Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack.

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Don’t the initial attackers eg Al-Qaeda / Hamas set the parameters a-bit though ?
Target civilians themselves and then melt into the civilian population for protection. Who cares about who?
No. If you think lowering yourself to the level of bloodthirsty terrorists is morally ok, by all means that's your choice. But don't try and justify your crimes by blaming the victim, that's the same mentality that leads to Al-Qaeda/Hamas in the first place.

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There is no genocide of the Israel planned and it would be impossible to pull off with the military might of the US and the entire western world behind them.

Meanwhile there is an actual genocide going on that Israel are committing in Gaza.
Exactly, the power imbalance makes any desires mere fantasy. Like an ant wanting to devour an elephant, wants are irrelevant compared with what is possible.

It's the same reason the invoking of Kristallnacht is actually quite disgusting and a dishonour to the memory of those who suffered through that horrific and shameful event; a police state with an overt policy of discrimination against a minority Jewish people makes a concerted effort in one night to destroy Jewish owned stores, houses and synagogues. Yes the attacks on Oct 7th were horrific but the state of Israel or the Jewish people did not suffer an existential threat from that attack like the German Jews did following Kristallnacht.
Because the state of Israel is an ethnostate that has been conducting ethnic cleansing for 75 years. Just look at a map of the West Bank over time to see what Israel has been doing.

And sadly if any political or major celebrity figure tries mention this point, they are accused of being anti Semite or far worse, supporters of Hitler and the Final Solution by the extremely powerful and influential Zionist lobby.

Israel (at least under facist war criminal and terrorist Bibi) have absolutely no interest whatsoever in sitting down and having meaningful peace talks and establish a two nation state between Israel and the Palestinians.

Israel and their government and military have lost any moral high ground about the October 7 incursion/attacks by Hamas when now they clearly have no issue or moral qualms bombing innocent Gaza Hospitals and Instillations on the pretence of trying to wipe out the Hamas Ring Leaders.

They are not concerned about justice or saving the kidnapped Israeli hostages, I feel like they are now only on a blood thirsty quest for revenge/retribution at this point.

And this plan will ultimately will backfire on them, they are losing more and more allies in the International Community every day..
For arguments sake, what happens if Turkey militarily started supporting Gaza?

Bombings, air strikes, ground personnel?

Turkey are a NATO member, so any retaliation on the Turkish mainland would require NATO to come to its defence.

How would the USA navigate a scenario like this?

Turkey's NATO membership would be revoked in about 2 seconds flat
Disagree on that
Which part?
That what Israel is doing is worse than Russia?
Or that even a country as bad as China can see what Israel is doing is deplorable (and really there would be a lot of posturing in what China is doing anyways, but the fact is we are opening the door for them to posture).
Turkey's NATO membership would be revoked in about 2 seconds flat
The US certainly dropped sanctions and removed them from the F35 program the moment the bought Russian S400 air defense complexes. So even if they weren't kicked, the US would just block any arms export licenses to Turkiye.
Which part?
That what Israel is doing is worse than Russia?
Or that even a country as bad as China can see what Israel is doing is deplorable (and really there would be a lot of posturing in what China is doing anyways, but the fact is we are opening the door for them to posture).
China part sorry. Both wars are equally deplorable
China part sorry. Both wars are equally deplorable
Both wars are deplorable I agree.
I think if Russia had made it to Kyev, started indiscriminately levelling the place whilst displacing the entire local population to a gulag they’d be equal. In any case I think the history between Russia and Ukraine (formerly being allied) and Israel and Palestine (recent history being mortal enemies) causes a different outcome which is playing out.
Despite the fact there is a larger imbalance in defence forces (noting Ukraine are getting a lot of help), which is also making the conflicts different. We are watching a heavyweight bash a toddler.
I think if Russia had made it to Kyev, started indiscriminately levelling the place whilst displacing the entire local population to a gulag they’d be equal.
I mean they very much did this in Mariupol. But overall the conflicts aren't comparable in causes or nature really just that senseless suffering of civilians with both.

