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  1. gaz15

    UFC 104: Machida vs. Shogun

    I know i am about 6 months behind but i just have to weigh in here. I have watched it for the first time today and watched it again a couple of hours later to reaffirm. IMO it definatly was not as one sided as most people have made out. On first viewing ( i was watching with a mate) i could...
  2. gaz15

    Your favourite UFC Fighter?

    That is a bit harsh, it was a pretty close fight between the 2-u could make a strong case for shogun-who iam a fan of. But Machida has earnt his title...totally destroyed a very good fighter in rashad. He is one of my favs. Same on the second point. Never used to like GSP. But you just cant...
  3. gaz15

    UFC - Criticism

    You keep bringng this up-it is nothing like the WWE. I used to watch a lot of the WWE and the ONLY similar aspect is promoting. And i dont know what you ment by a staged fight backstage-u must haved switched to Raw for a second or something. Everything is real in the UFC. Yes fighters stir each...
  4. gaz15

    UFC 100 Discussion

    Is fedor a possibility? would be awesome. If Mir fights like he did against Nog then he may just give lesnar a fighting lesson. Machida a big chance to beat rashad. Has a well rounded game. No one will beat anderson silva-that includes GSP. Maybe a Forrest- Rampage rematch. I love Forrest but i...