Mega Thread The Adam Goodes Megathread - Now with Added Poll!

Why are crowds booing Goodes?

  • Racism

    Votes: 565 29.9%
  • He's perceived as a dirty player

    Votes: 563 29.8%
  • He's perceived as making a team game all about himself

    Votes: 758 40.1%
  • Because everyone else is booing, I thought I'd join in - like a Mexican wave thing

    Votes: 268 14.2%
  • Because Gillon doesnt want them to

    Votes: 135 7.2%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 74 3.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 183 9.7%
  • His onfield message is at odds with his off field one

    Votes: 233 12.3%
  • He can do no wrong with the MRP

    Votes: 164 8.7%
  • I was saying Boo-Urns?

    Votes: 61 3.2%
  • Jack Watts

    Votes: 56 3.0%

  • Total voters

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That's the way it looks from the point of view of a lot of other people, too.

You've probably got more allies than you think.
Playing country footy you hear all sorts. Either I play terrible and I've been on the petrol, or I have a half decent game and suddenly I'm using black magic. Most of the team, and even the league go on with it. They say they don't mean anything by it but it's still not exactly something I'm comfortable with. Can't really speak up though because I'll be seen as the one raising racial issues and making people uncomfortable...and I can't exactly move to a new club so easily. Good on Goodes for standing up, he's in a position where people will listen to him, others I know cop it quietly not because they are okay with it but because they aren't in a position to speak up.

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Chris Lewis were booed

Stephen Michael was abused .....many of these players copped it and never said anything ......
The Krakeour brothers, Maurice Rioli also copped it.

I can remember an interview with Syd Jackson talking about his experience with it and he said that it had a fair bit to do with why so many indigenous players had shorter careers, after a while it just got too much and the only way to deal with it was leave.
Lol. So we are making assumptions that Goodes racist comment racist, which we shouldny do, yet your assuming those people booing are doing so cos their racist.
Until you stop being hypocritical and stop using double standards your arguement is invalid.
This is horribly written. What is the second sentence supposed to say? In any case, I have never said everyone booing Goodes is racist.
Plenty of people ITT has expressed why they dislike Goodes, mainly because he wears an opposition jumper and is a flog, yet Sydney supporters don't accept that, many have said he is a dirty prick who is an umpires pet, but no way, you are using that as an excuse to hide your racism,

But you get that big wide brush out and accuse a large number of the boo birds of being racist, the same people who dished out the same treatment to Jobe.

That's complete bullshit mate. If you actually watched Sydney you would realise he gets booed by every team's fans, every single possession.

You simply CANNOT claim its because he's "dirty" or plays for Sydney when he is the ONLY player that gets booed like this.
So, standing up for yourself over racist insults justifies more taunts and booing? Objecting to racist language is "antics" because it means people look in your direction a bit more?

free speech. either have it or not.

if goodes is allowed to voice his displeasure at something he doesn't like, the paying customers have the same right.

if you don't like that go live in north korea.
OK, I see why the mods keep closing these threads. I suggest you go back and take a look at what you have written. Not your finest hour I am sure.

Succinctly I am emphatically satisfied with exactly what I wrote in every absolute sense.

I can say that categorically as a determination.

So if you have an issue, please don't be wishy washy, just explain your different position with a plausible explanation please with relevance and substance.
Why is that a problem? Why can't you not boo Adam Goodes for a couple weeks to reveal the racists? Maybe you can use this energy towards enforcing your moral code on other players- by booing everybody else that's a flog. I'm sure you can find many close to home without looking that hard.

Because just like Adam is free to exercise his freedom of speech so am I.

By dictating that I am not allowed to boo a player now impinges on my freedom to express myself.

So my rights are lesser than Adams now.
My friend, a proud descendant of the Palyku people (a community from the Pilbarra ) , was among the people who booed Goodes. An ignorant person even labelled her racist!

And my niece, who is a proud indigenous woman and a mad West Coast fan said this last night.

"I do however find it interesting that Goodesy, who has been a star player his whole career, a great role model and reasonably quiet achiever - it wasn't until he took a stand and raised the issue of 'racism' at an AFL match that he'd received and being accused of being a 'sook' - that he's since been 'booed' - this isn't about shooting someone down when they have a particular belief or feeling - it's about listening and growing as people, getting along and just showing compassion and understanding regardless of who you are and where your from.
Playing country footy you hear all sorts. Either I play terrible and I've been on the petrol, or I have a half decent game and suddenly I'm using black magic. Most of the team, and even the league go on with it. They say they don't mean anything by it but it's still not exactly something I'm comfortable with. Can't really speak up though because I'll be seen as the one raising racial issues and making people uncomfortable...and I can't exactly move to a new club so easily. Good on Goodes for standing up, he's in a position where people will listen to him, others I know cop it quietly not because they are okay with it but because they aren't in a position to speak up.
That sounds bloody awful. Thank you for sharing your story.

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This is one thing I am bemused about. Do you really thing West Coast supporters are up to speed on Goodes activism?
No of course we aren't. We don't have aboriginals in WA so therefore don't understand the problem. Also we don't watch news or read papers so depend on Sydneysiders and Melburnians to tell us what to think. Do you actually think before you write?
Considering people in previous Goode's threads have described all the reasons they boo Goodes for "non-racist" reasons, and in the same post described him as "uppity", there is little hope that the penny will drop.

Tippet, do we have to like him, do I have to like you? Do you have to like me? Thats life, not all boxes you would like to be ticked get ticked.

Just say it , PLEASE stop booing Goodes. Thats what its all about, stop hiding completely behind racism.