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You can't keep telling me, given I'm anti war, anti violence and an obvious lefty that I'm buying the propaganda, because I'm not and will resist being wedged.

Either you don't know what "anti-war" means or you're not anti-war.

If the aim is to arrest or kill Hamas leadership, destroy their infrastructure and release all the hostages then it's tactically bad to stop until that's been achieved. Correct?

The bolded bit gives you away as yet another Zionist propagandist.

If the aim is to arrest or kill Hamas leadership, destroy their infrastructure and release all the hostages then it's tactically bad to stop until that's been achieved. Correct?

If they kill everyone in Hamas and destroy all the infrastructure but it costs them allies it would be a massive loss to Israel.
It's naive to think that Israeli leadership actually wants to fully eradicate the same Hamas it propped up to to oppose the Palestinian Authority and allows Israel to continue their ethnic cleansing of Gaza and Palestinians by pointing to a terrorist group.

And Hamas do not exist in a vacuum. You don't subtract Hamas and the problem is solved. They are a product of the conditions of the oppression Palestinians face and have faced for 75 years. If there was no Hamas, there would be another violent extremist group in their place. Throughout history, without fail an oppressive regime is met with counter violence from the oppressed.

The only way to end the war and stop the violence is with the abolition of the apartheid state.

Agree with most of this. I have previously said that Israel needs to cease oppression along with the removal of zionism.

There needs to be a real 2 state solution adopted. The problem is Hamas won’t peacefully allow that and neither will extremist Zionist’s.

Both need to go IMO
So no history of attacks against Jewish schools or kids at school to warrant armed guards, no history of truck attacks to warrant anti truck bollards?

Every time there is a flare up anywhere in the world there is backlash against ethnic groups, this isn’t a Jewish thing, reading the comment sections on social media and the hate for Muslim’s is insane, I see plenty of criticism of the Israeli government but not racism against Jews.

WW2 was 78 years ago, our country is full of nationalities we were actively fighting against, the same goes for countries we fought against in WW1.

At the end of the day, it’s their money, they can spend it how they want and it’s still my view there’s a lobby group making massive money by promoting fear within the community.
It's not their money, religious schools receive shiploads of your taxes.
Yeah, but do they really "have to"?

Anyone who's worked in state schools knows there's semi regular lockdowns for external intruders. They don't feel the need to go and get armed guards though.
Have Jewish schools historically had such high rates of lockdowns that they need armed guards?

Seems more, a tactic to keep Jewish kids scared of the outside world and keep the victim story going to the outside world, who are meant to feel sympathy for a school that "needs" guards.

Seems a waste if taxpayers m9ney to me, seeing as how much public funding religious school get.

Kind of like Israel. Ooh, we need a wall to keep out people safe. Nekminnit, armed settlers steal West Bank land and illegally detain the kids who throws a rock.

I don’t think they are doing it because they are worried about a kid having a meltdown because his parents are on drugs. Or pysco mum wants to see her kid because they are in state care.
It’s a bit more of a serious world for a visual Jew or Muslim.
I don’t think they are doing it because they are worried about a kid having a meltdown because his parents are on drugs. Or pysco mum wants to see her kid because they are in state care.
It’s a bit more of a serious world for a visual Jew or Muslim.
Is it really?
Where are the stats that show that Jewish schools are such dangerous places comparitive to other schools, that they need millions of dollars to install truck bollards and armed guards?
Is it really?
Where are the stats that show that Jewish schools are such dangerous places comparitive to other schools, that they need millions of dollars to install truck bollards and armed guards?
The ignorance is breathtaking.
Where are the stats that show that Jewish schools are such dangerous places comparitive to other schools, that they need millions of dollars to install truck bollards and armed guards?

You don't always need or have available stats of realised risks, when it comes to risk mitigation.
Particularly for catastrophic risks.

Just maybe that the risks haven't been realised in Australia and other jurisdictions, demonstrates the ongoing success of previous risk mitigation strategies.

And the increased security is/was required in line with the recent increase in risks.
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