The Wire

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The Wire is my favorite show of all time followed by The Sopranos. My favorite seasons in order would be 4,3,5,1,2. My favorite characters would be Omar Little, Clay Davis, Prop Joe, Stan Valchek and Marlo Standfield. There are probably a few more characters that I'm forgetting but cbf remebering them all.

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Don't think it was a cop out, just more realistic.

Not all deaths come from a dramatic battle, accident or confrontation like they portray in generic movies/shows. Even Dexter does it.

It was out of nowhere, and in that environment, it was bound to happen. It does happen.

I hated it for obvious reasons, but I bought it.
I would rate seasons like so: 1>3>5>4>2

Favourite characters:

Stringer Bell

One of the best TV series I've ever seen, yes, better than Dexter. Really liked season 5 as it tied up the whole show pretty well. Nice touch at the end with people replacing people. Kima/Sydnor taking over McNulty, Michael taking over Omar, Bug becoming another corner kid, Chris becoming Cutty and so on. Just shows that after all the s**t that goes on, nothing changes.

Omar's death initially pissed me off, but after I accepted that in a sense he couldn't go out like a hero and it just shows that no one is ever safe. Stringer was easily my favourite character, was pretty much a boss for 3 seasons.
PP, forever alone in ranking season two as the best.

It's decent, but it's too far removed from every other season imo.

Why'd you guys like Snoop? Because she looked/sounded like a man for lulz?

I hated her. Evil beach.

Though I didn't mind Chris. Just seemed like a good guy somehow, through it all.

I saw his story as more of a parallel with Weebay though, rather than Cutty.
prop joe and omar were probably my favorite characters....was shattered when prop joe was betrayed by cheese
Cutty was an underrated character, imo.

For such a pessimistic series, he was one of the very few feel good stories.

Coming from where he was, eventually in prison, falling back into old ways, before turning his life around and genuinely wanting to help others.

Was disappointed that they didn't show him at the end of the series (IIRC).

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