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Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

I guess even a medicine ball between the knees if you've got no other option. Myself, I struggle enough without any extra weight...
Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

There are times when I can't find a strap/chain, so I just grab a plate and put it between my legs instead. (Wow, you'd hate to have that taken out of context.)
Ya, sounds like a plan for the next few weeks. Might be ok for a little while anyway on the back of my 5kg newbie gains in the past month after an enforced layoff.

Note I was kind enough to add your disclaimer at the end of your post too :)
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Hey guys, been doing gym for couple of years now but am only now going once a week with a PT and trying to get another couple of sessions in with a couple of dumbbells at home..

I have put on quite a bit of size as that is just natural for me, however also i naturally put on a lot of excess fat especially the lower abs/love handles areas.

Is it only diet that can get rid of this trouble spots, (cause my aim at the moment is to really tone down especially for summer and to keep it) or can you use supplements/exercises to help compliment this??

Your help would be appreciated.. thanks guys!!

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Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Other people are far more qualified to answer this than me, but, as far as I understand it, the only way to lose weight is to use more energy than you consume.

Adding ab/oblique exercises to your workout will obviously increase the amount if energy you expend during a day, but they won't trim fat off in and of themselves. You could do all the ab exercises in the world, but if you're still eating more than you're burning off, the weight's going nowhere.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Other people are far more qualified to answer this than me, but, as far as I understand it, the only way to lose weight is to use more energy than you consume.

Adding ab/oblique exercises to your workout will obviously increase the amount if energy you expend during a day, but they won't trim fat off in and of themselves. You could do all the ab exercises in the world, but if you're still eating more than you're burning off, the weight's going nowhere.


However, many of the people in this forum are not concerned with gaining weight, as long as that weight is muscle.
Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

What did you say recently about weighted wide-grip chins?

You said 'body weight + x amount' for 3 reps was good.

don't remember that actually...i would think a chin up/bench ratio of 1:1 or close to a good indication...i bench a little more then i can chin up (bench 112ish and chin up me + 35 - 40kgs for 1 rep each)..obviuosly the bigger you are the less this means though

Unfortunately my local gym doesn't have the strap/chain for extra weight on chin ups, might have to try max effort (and perhaps more sets) on each set to make sure I'm getting reward for effort.

i use a simple dress belt (a thick one) that does the trick and a chain from my old multi station gym thing...if you can't do that then move to pull upsd which are mechanically harder so it should bring the reps down to a lower range...be strict though, none of those shitty crossfit kipping pull ups
Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

i use a simple dress belt (a thick one) that does the trick and a chain from my old multi station gym thing...if you can't do that then move to pull upsd which are mechanically harder so it should bring the reps down to a lower range...be strict though, none of those shitty crossfit kipping pull ups
That a good tip re: the belt, cheers.

When you say "mechanically harder", you mean as in using the most difficult grip for the pull-ups? That would work a bit too, the wider the grip is it tends to make it a bit harder (also feels like it isolates the outer muscles a bit more).
Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

Im going the Gym 3 times a week at the moment with a 3 day split.

Just wondering if there is anything wrong with doing exercise (running/bike) and swimming/spa/sauna after a session.

Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

Im going the Gym 3 times a week at the moment with a 3 day split.

Just wondering if there is anything wrong with doing exercise (running/bike) and swimming/spa/sauna after a session.

that's fine as lomg as your eating enough fuel the workload

also what do you need the sauna for?
Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

I've just started doing chinups and I suck at them, is it better to do say 3 sets of 8 assisted chinups or just to try and do 1 or 2 :eek: unassisted ones at a time?
Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

I've just started doing chinups and I suck at them, is it better to do say 3 sets of 8 assisted chinups or just to try and do 1 or 2 :eek: unassisted ones at a time?

yeah take the first option and build yourself up to the unassisted. thats whats its for. it will be extremely hard to progress just doing 1 or 2 at a time
Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

I've just started doing chinups and I suck at them, is it better to do say 3 sets of 8 assisted chinups or just to try and do 1 or 2 :eek: unassisted ones at a time?
I'd do 1 or 2 unassisted, then go for the assisted sets. That was how everyone has been training in the military for donkey's years.

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Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

with push ups you lift 60% of your bodyweight so if you can't bench press at least 60% of your bodyweight then benches are not the best option
That sounds like an interesting point - I'll knock off 3 sets of 80 and wont feel a thing the next day, with the DB chest presses I've grown a bit already in 2 months and feel a little bit of soreness the following day.

Still use push-ups for warm-up & cool-down though.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

It's an interesting subject. I have been doing the Stronglifts 5x5 program for a little while and it's been working well for a beginner like me. They are pretty much against the whole suppliments thing and only suggest the following.

A good multivitimin
A source of omega 3 (usually fish oil caps)
and a pure Whey protien source (one without sugary flavours)

However - the emphasis is on getting protein from natural food sources.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

It's an interesting subject. I have been doing the Stronglifts 5x5 program for a little while and it's been working well for a beginner like me. They are pretty much against the whole suppliments thing and only suggest the following.

A good multivitimin
A source of omega 3 (usually fish oil caps)
and a pure Whey protien source (one without sugary flavours)

However - the emphasis is on getting protein from natural food sources.

