Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

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How do you know we have a soul?

Clearly you have been unable to do so. You have no more idea of the real nature of 'god' than anyone else. Nor can you provide proof for your claims.
You are completely wasting your time talking to them. 'I feel it in my heart' and 'so many people felt Jesus in their life' testimonials are overwhelming evidences apparently. Do you think they care about evidence? They have as much evidence as Muslims have about Mo splitting the moon. Every religion makes these outrageous claims.

Just 4 main questions. What do you believe? How confident are you that its true? What methods have you used to come to the level of confidence you have that its true? How credible are theses methods?

They will all crumble.

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That is the essence. No matter how much they bicker about history and the Bible, and inconsistencies, they can not explain why and how we have a soul and a conscience, and a desire to know why and how we are here, and moreover, a desire to know God.
Also, no matter what they say, they ALL want to know God. It is blatantly obvious just by the hours of posting and arguing here; subconsciously hoping we drop the missing ingredient that may help them think it is possible.

Even when I was not a Christian I always knew that we are more than flesh and bone. Everything I would see in nature had a clear design to it.

97% of people experience De ja vu in their lifetime. I have had some impossible experiences with de ja vu that science would not be able to explain. People that have experienced it cannot all be lying.

Even reaping what you sow or karma as some people call it. There is definitely something more to what we project and ultimately receive from that projection.

They cannot disprove god. They ask us for proof; but are not wiling to commit, even the amount of time they spend in this thread trying to disprove it.
They cannot disprove god. They ask us for proof; but are not wiling to commit, even the amount of time they spend in this thread trying to disprove it.
You cannot disprove Shiva, Thor, Zeus, Ahura Mazda etc etc. No one is trying to disprove a null hypothesis. You are jumping at the shadows.
You cannot disprove Shiva, Thor, Zeus, Ahura Mazda etc etc. No one is trying to disprove a null hypothesis. You are jumping at the shadows.

How many of all the gods you mention claim to be living and everlasting?

Matthew 22:32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’[a]? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.”
How many of all the gods you mention claim to be living and everlasting?

Matthew 2232 ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’[a]? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.”
All of them. Maybe read a bit of Hinduism or Greek mythology? Maybe read what the dance of Shiva means in Hinduism? It;s the way of Hinduism, even atheists like Sagan acknowledges.

According to Ian Crawford, professor of planetary science at University of London, the cosmic dance of Shiva as Nataraja represents particle physics, entropy and the dissolution of the universe.[48]

Without particle physics we have no life.
All of them. Maybe read a bit of Hinduism or Greek mythology? Maybe read what the dance of Shiva means in Hinduism? It;s the way of Hinduism, even atheists like Sagan acknowledges.

My god does not need to disprove any other gods anymore. He done more than enough of that in the Old Testament.

Exodus was a categorical deconstruction of pagan gods; look at the plagues and how they relate.

Jesus fulfilled the law and all I need to do is follow him. He protects me, He blesses me and he loves me. Amen.
You cannot disprove Shiva, Thor, Zeus, Ahura Mazda etc etc. No one is trying to disprove a null hypothesis. You are jumping at the shadows.

God, if it exists, is unknowable. I can't disprove the existence of God, therefore I cannot say that I know God definitely does not exist.

Bertrand Russell:

"An atheist, like a Christian, holds that we can know whether or not there is a God.

The Christian holds that we can know there is a God; the atheist, that we can know there is not. The Agnostic suspends judgment, saying that there are not sufficient grounds either for affirmation or for denial."

The English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley coined the word 'agnostic' in 1869, and said:

"It simply means that a man shall not say he knows or believes that which he has no scientific grounds for professing to know or believe."

A agnostic would say, "I cannot know whether a deity exists or not, and neither can you."

Many agnostics therefore live their lives without concern for observing the worship of an unknowable god and hence do not concern themselves with attempting to 'know' God, who is unknowable.

Agnostics will most likely treat, with considerable disbelief and incredulity, those who claim to definitely 'know' that there is a god or gods through their own 'experiences' or through the reading of a 'Holy' text or other works. As such, they will often reject 'religion' in its various forms or ask for evidence in support of any claim to 'knowing God' or that some religious text such as the Bible or Quran is the supposedly the 'word of god'.
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That the 'plagues' ever occurred historically is extremely doubtful.

