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Apparently Farmers Union mill outsells Coca-Cola in South Australia. And South Aussies are the highest consumers of flavoured milk in Australia.

Now where did I find that rather obscure fact?

From the blog of David Byrne, former Talking Heads frontman -


He is also quite taken with Perth's spearmint flavoured milk -


It is a great blog that i've been flicking through for the last hour. The guy's interests andd musings are far and wide.

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Oh man, when I was a kid I used to drink Big M every day, and this actually brought back some pretty cool childhood memories. I wish they had included the choc-mint in the competition. I had the vaguest memory of drinking that when I was about 4, but I thought I must have imagined it. Seeing that 1986 ad from earlier in the thread confirmed it was actually a real drink.

I wouldn't mind trying all of them again actually. They should give them all a limited run again. They hardly ever release new flavors nowadays.

I voted Blue Heaven, but I'll drink whichever one comes out on top.
Can't believe this is coming last:

Can someone explain what egg flip tastes like? I can remember all the other flavours but that.
I remember having one once but I can't remember the taste. At this rate though we might get a refresher soon.

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