Charter underwrote bought peptides were not for human use

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Another poster raised this same point the other day, that Dank's anti-aging clinic only markets TB4.

Now I say to you AT, cannot that bit of evidence be looked at both ways?

How do you think the defence will look at it?

Don't worry about how you look at it or how I look at it, how well the defence look at it?

ASADA's evidence is that this anti-aging clinic paid for the TB4 which Alavi had compounded, and lo and behold, what do you know? This anti-aging clinic markets TB4 to the public.

Have a think of what the defence will make of that.
Are you forgetting that there will be a prosecution as well as a defence, if it wasn't thymosin that the players used please tell us where did the thymomodulin come from.

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So what I'm getting from this and other recent threads is that Essendon supporters, and the various apologists, hopes have shifted from them getting off on a legal technicality that sees evidence thrown out, to having key witnesses either discredited or not testify. You'd like to think they had something stronger than that like a plausible defense that begins with, "here are all the records of the non-prohibited supplements our players were injected with and here are all the invoices for their legal purchase."
Hird has them convinced that a very strong 'God' complex will do them well in these proceeding.
It would help, but no, it is not necessary.
Are you kidding, so the players admit they took some kind of thymosin good or bad there are realms of evidence that it is thymosin b4 and one photo to prove it was not and you dont think that will cause any issues for the defence, I think you should go and do a little more thinking about this, remember it is not a criminal case.
So who bought the thymomodulin then, where are the receipts the paperwork, strange that there is a trail a mile long pointing to the use of thymosin beta4 including Dank admitting it on national TV but nothing except a photo of a bottle of Thymomodulin taken well after this all began, to prove its use?
So I take it we've all just forgotten about dank giving thymomodulin to Melbourne players.

If there's no paper trail there, then why aren't Melbourne being looked in to?
At the time I think the players were of the belief that what they were doing under the clubs instruction was above board even if somewhat unusual. I don't think any player thought they were cheating

As information has come out Id be surprised if the players haven't been asking questions behind closed doors about what they were given and how the club has been handling the matter. The fact remains even if they suspect that they might have been duped and given a banned substance, their best chance of getting off us to stick fat with the club. If one of them decides that they have been duped and given a banned substance then they need to break ranks and attempt to strike a deal - that means admitting guilt which would be difficult for someone who genuinely believes they haven't done anything wrong

That the players still seem to support Hird I find harder to reconcile

And that is precisely why no players have come out and said things, because they have asked questions and been satisfied that they were not duped or doped and I might add we are not talking a handful of players here, we are talking 34 players, that is a hell of a lot of players to keep happy.

Had even one player, let alone 34 been suss about taking banned substances you would have heard about it now.

ASADA is desperate for them to take a deal, Mcd posturing, bluffing, blustering now going to Paris has not made them blink.

The most complex case in the world is far from it, other cases involving teams cut across different countries, different jurisdictions, different cultures etc .
So it would appear from the above article that the crux of the ASADA case remains:

  • the consent forms refer to "thymosin"
  • 34 players signed consent forms
  • therefore 34 players were administered with TB4
It would appear McDevitt was correct when he publicly stated that there were gaps in ASADA's evidence.

Gaps Essendon cannot fill
Has the Thymosin beta 4 bought from China actually been analysed and found to be thymosin beta 4, you can never to be to sure. :)

Does ASADA have an answer for that ?.

ASDA expects us to join the dots.
Cosidering I keep retained samples of every single blend I do at my work even for relaese agents for bread trays, I imagine a large pharmacuetical company keeps retained sample of all batches they produce as well.
So what I'm getting from this and other recent threads is that Essendon supporters, and the various apologists, hopes have shifted from them getting off on a legal technicality that sees evidence thrown out, to having key witnesses either discredited or not testify. You'd like to think they had something stronger than that like a plausible defense that begins with, "here are all the records of the non-prohibited supplements our players were injected with and here are all the invoices for their legal purchase."

