Dwayne Simpson?

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Sep 10, 2000
AFL Club
Dockers recieved him from your club for a pick in the lst 90's (a nothin pick).Seems to be a very skillfull and hard working player.
Played well for us Sunday night.
Just wondering why you got rid of him and any back ground information.

He was with us for three seasons and failed to break into the Seniors which is probably why we let him go.

A very promising player I think, tall and very athletic he can play in a variety of positions I think he just found it hard to break into a squad that already has alot of tall athletic versatile players. It was always going to be hard for Dwayne to get a game in a team that already had O'Loughlin, Fitzgerald, Goodes, Ball and Doyle.

Also, like alot of talented youngsters that make the journey to Sydney, Dwayne probably found the lack of footballing culture in Sydney hard to adjust to and at the end of the day probably just didn't like living here much.

Good luck to him at the Dockers though, if he is anything like Troy Cook then he will be huge for you guys.


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