EFC players: Comfortable satisfaction not reached.

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Comfortable satisfaction not reached makes some sense.

While most people suspect TB4 was present at Essendon, the tribunal had the task of proving each player took it. Unless ASADA could demonstrate to comfortable satisfaction that a specific player was injected with TB4, the tribunal could not declare the player guilty.

I seem to remember a murder case where it could not be proved which of two people committed the murder and therefore they could not convict either because it would just be a guess that could convict an innocent person.

The same may have worked in Essendon's favour here. Dank might have injected some players with TB4, but ASADA needs evidence that he injected each of the players they wish to ban. If ASADA just knows TB4 went to Essendon via Dank, they can't pursue anyone but the club or Dank, because the rest is guesswork.

So what the tribunal did was say that as long as they don't have positive tests for a player, then every other piece of evidence doesn't count because its not good enough proof?

A damn video recording of the injections wouldn't have satisfied this tribunal because then they would just say that they even though they see the substance coming out of a bottle named 'banned' and going straight into a players arm, that they couldn't be satisfied that the bottle actually contained the banned substance.

That just goes to show you what a farce this decision is, that the tribunal wants 'beyond reasonable doubt' evidence instead of 'comfortable satisfaction' evidence.
Again I ask is the AFL still going to monitor the health of the players in the future ? We know from todays verdict Essendon won't !!
more horseshit. At least youre consistent

Are you going to make a point or just troll? Are you okay with players being jabbed with unverified substances? Because that's Essendon's side of the story. I don't care if they were performance-enhancing or not. I care about the players welfare. Do you?

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Could you get onto the tribunal for their inability to make a decision?

They haven't used the words Guilty or Not Guilty anywhere in here:

The Tribunal today handed down its decision, which was unanimous, and reasons for the decision with respect to the alleged violation by 34 players of the AFL Anti-Doping Code.

The Tribunal was comfortably satisfied that the substance Thymosin Beta-4 was at the relevant time a prohibited substance under the Code.

The Tribunal was not comfortably satisfied that any player was administered Thymosin Beta-4.

The Tribunal was not comfortably satisfied that any player violated clause 11.2 of the AFL Anti-Doping Code.

The Tribunal’s decision in relation to the violations under the Code alleged against a former Essendon support person will be handed down at a later date, together with reasons for that decision.

The Tribunal’s decision and reasons have been provided to the parties in accordance with the function performed by the Tribunal. That function does not include the provision of the decision and reasons to other persons. Any publication of the Tribunal’s decision and reasons is a matter for the parties.​
Christ all mighty talk about petty. What do you think that all means? It means, wait for it, "not guilty". But instead you took the time and effort to change a thread title to try and claim some scrap of victory. Reeks of pettiness and insecurity.
I guess only a Hird Essendon supporter could actually say that...... Have you thought of the players in this ?

Do you mean the players who made it clear that they wanted Hird to remain as coach, when the board wanted to sack him?
Maybe Winderlich, who reconsidered his decision to retire when Hird came back?
Or do you mean that "mass exodus" group (consisting of one - Ryder)?
Well it's right there in the press release, what do you want me to say?
Was the original title incorrect?

Pretty simple question.

It was changed to make certain people feel a bit better, so whatever. But it's just so small minded and hilarious and I'm honestly surprised you of all people support it
If people are looking for a smoking - or even a loaded - gun, I think they'll be disappointed.

ASADA and the AFL leaked everything. They made one charge on TB4 and couldn't even get to "comfortable satisfaction".

They have nothing. They never have.
No way man.

WADA, OTT, Ooga Booga, This ain't over.

The initial government announcement was clear: our country was full of cheats.

It was a stunt of the highest order. People don't have to admit it now, but I hope to god they see it.

Your right of course, then again what statement by a government isn't a stunt these days, much like the Liberals and their claims of impending doom over the deficit that the rest of the world thought saved Australia from the financial crisis, what would you expect from a bunch of lawyers though.

