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  1. Spearman

    Umpiring Questionable Umpiring Decisions

    Umpiring calls for me are always a toss-up, too much minutia for a split second call. They may have been wrong calls, but the game continues. These are professional athletes playing a sport they have known since childhood. A team should be able to regroup on the next stoppage. I know bad calls...
  2. Spearman

    MRP / Trib. Brayden Maynard - staging fine incoming?

    I thought it was hands to the face like he was having a cry.
  3. Spearman

    MRP / Trib. Brayden Maynard - staging fine incoming?

    Hmmmmm first May, then Maynard, now this secret recording of a team practice....:oops: WTF is going on in the AFL? :tongueoutv1:
  4. Spearman

    Patrick Dangerfield 'dangerous tackle' - gone or safe?

    I think a lesser known player might not have gotten the votes from the tribunal, possibly because they wouldn't have argued on their own behalf as strongly as Dangerfield did. I think that had a lot of weight to it. This case does show up how crap the AFL system is. It has fans baying for a...
  5. Spearman

    Patrick Dangerfield 'dangerous tackle' - gone or safe?

    This, CONSISTENCY is all most of us want. It is a massive problem with AFL is so many facets of the sport. FFS a lawyer debating a player over an action that took a second and change to occur. And so many similar incidents that get decided in different ways. It doesn't help that it appears to be...
  6. Spearman

    AFL Must Suspend Steven May

    I really like the invocation of concussion protocols idea. I thought the same sort of thing decades ago with soccer. Any player writhing about on the ground, take him off he's obviously 'injured'. That got so bad I stopped watching it. I would do the same if it started happening as much as the...
  7. Spearman

    Should a suspension rule a player ineligible for the Rising Star award?

    Totally agree with the above suggestions about grades of suspensions, or taking 'fairest' out of the descriptions. Thereby admitting their rule changes have resulted in players getting suspended at the drop of a hat. But it must be done in the offseason, not as face-saving exercise for a...
  8. Spearman

    Umpiring Questionable Umpiring Decisions

    Decided by penalty kicks from the top of the arc? :grinv1: New rule for 2025 :laughv1:
  9. Spearman

    Running too far - should it be extended to 20m?

    and with the tackling issues, I can see US running backs or the Lomu type ruggers being recruited.
  10. Spearman

    Staging for dangerous tackle frees is more common than ducking ever was

    Damn, Chief is one of those new age, modern coaches. I was hoping for an old school spray. :laughv1:
  11. Spearman

    Maynard cleared by tribunal for Brayshaw collision

    I'm not even going to try to predict what the verdict will be. But I suspect there will be a Finals and biggest Melbourne team discount. To my eye it looked a lot like a rugby union charge down where the blocker comes from a long way, goes up, then accidentally on purpose takes out the kicker.
  12. Spearman

    Ollie Lord not cited by MRO

    Just doing the Lord's work :tongueoutv1: I heartily agree with the intent being the base, and injury a multiplier. Intent to strike, anywhere; connect high, add; injure add more.
  13. Spearman

    Tackling the tackling issue, how do we resolve the issue?

    umpire should have showed duty of care and whistled it a tackle with HTB
  14. Spearman

    Berry on Oliver

    Why did Oliver even point at his eye after he got up? Was he trying to change a decision? The ball was already far down the field.
  15. Spearman

    Rules Score Review (ARC) Thread - Lions v Tigers Elimination

    That's besides the point :laughv1: It's all about conspiracies. How many threads have been started based on that? BTW I believe it's true. The AFL hate RFC, the whole world hates RFC, God hates RFC, the patrons at the Restaurant at the End of Universe who were watching the game, hate RFC. Even...
  16. Spearman

    Head High Contact - Worth it for a Free Kick?

    This is why, once the novelty wears off, Aussie Footy won't grow internationally. Too many WTFs about why a penalty was called or not. An outside wouldn't have a clue.
  17. Spearman

    The Bulldogs and Umpires: Time for a Royal Commission?

    LOL at how many times "is a fact!" gets posted . :rolleyesv1::laughv1:
  18. Spearman

    Rules Score Review (ARC) Thread - Lions v Tigers Elimination

    Anybody have the cyber-ninjas email addy? :p
  19. Spearman

    Rules Score Review (ARC) Thread - Lions v Tigers Elimination

    You're making well balanced, patient posts :thumbsu: But you're harshing their victim buzz, man. :grinv1:
  20. Spearman

    "Stand" Rule and mark movement

    Even the most intelligent professional athletes in other sports have similar spoken commands from the officials. It keeps that particular part of their game from getting messed with or time wasted. Look at union scrums. They have a very controlled procedure each time. It's no big deal. Players...
  21. Spearman

    Duck and Lift!!!

    IMHO his intent was to make him earn the free. They are aware of Ginnivan's techniques and its often very hard to instantaneously compensate for them. So I think he just went made it a hard free, like a defended giving an ear massage when they have no chance at a spoil. Only problem, JG wasn't...
  22. Spearman

    Duck and Lift!!!

    Ginnivan probably would have got the free in that instance if he had got his arm earlier in an attempt to deflect or knock away the tackler's. That would have showed an attempt at evasion. Redman should have been pinged for rough conduct and fined for the extra bit. Pendlebury has been diving...
  23. Spearman

    Concussion protocols and finals

    I agree. This could just compound the issue. Any consequences, unfortunately would have to be post-game like it already is. A reform could be done in the severity of the sanction. IF they could determine that it was intentional (I know, I know), they a massive ban would be in order, maybe even...
  24. Spearman

    Rules The Sub Rule - Time to make it Black and White

    TBH I think they knew Stanley had a sore knee and were anticipating subbing him sometime up to halftime.
  25. Spearman

    Head High Contact - Worth it for a Free Kick?

    One of the salient things I am getting from this thread is that professional footy players are too stupid to start to protect their heads when the umps start calling them on playing for frees. They are demonstratively clever enough to see the tackle coming and position their shoulder and arm...
  26. Spearman

    Head High Contact - Worth it for a Free Kick?

    Adjudicating the arm raisers will be relatively easy. Some, like Ginnie, were starting the raise before the tackler's arm was near contacting. A harder question is, what about Pendlebury's? He done that exact move before. A couple steps before contact, gathering the ball and going straight...
  27. Spearman

    Head High Contact - Worth it for a Free Kick?

    exactly, the first two went straight to the neck. The third one on the boundary started just below point of shoulder and got pushed high. In all of them Ginnivan's hand went up. He's trained for it so hard, it's reflexive.
  28. Spearman

    MRP / Trib. Vlastuin off the ball Punch - Result one match suspension

    Like jumper punches? Welcome my friend, pull yourself an ale and take a seat next to the fireplace. We can sympathize. :smilev1: