT_The_Man ducks out of the way.
JT_The_Man tags out to AnUltimateRessie.
AnUltimateRessie and JT_The_Man whip Dingster into the ropes.
They hit Dingster with a double fist to the midsection.
JT_The_Man leaves the ring.
AnUltimateRessie attempts a Blockbuster, but Dingster steps out of the way.
Dingster tries a sidewalk slam, but AnUltimateRessie counters it with a DDT.
JT_The_Man enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
MWPP enters the ring, but gets cut off.
JT_The_Man tries a snap suplex, but Dingster blocks it.
JT_The_Man rolls out of the ring.
Dingster performs a kick to the head against AnUltimateRessie.
Dingster is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Dingster hits AnUltimateRessie.
Dingster hits AnUltimateRessie.
Dingster tags out to MWPP.
MWPP and Dingster whip AnUltimateRessie into the ropes.
They hit AnUltimateRessie with a double kick to the midsection.
Dingster leaves the ring.
MWPP goes for a hiptoss, but AnUltimateRessie reverses it.
AnUltimateRessie performs a bodyslam against MWPP.
AnUltimateRessie performs a Blockbuster against MWPP.
AnUltimateRessie tags out to DenieD.
DenieD whips MWPP into the ropes, but MWPP reverses it.
DenieD hits MWPP with a shoulderblock.
DenieD uses a flapjack on MWPP.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
DenieD executes a dropkick to the knee against MWPP.
DenieD works the crowd.
DenieD runs into the ropes.
MWPP nails DenieD with a backbreaker.
MWPP whips DenieD into the ropes.
MWPP attempts a hiptoss, but DenieD blocks it.
DenieD executes a snap mare against MWPP.
DenieD executes a dropkick from the second rope against MWPP.
DenieD performs a facerake against MWPP.
JT_The_Man enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
DenieD and JT_The_Man whip MWPP into the ropes.
DenieD and JT_The_Man hit MWPP with a double backbreaker.
JT_The_Man leaves the ring.
DenieD uses a superkick on MWPP.
DenieD covers MWPP.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
DenieD throws MWPP out of the ring.
Manangatang counts: one, two, three, four, MWPP reenters the ring.
DenieD hits a flapjack on MWPP.
DenieD whips MWPP into the ropes.
MWPP hits DenieD with a kick.
MWPP nails DenieD with a Russian legsweep.
There are lots of chants for MWPP.
MWPP tags out to Test Tickle.
Test Tickle and MWPP whip DenieD into the ropes.
Test Tickle and MWPP hit DenieD with a double bodyslam.
MWPP leaves the ring.
Test Tickle hits a sliding forearm smash on DenieD.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Test Tickle.
Test Tickle is going for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Test Tickle tries an eye gouge, but DenieD blocks it.
DenieD takes Test Tickle down with a powerslam.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
DenieD hits the Rocker Dropper on Test Tickle.
DenieD seemingly enjoys the boos.
DenieD executes a back suplex against Test Tickle.
DenieD uses a kick to the head on Test Tickle.
DenieD performs a superkick against Test Tickle.
DenieD is going for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
DenieD tries a flying dropkick, but Test Tickle steps out of the way.
Test Tickle tries a lariat, but DenieD counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
Test Tickle is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Test Tickle manages to grab the ropes after 5 seconds.
DenieD seemingly enjoys the boos.
DenieD uses an elbowdrop on Test Tickle.
DenieD executes a forearm to the back against Test Tickle.
DenieD tags out to JT_The_Man.
JT_The_Man goes for a kick to the head, but Test Tickle ducks out of the way.
Test Tickle hits JT_The_Man.
Test Tickle punches JT_The_Man.
The boos are resurfacing again.
JT_The_Man punches Test Tickle.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind JT_The_Man.
JT_The_Man punches Test Tickle.
Test Tickle chops JT_The_Man.
The crowd is wildly cheering Test Tickle with only a few scattered boos audible.
JT_The_Man chops Test Tickle.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind JT_The_Man.
JT_The_Man performs an elbowsmash against Test Tickle.
DenieD enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
DenieD takes Test Tickle down with a DDT.
JT_The_Man uses a diving shoulderblock on Test Tickle.
DenieD leaves the ring.
JT_The_Man performs a full nelson slam against Test Tickle.
JT_The_Man executes a forearm to the back against Test Tickle.
JT_The_Man executes an elbowsmash against Test Tickle.
JT_The_Man tags out to DenieD.
DenieD sends Test Tickle into the turnbuckle.
DenieD runs into the ropes.
DenieD tries a swinging neckbreaker, but Test Tickle counters it with a side suplex.
Test Tickle executes a brain buster against DenieD.
Test Tickle executes a swinging fisherman suplex against DenieD.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Test Tickle runs into the ropes.
DenieD misses with an elbow.
DenieD nails Test Tickle with a faceslam.
DenieD is going for the cover.
Manangatang counts: One, two, in the ropes...
DenieD whips Test Tickle into the ropes, but Test Tickle reverses it.
DenieD hits a swinging neckbreaker on Test Tickle.
DenieD seemingly enjoys the boos.
DenieD attempts a backbreaker, but Test Tickle counters it with a facerake.
Test Tickle tags out to Dingster.
JT_The_Man enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Dingster and Test Tickle hit DenieD with a double DDT.
Dingster and Test Tickle hit DenieD with a double dropkick.
JT_The_Man gets back up, but gets cut off.
Test Tickle goes for a dropkick, but DenieD steps out of the way.
Test Tickle leaves the ring.
DenieD hits a bodyslam on Dingster.
DenieD locks Dingster in a sleeperhold.
Dingster reaches the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
DenieD tags out to AnUltimateRessie.
AnUltimateRessie and DenieD whip Dingster into the ropes.
They hit Dingster with a double fist to the midsection.
AnUltimateRessie and DenieD whip Dingster into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Dingster with a double elbowsmash, but he counters
it with a duck-down move.
Dingster hits them with a double clothesline.
Dingster is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
DenieD leaves the ring.
Dingster goes for the Crash Thunder Buster, but AnUltimateRessie counters it with a reverse cradle.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
AnUltimateRessie runs into the ropes.
AnUltimateRessie misses with a kick.
Dingster takes AnUltimateRessie down with a sidewalk slam.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
MWPP enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Dingster and MWPP hit AnUltimateRessie with a double superplex.
MWPP leaves the ring.
Dingster hits a powerslam on AnUltimateRessie.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
Dingster tags out to MWPP.
MWPP and Dingster hit AnUltimateRessie with a double elbowdrop.
Dingster leaves the ring.
MWPP executes an elbowsmash against AnUltimateRessie.
MWPP executes the Cruciatus on AnUltimateRessie.
AnUltimateRessie is struggling to reach the ropes.
AnUltimateRessie is inching his way towards the ropes.
AnUltimateRessie is valiantly trying to break the hold.
AnUltimateRessie tries to fight the pain.
AnUltimateRessie tries to escape the hold.
AnUltimateRessie is writhing in pain.
Manangatang checks AnUltimateRessie's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
Manangatang stops the match after 34 seconds.
The crowd is behind MWPP all the way.

The winners are MWPP, Test Tickle and Dingster. Time of match: 0:11:50
Sim Rating: **** 1/4

Ressie loses again...and Il Famiglia retain despite the beatdown! Impressive.

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