Didak interviewed by Police

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He's an idiot, but he's a match winning idiot but it could be worse, at least he didn't by any product off the guy then snort it up the nose.

I have nothing against the Collingwood Football Club. To me this isn't an issue between clubs. It's not because the Hawks play the Woods this weekend. I happen to feel very strongly about player behaviour, I couldn't give a stuff which club the player represents, I just wish AFL players would pull their collective heads in and start behaving like professionals.

I prefaced my remarks because I am going to say I cannot believe Didak is being named to play this week. The guy was out to the early hours of the morning, visited night spots players have been told to avoid, he was in a state on inebriation, he was involved in a civil incident, he was questioned by the police ... and he didn't see any reason to inform Collingwood of events!!! The first Collingwood knew of any of this was when journalists started contacting the club.

Compare that to Luke Hodge who went out, had a few drinks to celebrate his 21st, wasn't involved in any incidents, was late for practice because he slept in ... he was suspended for one match. From memory, most Hawks supporters agreed with the penalty as we saw it as a necessary discipline.

While we (ALL 16 clubs) continue to tolerate Didak's behaviour, the longer we are going to have to endure these types of incident. It's not Didak who is making me angry, it's the wishy-washy acceptance the football world has towards recalcitrant player behaviour.
Whats yout definition of affiliated with? He met the guy once, I met Chopper Reed once (So has Andrew Denton) it doesn't mean squwat. He didn't know who he was, what he did or what he was going to do, I don't know many people with esp. Collingwood players will continue to slip up into the future just like Hawthorn players will which is the point I was making or do you disagree?

Nup, I agree absolutely, but the point i'm trying to make is that bringing up Campbell Brown for a completely isolated incident (you must admit, this isn't exactly Didak's first time), seems a strange thing to do.
I have nothing against the Collingwood Football Club. To me this isn't an issue between clubs. It's not because the Hawks play the Woods this weekend. I happen to feel very strongly about player behaviour, I couldn't give a stuff which club the player represents, I just wish AFL players would pull their collective heads in and start behaving like professionals.

I prefaced my remarks because I am going to say I cannot believe Didak is being named to play this week. The guy was out to the early hours of the morning, visited night spots players have been told to avoid, he was in a state on inebriation, he was involved in a civil incident, he was questioned by the police ... and he didn't see any reason to inform Collingwood of events!!! The first Collingwood knew of any of this was when journalists started contacting the club.

Compare that to Luke Hodge who went out, had a few drinks to celebrate his 21st, wasn't involved in any incidents, was late for practice because he slept in ... he was suspended for one match. From memory, most Hawks supporters agreed with the penalty as we saw it as a necessary discipline.

While we (ALL 16 clubs) continue to tolerate Didak's behaviour, the longer we are going to have to endure these types of incident. It's not Didak who is making me angry, it's the wishy-washy acceptance the football world has towards recalcitrant player behaviour.

Im with AH. Putting aside who he was with, why was he out so late or it seems so early in the morning?

The test for Collingwood is simply this. On player behaviour you wimped it on Tarrant, will Collingwood again fail to act or will they finally show some back bone?

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Rusty you forgot about the fact we suspended Cox, Davis and Egan one week for doing something probably minor like going to the shops to buy a mars bar.

Didak will only get suspended if he was strictly told not to go out tonight. Let's remember this was the first night before a long break. Players can and still do hit the town, it's only when they breach team rules is when they are trouble.
Probably meaningless - anyway who cares.

my financial guru... looks like your feeling the pressure of EOM and end of financial year like me :)

p.s Can I throw a bill that will be dated say Jul 3rd into June of this year? even journaling about 15% odd of our revenue over to next year and we're still bottom heavy - looking for a little extra help ...
The AFL should suspend Didak for bringing the game into disrepute. If they let him play against us on Sunday then it keeps proving to me that Demetruio is corupt and Colingwood have to much inflenence. Jeff should make the press conference today to put the pressure on them.
If that situation happened at Hawthorn I'd want him to get one to two weeks for the stupid night out behaviour.

If he saw gun shots fired, and didn't report it to club and police, I'd want 6 weeks and professional help. But I'm still not sure if this was the case.

As Malthouse says, there are separate rules for players at Collingwood. They can have their culture.
Rusty you forgot about the fact we suspended Cox, Davis and Egan one week for doing something probably minor like going to the shops to buy a mars bar.

Didak will only get suspended if he was strictly told not to go out tonight. Let's remember this was the first night before a long break. Players can and still do hit the town, it's only when they breach team rules is when they are trouble.


white feather

I think Collingwood, Didak and his management have misread the situation, badly, very badly.

Now you have the mother of the slain victim accussing Didak of part responsible for the death of her son.

From the Herald Sun article 30.06.07 titled Grieving mother slams Didak
"And heartbroken Moya Keilar said the Collingwood Football Club yesterday should have punished its star for his night with Hells Angel Christopher Wayne Hudson."

