Aussie Crawl to sue G'n'R???

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Club Legend
Sep 4, 2003
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Did Guns N' Roses base their classic Sweet Child O' Mine on an Australian Crawl song? Lead singer says there are eerie similarities between the songs (and the Gunners WERE listening to Aussie rock at the time)
Music fans have pointed out eerie similarities between Guns N' Roses' first and only number-one single and a lesser known Australian Crawl hit released in 1981.

The Melbourne band's Australian song Unpublished Critics, from their number-one album Sirocco, sounds remarkably similar to Guns N' Roses 1986 rock classic Sweet Child O' Mine.

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Wow, this one is out of the blue. As a fan of both bands and Unpublished Critics being one of my favourite Aussie Crawl songs, I never would have picked it... but after having a fresh listen, it's impossible not to hear the similarities. /mindblown
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Initially mentioned in a TMZ article.... (read: don't take seriously). James Reyne would of been all over this decades ago... also worth noting that 'The Angels' tune 'Shoot It Up' has the riff toward 3.00 onward that Slash no doubt was influenced by to polish it up use it as the opening riff to Sweet Child O'mine.
Hey OP, how about retitling the thread "Australian Crawl have no plans to sue Guns N' Roses" so it has at least some basis in fact?
It is a question, not a statement, so I see nothing wrong with it. Specially since I heard James Reyne saying his publisher would be mad not to look at the possibility of litigation.

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I know one of the guys from the band...............Pretty sure he wouldn't mind a bit of royalty coming his way :)
Simon Binks I'm guessing, he's all over the rights to the Crawl songs and has no issues declaring it on social media. Also has a massive chip on his shoulder when it comes to James Reyne.
As a huge Crawl fan, saw them several times live as a teen and always catch Reyne when he's gigging on the Peninsula, I can't see how they've ripped off Unpublished Critics. They're different genres of music, none of the GnR's would've even heard of Crawl considering they never made it in the States and split a year before GnR made it huge.
Same with the Kookaburra song and Downunder, a load of shit made up by some muppet.
The guitar intro is a little similar but I doubt it's a rip off. In the 60 odd year history of Rock and Roll there have been thousands of songs with similar sounding musical arrangement. It's inevitable when so many artists share the same influences on their work. Some of the accusations in and out of courtrooms of musical plagiarism have been fanciful in the extreme but as long as the publishing rights owners of Kookaburra in an old gum tree can win a ridiculous decision it will continue to happen. As long as it is not a Led Zeppelin shameless, indisputable rip off I recken these artists, working in a condensed genre are entitled to be be given the benefit of the doubt.
"Critics" was my favourite Crawl song, listened to it hundreds of times and the similarity never occurred to me.

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