Are you a bigot? You actually assign the term racists to non racists, why do you ignore the plethora of reasons
why He is Boo'd and just focus on Racism.

Succinctly I am emphatically satisfied with exactly what I wrote in every absolute sense.

I can say that categorically as a determination.

So if you have an issue, please don't be wishy washy, just explain your different position with a plausible explanation please with relevance and substance.

Do you know what "succinctly" means?
Rubbish....if this was applied generally everything would grind to a standstill. You can't just say certain things are racist because an individaul may interpret them that way. It's hard enough now because the PC brigade have made it so difficult. I have been to cultural awareness training sessions where indigenous people have said "it's OK to call me black as that is a fact but be aware that in some areas indigenous people don't like it". The same applies to using the word "aboriginal". .but apparently it's OK to be called white (as it should be) or even "white honky". I've also seen aboriginal people abuse people from India and Africa telling them "this is my country and you should go back where you came from". My wife also got into trouble from some people for saying she just loved the old "negro spiritual music"

thats exactly where you are wrong

and if you cant understand this, as the rest of your post confirms....then you really dont understand the issue here
This is one thing I am bemused about. Do you really thing West Coast supporters are up to speed on Goodes activism?
I don't think they are, no.

I also don't think most of them are bright enough to know why they booing either.
And why? Have you asked the question why? You dont think it has anything to do with him stiring up opposition supporters with his spear throwing act?

No, I think the horse had bolted by the time he decided to do that. By that time, it was already pretty clear that that's the treatment he could probably expect for the rest of his career, regardless of what he does and despite the fact that he'd gone 340-odd games with fairly normal relations with opposition crowds.

My personal opinion is that after initially earning public sympathy in the wake of the racist comments directed him in Indigenous Round and Eddie McGuire's mind-boggling follow up a few days later, the tide turned somewhere around the time that Goodes won AOTY (an award that few of us ever cared about before Goodes won it and have gone back to not giving a stuff about it shortly after). Due to injury, Goodes only played a couple of games between Indigenous Round 2013 and Round 1, 2014.

He's become symbolic as an 'outspoken' Indigenous player and because he doesn't have a spotless record on the field (wow, a guy that has played for nearly 20 years has done a few things that have raised the ire of opposition supporters) it presents a convenient/revisionist excuse for the masses that are booing him now, though a tiny fraction of those masses (if any) would have done the same in 2013 and before. And then you've got many, many sheep who probably do it because they think it's funny.

Goodes spoke his mind and occasionally pushed the boundaries on the field for 16 years and opposition supporters were not offended by it. So, if you're booing him now but weren't three years ago, I'd suggest that he hasn't changed, you have. For whatever reason.

The one that he was happy to say was directed at white opposition supporters (after lying and saying it wasnt)
He said it was a challange to white opposition supporters.

Actually, he offered the ambiguous explanation that it was directed at "you guys", which Andrew Bolt decided to infer meant white Australians. Could it have just as easily been whoever was booing him, or opposition supporters in general, regardless of race? Of course it could.

And its funny that the same people who had no problem with his agitation of supporters are the same ones who have a problem with those supporters accepting Adams challange.
You see normal people see through the BS. Normal people see the double standard. Normal people take exception to that. Only dogooder nuffies who like to think they are more enlightened than others take this hypocritical issue up as a social outrage.

I see that as the right of reply for Goodes, Jetta, Ballantyne, Selwood or anyone that cops it on a regular basis from opposition supporters (including Geelong supporters). Those anonymous faces in the crowd are the ones that are dishing it out, so they can cop it when it comes back at them as well.
How about we all agree that the reasons for him being booed are not justified? The reasons offered are not any reason to be booed. Yes umpires get booed. Why? Because they make a rubbish call against your team that you dont agree with. Does the umpire get booed everytime the umpires whistle gets put to his mouth? No.

Do Hayden Ballentyne, Luke Hodge or Ryan Crowley get booed everytime they touch the ball? No.

Goodes is booed every single time the ball is in his hands and there is zero reason for it. If he has whacked a player in the head then sure its fair enough. Its football. Thats the same as every player. But every time he has touched the ball since May 23 is justifiable.
I don't know what football you've been watching, but Ballantyne is booed every time he gets the ball. Crowley the same when he was playing. Demtriou when he was the AFL boss actually sanctioned it by commenting along the lines of it all being part of the theatre of football.
The AFL is in huge trouble.

By isolating one player because of his race they have ratified that it is a race issue. i.e. they themselves are being racist. If the AFL could specifically identify racial discrimination then that is a different matter.

A fundamental human right, such as free speech [or free booing], that which Australia and the "Western World" have striven to made part of our common day culture is being dissected and restricted by this mandate from the AFL.

I would like to see the AFL attempt to enforce the mandate against any one fan that does boo Adam Goodes. If that fan is booing because they do not like any aspect of Adam Goodes except for his race, then there will have been a breach of that person's human rights.

If Adam Goodes has the right to stand up for what he believes in then so should anyone else even if it is childish so long as it is not race related.

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it - Voltaire
He is a prima donna.

He stages for frees.

He carries on like a pork chop on field.

It is NOT because he is indigenous.

These things have crept into his game in the last few years. That is why he is booed.

Agree except he is not just a prima donna, he is an entitled prima donna and the powers that be want us to be submissive to such values of entitlement against our own justice!
I guess when you don't agree with someone, you're called a braindead sheep, I haven't been to a Swans game to boo the clown.

Whenever i go to a game, i don't want to be told how i should feel about an opposition team/player.

O h yes, on their soap boxes accusing people of being racist, then call those same people brain dead sheep.

Lovely people, just lovely.
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