There is not a large amount of historical evidence. There are obviously very few digs being funded in Egypt regarding the matter too.

I can't disprove the existence of God, therefore I cannot say that I know God definitely does not exist.

I appreciate your honesty.
There is not a large amount of historical evidence.

There's no historical evidence.
There are obviously very few digs being funded in Egypt regarding the matter too.

The biblical account of the plagues were written hundreds of years after the events described. They were not intended to be an historical record. There's nothing to really look for and the archaeological excavations conducted this far have uncovered no evidence.

I appreciate your honesty.

I've been saying that on here for the past twenty years. I see no reason to accept the Bible as the 'Word of God' though.
Even when I was not a Christian I always knew that we are more than flesh and bone. Everything I would see in nature had a clear design to it.

97% of people experience De ja vu in their lifetime. I have had some impossible experiences with de ja vu that science would not be able to explain. People that have experienced it cannot all be lying.

Even reaping what you sow or karma as some people call it. There is definitely something more to what we project and ultimately receive from that projection.

They cannot disprove god. They ask us for proof; but are not wiling to commit, even the amount of time they spend in this thread trying to disprove it.
Spot on.
Like you, have always marvelled at nature, and the intricate working of the human body, brain, organs- talk about the perfect symphony- and they insist it is not of God.
Spot on.
Like you, have always marvelled at nature, and the intricate working of the human body, brain, organs- talk about the perfect symphony- and they insist it is not of God.

There is no evidence that it is from 'God'. You certainly haven't provided any.

Evolution in itself explains how these organs evolved from simpler life forms.
There is no evidence that it is from 'God'. You certainly haven't provided any.

Evolution in itself explains how these organs evolved from simpler life forms.
Garbage. Not ENTIRELY. Part process maybe.

How? Present the evidence as to how these organs evolved via evolution is 'garbage'. Present there evidence to support your claim that the 'intricate working of the human body, brain, organs' is from 'god'.

You need to find out more about evolution. Or do you deny evolution of humans actually happened?

I've already explained how 'conscience' is likely to have evolved. There is no 'god' involved.

All you're presenting is the argument from incredulity which asserts that a proposition must be false because it contradicts your own personal expectations and beliefs, and it appears, in your case, is difficult to imagine.
That is the essence. No matter how much they bicker about history and the Bible, and inconsistencies, they can not explain why and how we have a soul
Define soul in a testable manner.
and a conscience,
Easy - our social evolution
and a desire to know why and how we are here,
My parents had sexual intercourse
and moreover, a desire to know God.
Why would I want to know a fictional being?
Also, no matter what they say, they ALL want to know God.
It is blatantly obvious just by the hours of posting and arguing here; subconsciously hoping we drop the missing ingredient that may help them think it is possible.
I argue with people who think differently to me on social media because I find it enjoyable. Ask any of the SRP mods or Admin - I'm a prick and I love it.
There is no evidence that it is from 'God'. You certainly haven't provided any.

Evolution in itself explains how these organs evolved from simpler life forms.
Why do we need to provide evidence for God.
I'm happy to live without the knowledge of the indefinable God.
Nothing you propose excludes the fact that God always existed and created all things.
Even when I was not a Christian I always knew that we are more than flesh and bone. Everything I would see in nature had a clear design to it.

97% of people experience De ja vu in their lifetime. I have had some impossible experiences with de ja vu that science would not be able to explain. People that have experienced it cannot all be lying.

Even reaping what you sow or karma as some people call it. There is definitely something more to what we project and ultimately receive from that projection.

They cannot disprove god. They ask us for proof; but are not wiling to commit, even the amount of time they spend in this thread trying to disprove it.
Karma is just a function of humans being social animals. Most of our time as a species has been in small tribes - the modern socially isolated West is the anomaly. Reciprocal social behaviour is the norm.

The fact you and Dubsy think anyone is trying to disprove god goes to show you lack understanding of logic(amongst other things like science and church history). That's what really separates you from me. You're ignorant.
Spot on.
Like you, have always marvelled at nature, and the intricate working of the human body, brain, organs- talk about the perfect symphony- and they insist it is not of God.
You have the choice to understand anatomy through biological evolution or a book of fiction written by iron age goat herders.

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