Boofhead might have had 1 drink too many

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Apr 9, 2009
AFL Club
Brendan Fevola is battling to save his career at Carlton Football Club

The wayward forward can expect to be called before the board next week to explain his bizarre behaviour at Monday night's Brownlow Medal.
Directors and key administrators at the club are believed to be divided on the best way to handle the latest Fevola scandal.
Club president Stephen Kernahan is known to be furious about yet another antisocial episode, as is chief executive Greg Swann.
As at last night, Carlton seemed likely to call directors together early next week to hear Fevola explain himself.
More immediately, he has problems on two fronts.
As the Coleman medal winner, he is due to appear in the Grand Final motorcade tomorrow, a commitment he wants to dodge.
On Monday night, he is due to attend the club's best and fairest award back at Crown, scene of the mayhem last Monday night.


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i can't believe i'm defending fev, but as far as i know he just got drunk and acted like a bit of a knob.

fev should be ashamed of his behaviour and carlton should have a talk to him, but christ, let's look at real crimes before we hang someone just for being a w***er.
i can't believe i'm defending fev, but as far as i know he just got drunk and acted like a bit of a knob.

fev should be ashamed of his behaviour and carlton should have a talk to him, but christ, let's look at real crimes before we hang someone just for being a w***er.

Why should he be ashamed? It's the off season, he's at an event where beer is provided and he's having a good time. If you put a camera at any night club at any time of the night you would spot 50 people doing worse things than Fev. I don't even get why he's a w***er! He was just drunk. BIG WHOOP
I want to see the rest of the footage. I assume the footy show showed the G rated stuff, I wonder what else he got up to?

Some of it was funny, Judd "Segal" thing was funny once or twice. Overall he just looked like a wasted up himself bogan with no respect for anyone.
Hey guys I'm so pumped for the geelong, st kilda game

I wonder if the winner will go through the season undefeated
Why should he be ashamed? It's the off season, he's at an event where beer is provided and he's having a good time. If you put a camera at any night club at any time of the night you would spot 50 people doing worse things than Fev. I don't even get why he's a w***er! He was just drunk. BIG WHOOP

He was there representing the club, so of course he should pull his head in, he's even admited that.

Was absolutely disgraceful and the board should take more action then just a $10k fine. The guy has more talent then most people playing the game, but he wastes it by being a complete peanut
Who has pulled the AFL up on responsible service of alcohol laws that apply to organisers of functions where alcohol is served... absolutely disgraceful from the AFL that they are allowed to put people's safety and wellbeing at risk by plying them irresponsibly with free alchol and clearly flaunting responsible service laws :thumbsdown:
Why should he be ashamed? It's the off season, he's at an event where beer is provided and he's having a good time. If you put a camera at any night club at any time of the night you would spot 50 people doing worse things than Fev. I don't even get why he's a w***er! He was just drunk. BIG WHOOP

He is a highly paid player at an AFL event. He is not a nobody at a night club or a local footy club. A certain level of decorum is expected.
It's like the Christmas party at work, it's free piss, your time but everyone knows if you go overboard and make a dick of yourself it isn't good for your career. Quite simple really.

It was a work event. His boss was there, the clients were watching, the sponsers and everyone else who contributes to his pay cheque. He knew this and continued to get absolutely wasted anyway. Comparing to him average joe is stupid.

He shouldn't be sacked for this though. Just ridiculed and reminded how much of a dick he is will suffice.
Doesn't everyone get pissed at Work Xmas parties?

Not at many professional organisations for official work functions any more... many recent companies bought to their knees by law suits for death / injury due to accidents including driving / walking home from such functions where the law these days is pretty specific as to the responsibilities of companies in ensuring responsible service of alcohol laws are appropriately applied
Doesn't everyone get pissed at Work Xmas parties?
Yes, most people can hold their piss though.

We got banned from the venue we had our Christmas party, people vomitted all over everything, and my boss pissed all over himself cuz he was too shit faced off all the free vodka. If Fev was still talking he couldn't have been that drunk...

Sounds like a fun party. What kind of work does your company do?

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Think Judd will ask to be traded over this? Apparently he doesn't stay around when his teamates do stupid things. At least that is what we Evil Eagles supporters have been told. :rolleyes:
My point is that this is like their end of year party. Who cares if they get drunk and run amok. They don't have to go back to work for ages.
Your party was televised nationally?
Your party was televised nationally?

It would have been even crazier then - people would have played up more for the cameras. Seriously, what's wrong with having a good time? Some people need to get shitfaced to forget their problems and enjoy it because it allows them to be the person they want to be. I bet there people there just as pissed as the Fevola but they didn't have the same outgoing personality and didn't have to do a streettalk. Do you remember how pissed S Newman used to get when he did it? From the look that was on his face on the Footy Show tonight, he did the same thing this year. Who gives a ****?
It would have been even crazier then - people would have played up more for the cameras. Seriously, what's wrong with having a good time? Some people need to get shitfaced to forget their problems and enjoy it because it allows them to be the person they want to be. I bet there people there just as pissed as the Fevola but they didn't have the same outgoing personality and didn't have to do a streettalk. Do you remember how pissed S Newman used to get when he did it? From the look that was on his face on the Footy Show tonight, he did the same thing this year. Who gives a ****?

It's called self restraint. If you don't have it, don't do it.

And who gives a shit? His family, the club, his captain and team mates, the AFL, his employer channel 9, the sponsers, the people there who had to put up with his BS... list goes on.
Fev wasn't just drunk and having fun. People expect that and have a good time. Fev was having fun at other people's expense alot of the time, just being an annoying dick.

If it was the karaoke and fooling around with his mates etc no one would care. It was the total disrespect he showed for others and the occasion that is the problem.
You'd be pretty stiff to lose your job just for getting drunk and having fun. He's paid by channel 9 to be a clown. Only the PC bosses and ass sniffers gave a shit. 95% of those who watched the footy show would think the Feve stuff was the best bit of the show. I could watch that kinda shit forever. Perhaps they should make a Fevola show and just have him running around talking shit to people?

Now that sounds like a quality TV show right there.

If it was on at the same time as The Footy Show, I know what I'd rather watch.
It would have been even crazier then - people would have played up more for the cameras. Seriously, what's wrong with having a good time? Some people need to get shitfaced to forget their problems and enjoy it because it allows them to be the person they want to be. I bet there people there just as pissed as the Fevola but they didn't have the same outgoing personality and didn't have to do a streettalk. Do you remember how pissed S Newman used to get when he did it? From the look that was on his face on the Footy Show tonight, he did the same thing this year. Who gives a ****?

There is so much wrong with your post. Now, I like getting "shit-faced" just as much as the next man but if you do it to forget your problems and "be the person you want to be" then you're a loser. Just be that person; don't find excuses. You and Fev need to grow up and learn what it means to be a man. It doesn't mean geting drunk to run away from responsibility- and your problems- It means facing them and then getting drunk with peace of mind when you choose. And you can be who you are without touching a drink. It's not hard.
I still don't know what Fev done wrong. Never hurt anyone. :confused:

Well may you be confused. What is it with Carlton supporters that they cannot see this mental midget has overstepped the mark time and again and his behaviour is unacceptable? Don't defend this clown, it only makes Carlton supporters look even more stupid.

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