The darkest day in Australian sport for me was the moment that mingy tart ran naked onto the 'G in the 82 Grand Final, killing off our chance at an 11th flag, but I'm a little biased.
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Nope no that's not it. Charters said why he wouldn't sign it but I can't seem to remember..... Lance Uppercut can you recall?

He was interviewed this afternoon.

He made a statement and when it was returned to him for approval, it had been cut and pasted and rearranged to support a pre-conceived narrative that he didn't think was accurate.

So he didn't sign it and withdrew his participation.
The initial government announcement was clear: our country was full of cheats.

It was a stunt of the highest order. People don't have to admit it now, but I hope to god they see it.
I had issues with that - and would have even if they were found guilty today. But there is a possibility that at that time the club even had no idea of guilt. I repeat Jobe could not answer the question "what went into your body". That's bloody worrying. I'm more partial to the players being victims in all this after today and his presser (victims where the perpetrators are many organisations).

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If people are looking for a smoking - or even a loaded - gun, I think they'll be disappointed.

ASADA and the AFL leaked everything. They made one charge on TB4 and couldn't even get to "comfortable satisfaction".

They have nothing. They never have.

Having nothing is not the same as not reaching comfortable satisfaction

They have a supply line of the drug to the efc

Given we don't have the evidence as yet - we can only assume that one or more of those steps couldn't be proven to the required level

To crassly put it - if comfortable satisfaction is 75%. We don't know if it was 0% or 74%.

Saying there is nothing is almost certainly wrong.
If people are looking for a smoking - or even a loaded - gun, I think they'll be disappointed.

ASADA and the AFL leaked everything. They made one charge on TB4 and couldn't even get to "comfortable satisfaction".

They have nothing. They never have.
so why take it to court twice to get rid of as you say 'nothing'
No Essendon player has ever been in possession of a banned substance, nor has any missed or failed a drug test.

I think you're seriously confused.
Are you calling Jobe Watson a lair?
No Essendon player has ever been in possession of a banned substance, nor has any missed or failed a drug test.

I think you're seriously confused.

Well not being able to tell ASADA what was injected into you is pretty much the equivalent of not providing a sample to be tested.

One athlete doesn't provide a sample when asked and is banned because he failed to show there wasn't a banned substance in his system.

Another set of athletes cant give an answer of what they were injected with, and they get off simply because there is 'not enough' proof that it was a banned substance.

Shows how much of a farce the AFL and its tribunal is.
I think Essendon convinced the tribunal that they got the placebo and some other club got the experimental part of the programme. AFL to ban all players from all other clubs because they can't prove which club got what. Essendon 2015 and 2016 premiers by default.
Essendon supporters got what they've always dreamed of and they're still crying in this thread.

Bless their cotton socks. :D
Are you going to make a point or just troll? Are you okay with players being jabbed with unverified substances? Because that's Essendon's side of the story. I don't care if they were performance-enhancing or not. I care about the players welfare. Do you?
youre blaming me for trolling. LOLOL

Show me a single essendon fan who has claimed they were happy with the clubs supplement program in 2012. I havent seen one. Essendon fans are celebrating a case over cheating with peds. It has nothing to do with approval of what amounted to a disgraceful program in 2012
No essendon players took any drugs where as collingwood players all most certainly have

What a load of crap!

Possibly proven they took TB4 - just couldn't prove which ones.

If no "drugs" were taken:

Why was Robson etc sacked?
Why was Robinson paid $1million to stop his court case?
Why did Ziggy write what he did in his report?
Why is Hal suing EFC?
Why did Paddy leave?
Why all the court efforts to suppress evidence?

EFC have been found not guilty of injecting specific players with TB4.

This does not make them "innocent".

The players association have made it clear that EFC actions were unacceptable.

It took years to get Lance Armstrong.

This may not be the end of this.

My understanding is ASADA/WADA have 8 years if they want to keep pursuing this - and they may.

Until all the evidence is made public most non-EFC supporters will think EFC did cheat but got away with it by burying the evidence and buying off witnesses - Robinson, Charters, Alavi etc.
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