I think thats right, especially given that the players aren't responding to the SCs with any new evidence of a paper trail for Thymomodulin. Im getting a suspicion the players case is going to hinge on an alternate hypothesis involving Dank/Charter/Alavi diverting banned substances through Dank's private business on EFC's tab while giving the players non-banned inexpensive stuff
Cosidering I keep retained samples of every single blend I do at my work even for relaese agents for bread trays, I imagine a large pharmacuetical company keeps retained sample of all batches they produce as well.

I was being silly to start with and I will stay on that line, but how do we know that the sample kept is the correct sample ?.
My amazement that there has to date been no player / family law suit lodged gainst Essendon for breach of duty of care etc. grows with every post. If my child was involved I would have done this at the outset of the saga.

The problem is if Essendon do not have the information :rolleyes: the players do not have the information. It is all speculation until the players have actual evidence of what occurred. Then there is also the possibility the players willingly participated in which case Essendon lawyers will smash them anyway.

Essendon as a football club are screwed though if this plays out as it should.

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So now we're moving to maybe the company didn't supply what they said they supplied?


You need to get your hand off it Phil before you go blind
So I take it we've all just forgotten about dank giving thymomodulin to Melbourne players.

If there's no paper trail there, then why aren't Melbourne being looked in to?
Speaking of Melbourne, hope you Essendon supporters have been taking note of what a basket case they are, because that is going to be you from next year. :D
No one has ever suggested that Charter purchased Thymomodulin.

It is already contained in the ASADA evidence forming part of the interim report that an anti-aging clinic paid Alavi for the TB4.
Yep, this "new" information has very little consequence to the case. Just more PR mud-slinging and the resultant premature ejaculations of joy
Yep, this "new" information has very little consequence to the case. Just more PR mud-slinging and the resultant premature ejaculations of joy
I've seen plenty of posters claiming that Chinese companies use thymosin and thymomodulin interchangeably so that it could have been thymomodulin that was supplied. If nothing else this article puts that little bit of bullshit to bed.
heh, heh, as someone aspiring to be a man of letters, my tastes in books is sufficiently high brow

But to the main point, yes, plenty of grey, and that is what the defence will be emphasising in the tribunal.

They can emphasise it all they like. And every single time they will be asked for a credible alternative and Essendon will give the judge another box of donuts.

There is no credible alternative.
And that is precisely why no players have come out and said things, because they have asked questions and been satisfied that they were not duped or doped and I might add we are not talking a handful of players here, we are talking 34 players, that is a hell of a lot of players to keep happy.

Had even one player, let alone 34 been suss about taking banned substances you would have heard about it now.

ASADA is desperate for them to take a deal, Mcd posturing, bluffing, blustering now going to Paris has not made them blink.

The most complex case in the world is far from it, other cases involving teams cut across different countries, different jurisdictions, different cultures etc .
Do you really support Freo?
So I take it we've all just forgotten about dank giving thymomodulin to Melbourne players.

If there's no paper trail there, then why aren't Melbourne being looked in to?
We're not talking about Melbourne, when Melbourne players have SCNs then it's time to talk about that until then **** off with your bullshit obfuscation and focus on the matter at hand.

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I was being silly to start with and I will stay on that line, but how do we know that the sample kept is the correct sample ?.

Every single product GL sell comes with a two-page document showing the purity and identity of the compound you have purchased.
GL also keeps copies of those for their records should you have any issues with said product.
Yep, this "new" information has very little consequence to the case. Just more PR mud-slinging and the resultant premature ejaculations of joy
lol what it does is confirm that the Chinese didn't supply Thymomodulin so if that is whatthe players took where is the evidence as there is a bag full that what they took was the banned TB4?
Way to miss the crux of an article, he has already given evidence if not there in person it will weaken the case slightly but on the balance of probabilities Essendon are farked.

We know the players took some fom of thymosin, there is a ton of eveidence it was tb4 and 1 photo to prove it was thymomodulin, if Essendon get off there will be much anger in the football World, even you deep down must realise now that what they took was the banned substance TB4?
Actually not being in person will only weaken the case if there is some form of evidence to cast doubt on his "evidence".

If there is nothing to combat his testimony, there is no diminishing its validity.
I think this all but confirms TB4 was used.
The text exchange citing TB4, the invoices and now this.
Where are the invoices for the legal peptide?
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