AOD 9604 prescribed and named on consent forms with Thymosin.

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That's what my Dad used to say to us when we were boys - "Little bit of decorum in front of your mother." :D
He sounds like a intelligent, respectful and well spoken fellow. What happened to his son?
Everybody who isn't a delusional Essendon supporter knows the Bombers players were given banned drugs. The problem is, I don't know how it can be categorically/legally proven unless someone confesses.

I just wish the Bombers supporters wouldn't smugly act like EFC has done nothing wrong, just because they might be able to cover it up sufficiently.
Piebeast, please. Show a bit of decorum... " this kind of speculation is just unnecessarily harmful to the players.''

Cue a coming soon sob story about how a young relative of an Essendon player is getting bullied at school about being related to a cheat.

Rohan Connally is meeting with the highly paid EFC spin doctor as we speak.

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Cue a coming soon sob story about how a young relative of an Essendon player is getting bullied at school about being related to a cheat.

Rohan Connally is meeting with the highly paid EFC spin doctor as we speak.
Terry, the bravery. Don't forget the bravery.
Robbo went hard ealy when the story broke in Feb and then went into his shell. More than likely because Ess connections were playing on emotions.
To his credit in the last month he has seen the light and the undisputed cheating ways of the club he supports, he could no longer stand still while everyone around him was getting the news. He is after all the chief writer
I've met him numerous times and have seen the evidence of his love for the game overriding the love for the club.
I'm only guessing on this but have a feeling he's disappointed in Essendon feeding him porkies and giving him the cold shoulder during this saga, on top of being shattered about the predicament his club finds itself in.
Unless Dank compiled the form?
yes this is what I am thinking and probably with Charters' assistance.

Those two have had a major falling out and it would not surprise one bit that Charters got the ball rolling on this whole debacle way-back-when. He must have been owed a lot of money

And then Dank went to another supplier

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Guys, before you get too excited and froth all over your keyboards - this does nothing more than confirm the reports that have been out for a few weeks now. Some Essendon players took AOD.

Essendon are obviously gunning along the legal lines that it was sourced and administered by a licenced compounding chemist – a technicality that potentially makes people using such unapproved substances legal.

This has been the bank bone of Dank’s innocence claims the whole time:

He checked with WADA to ensure that AOD wasn’t banned under S2, the Growth Hormone classification and was told it wasn’t but fell under the catch all S0. This is critical as when Essendon finally admit to taking AOD they will claim that WADA do not see it as performance enhancing. At the very least, Essendons layers will latch onto it and drag any bans/sanctions to court.

As for intent, well yes, it’s clear Essendon knew they were walking a tight line with what was legal and not in an attempt to gain a competitive edge. In doing so they were willing risk Dank blatantly manipulating global anti-doping authorities laws, and administer their players with untested substances. Legally they may be cleared, but morally they are cheats :thumbsdown: Whatever it takes I guess…
Here's the zinger -

They know who the players are now. No point telling fibs to ASADA lads.

Yeah, highly convenient timing to release this on the eve of the players testifying, innit?

The squeeze is on. Wonder which Dons player will blink first.
Ahhhhhh probably my most favourite quote of the last 2 months right here :D

Asked about the status of Thymosin, an ASADA spokesman said last week: "The status of Thymosin in sport is dependent on the type of Thymosin ... for example, Thymosin Beta 4 has been prohibited under S2 of the WADA Prohibited List since at least 2011.''

Essendon has not said which type of Thymosin its players were recommended by Dank.

Melbourne biochemist Shane Charter has claimed Dank ordered the banned Thymosin Beta 4 from him last year.

So Thymosin Beta 4 is prohibited, Thymosin was listed on the consent forms and Dank just happened to order banned Thymosin Beta 4 and best of all Essendon refuse to confirm or deny which Thymosin it was! (which basically confirms it was banned)

Everybody who isn't a delusional Essendon supporter knows the Bombers players were given banned drugs. The problem is, I don't know how it can be categorically/legally proven unless someone confesses.

I just wish the Bombers supporters wouldn't smugly act like EFC has done nothing wrong, just because they might be able to cover it up sufficiently.
WADA doesn't need categorical proof to find someone guilty of doping.
Highly doubt Dank would be dealing with Robbo, and that he or Charter would possess a consent form. Unless Dank compiled the form?

Yes Dank did it all, without any help from anyone else... in fact no one else at Essendon knew anything apart from Dank - in fact Ratten knew more about it than Hird.

Hird knew nothing.

Tim Watson never called up Hird or anyone else at the club asking why the hell his son was being injected with PEDs and signing forms. :confused:

Hird knew nothing.

I repeat...

Hird knew nothing, all Dank.
Yes Dank did it all, without any help from anyone else... in fact no one else at Essendon knew anything apart from Dank - in fact Ratten knew more about it than Hird.

Hird knew nothing.

Tim Watson never called up Hird or anyone else at the club asking why the hell his son was being injected with PEDs and signing forms. :confused:

Hird knew nothing.

I repeat...

Hird knew nothing, all Dank.
I heard (may have been from Fish or Lance, or DT - can't remember), that EFC didn't even know Dank was at the club!

Apparently he hid across the road - with a nurse mind you - and lured the players over to a clinic where he injected them.

No one, accept maybe Robinson, Hamilton and the CEO (who isn't part of the old buys club) had even met Dank.

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