If you follow this guideline then you are on the right path.

If you want to get "bigger" or more sensibly, get stronger and improved function for the sake of being a better footballer, stop looking for a magic potion (or solution).

Here is what you need to do. If you do these, I promise you will be a lot closer to top shape than getting on creatine and doing bicep curls whilst screaming "yeah buddy"

  1. Stop thinking like a bodybuilder and start thinking like a footballer, they are two conflicting training paradigms
  2. Get a copy of "Starting Strength" by Rippetoe, "Paleo for Athletes" by Cordain and "Enter the Zone" by Sears. The first one is probably the best book out there on the primary lifts and how to get strong, the other two are extremely good books on nutrition. Although its not necessarily THE ONLY way to eat, you will learn about what food does to you and how to eat so as to reach your potential. Treat food as a drug, because it has so much power over you and it deserves that respect.
  3. Stop looking in the mirror and start looking in the records of your training. Write down what you do and continually strive for new personal records, whether its deadlifts, pull ups, 10 min time trials or 100m sprints.
  4. Olympic lift, power lift, gymnastics, HITT and pilates. Done.
  5. Focus
Further to the nutrition point - omega 3 is so friggin important its not funny. If you aren't having 2-3grams of fish oil a day then you aren't serious about getting into shape. Taking fish oil alone will not only improve your aerobic and anerobic capacities without even training, it will also help your recovery and remove visceral fat.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

There is no way he dropped that in a month

did it day what he lost? i didnlt look but i justy lost 7.5kgs in december (28 days) without any supplements so if someone already lean-ish can do that then a fatty like the picture could probably do 12 - 15 if they do everything perfectly...not to say they'll keep it off though and there's a whole host of other factors that may hinder them from getting that much

Haven't looked at Gym Jones, but I've read a rundown of the 300 Workout; I'm not a fan of those types of workouts, but bugger me, I respect those guys for doing it.

not a fan of crossfit either but i did that workout as a 1 off - got 18mins something...baring in mind I have a strength athlete's endurance (i.e. f-all)

I've heard the most well known 300 workout was actually only a benchmark they all had to reach and they all did different training to suit them and their body in order to reach that goal.

tyep, he actual 300 workout was the aim at the end of 3mths training

It's an interesting subject. I have been doing the Stronglifts 5x5 program for a little while and it's been working well for a beginner like me. They are pretty much against the whole suppliments thing and only suggest the following.

A good multivitimin
A source of omega 3 (usually fish oil caps)
and a pure Whey protien source (one without sugary flavours)

However - the emphasis is on getting protein from natural food sources.

beginners certainly don't need supplements

If you aren't having 2-3grams of fish oil a day then you aren't serious about getting into shape.

unlike every other supplement (i calss fish oil as staple not a supp) the more the better here...2 - 3g/day may even be an under dosage...i have 10 - 12/day but have just upped it to 15/day and increasing each 3 - 5 days
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

did it day what he lost? i didnlt look but i justy lost 7.5kgs in december (28 days) without any supplements so if someone already lean-ish can do that then a fatty like the picture could probably do 12 - 15 if they do everything perfectly...not to say they'll keep it off though and there's a whole host of other factors that may hinder them from getting that much

Doesn't say - but he went from bitch **** to buff in four weeks. I doubt it.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

Haven't looked at Gym Jones, but I've read a rundown of the 300 Workout; I'm not a fan of those types of workouts, but bugger me, I respect those guys for doing it.

That 300 workout was one of hundreds of workouts the guys did. It just got popular because of the movie.

Gym Jones is very similar to CrossFit, except Mark Twight has chose to go his own way with it. In fact, Gym Jones used to be an affiliated CrossFit gym.

High intensity training is required in order to build a body for footy, but it doesn't necessarily mean you should do CrossFit. If you took some of the ideas from crossfit, powerlifting, westside barbell, defranco's training system, and endurance work (smart endurance, not sit on your bike for hours) then blended them into a periodised program then you would get something very similar to an AFL preseason.

CrossFit takes a bunch of good training styles, wacks them together, puts there own spin on it (constantly varied functional movements at a high intensity) and trains people to be really good in all areas in fitness. Not ideal for footy, but not bad either.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

did it day what he lost? i didnlt look but i justy lost 7.5kgs in december (28 days) without any supplements so if someone already lean-ish can do that then a fatty like the picture could probably do 12 - 15 if they do everything perfectly...not to say they'll keep it off though and there's a whole host of other factors that may hinder them from getting that much
The dodgy ad talks about "not working that hard" in the gym so I will remain skeptical about his claims.

In any case, I wouldn't be that satisfied to get results I didn't have to work hard for.
Re: Protein & Other Supplements

i bet you all the money i have that if just woke up yesturday and were big and ripped, you'd be more then happy
But nowhere near as satisfied as having to work for it
Re: Optimal Exercises and Optimal Techniques for Muscle Gains

Is that rule of thumb general, or does it vary depending if someone is doing strength work only? Would that need to increase for someone doing a fair bit of cardio as well?

that's the going rate generally

if doing a fair amount of cardio then your options are to eat more or do less strength work or just do less cardio

prioritise your goals

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