You cant defend that. You have the wife, the children, family and friends as who could also unload in the press.

You have upcoming the various trials - committal and then Supreme Court, all will be huge press events.

You have the anniversary of the killing right in the middle of the footy season for however long Didak plays.

You have people in the pubs, the clubs the various social outings, where ever he goes people will point.... thats the guy who ran with the bikie.

Each and every event he attends each and every anniversary will remind people of Didak/Hudson/Keilar link.

Mate, I wouldnt want that hanging over my head for the rest of my life.

Collingwood and his management should have taken the longer term view. Suspend him for a decent amount of time. Send him to the Gippsland floods to help with sandbagging and rescue. Do something to restore his right to walk in this community. Give him something to say "I also paid a price for my stupidity"

Right now as it stands a man died defending community principle of standing up for the weak. Another lives as a coward too afraid to step up and do the right thing.

white feather = Alan Didak.
Right now as it stands a man died defending community principle of standing up for the weak. Another lives as a coward too afraid to step up and do the right thing.

white feather = Alan Didak.

Well said, Rusty, I think that sums it up for the the general community out there.

It was up to Didak to come forward and show some decency. It may not have prevented Hudson from committing other crimes, but it may have allowed Didak to come out of this with some credit.


white feather

I think Collingwood, Didak and his management have misread the situation, badly, very badly.

Now you have the mother of the slain victim accussing Didak of part responsible for the death of her son.

From the Herald Sun article 30.06.07 titled Grieving mother slams Didak
"And heartbroken Moya Keilar said the Collingwood Football Club yesterday should have punished its star for his night with Hells Angel Christopher Wayne Hudson."

You cant defend that. You have the wife, the children, family and friends as who could also unload in the press.

You have upcoming the various trials - committal and then Supreme Court, all will be huge press events.

You have the anniversary of the killing right in the middle of the footy season for however long Didak plays.

You have people in the pubs, the clubs the various social outings, where ever he goes people will point.... thats the guy who ran with the bikie.

Each and every event he attends each and every anniversary will remind people of Didak/Hudson/Keilar link.

Well isn't that part of his punishment? It's no walk in the park having this shit hanging over your head. Do you think he doesn't realise the seriousness of the situation. The moment he saw that the suspect for the shootings was the same guy he met at some strip joint I won't even begin to think about what would be going on in his head. You're on a front page of the paper with someone pretty much saying you've got blood on your hands over someone's death, rightly or wrongly. The police have cleared you of any wrong doing however it doesn't mean Didak would be relieved totally.

Anyway here is the wrap up of his punishment (yes he has been punished)

- Didak will be given stringent conditions on his contract that are as strict (if not more so) than Ben Cousins AFL-imposed contract conditions. He has been put on notice, not wrapped around the knuckles. I would rather cop the 1 week and not have to worry about it than have every move scrutinised by the club.
- The whole media circus over this is a form of punishment in itself.
- Didak wouldn't be happy about having to talk to police, more embarresment.
- Didak saw the man he met, on the news one Monday, and found out he (allegedly) shot and killed some innocent people in the city, do you think he feels fine about this?
- Didak has been labelled in some way responsible for the death of a human being on the paper, how do you think he feels about this, fine?

Collingwood and his management should have taken the longer term view. Suspend him for a decent amount of time. Send him to the Gippsland floods to help with sandbagging and rescue. Do something to restore his right to walk in this community. Give him something to say "I also paid a price for my stupidity"

Right now as it stands a man died defending community principle of standing up for the weak. Another lives as a coward too afraid to step up and do the right thing.

If he is suspended for something like 6 weeks how is this a long term view, compared with the very strict conditions placed on his contact?

If you're a big tough man and would report this to the police then fair enough, but plenty of shit like this doesn't get reported. Fear was a factor, fear for himself and I guess selfless fear of the reprocussions. But Didak didn't and he has to live with the what ifs for the rest of his life now, despite just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
i read that hudson offered didak a lift. assuming didak didnt know who the guy was until he got in the car, then didak can't really turn round and say 'Who are you? Oh, a criminal? Nah, I'd better not associate with you'.

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i read that hudson offered didak a lift. assuming didak didnt know who the guy was until he got in the car, then didak can't really turn round and say 'Who are you? Oh, a criminal? Nah, I'd better not associate with you'.

When I was 5 years old my parents told me not to accept lifts from strangers. I understood the message and didn't need to be told again. It's a pity Didak at age 24 still hasn't got the message.
You got me wrong!!!! I'm not defending him!!!!!! I think his non-actions are disgusting. I think Collingwood should dump him.

But, is it actually a crime? Serious legal question. If i'm in the car and someone shoots up a building with a hand gun am i under legal obligation to report it and is not doing so a criminal act?

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