Modern Day Event Global Warming - Real or Not

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    Votes: 35 25.2%
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    Votes: 22 15.8%
  • Just a load of BS

    Votes: 35 25.2%
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So I heard by the time my kidney function deteriorates, the ave mean temp over the planet will rise by 2 degrees. Right when I need those kidneys the most. Some places that rise will be more noticeable then others. This countries weather is pretty stable, except around the edges. Won't be such a problem here.
You cannot pump 30 billion tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere each year, and believe that it will have no effect on the planet. Trees, mountains, cliffs and the ocean can no longer absorb the excess carbon. Am I worried? No. Global warming will not destroy the planet, it will be nuclear war. The Middle East is falling like dominos and it won't be long before Iran gets involved and a full on Sunny-v-Shia war begins for real. Turkey is already settling scores with the Kurds, and how long before Israel gets involved? Israel will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if they believe they are going to be overwhelmed. Russia hates Israel and would not hesitate wiping them out. Meanwhile Russia and China sense the US does not have money or the will for another war and they are baiting the West.Putin is openly suggesting that the Baltic countries which seceded from the Soviet Union i.e Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania did so illegally and Russia could decide to march in and seize control. One problem for China is that they have not fought since Korea and they believe that they can intimidate the US. Are they going to be in for a rude shock.If any of these three powers are threatened or attacked, and one of them uses nuclear weapons it is all over. It will be like the old all in brawls of the 70's, one in all in. Ofcourse we also have North & South and India & Pakistan. There is a lot of bad blood between nations and it has been 70 years since the end of WW2.

Global warming will be the least of our problems. Nuclear winter, contaminated atmosphere and land will result in 95% of humans dying horrible deaths. Einstein once said he had no idea how they would fight WW3. He was certain that he knew how they would fight WW4; With bows and arrows.
You cannot pump 30 billion tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere each year, and believe that it will have no effect on the planet. Trees, mountains, cliffs and the ocean can no longer absorb the excess carbon. Am I worried? No. Global warming will not destroy the planet, it will be nuclear war. The Middle East is falling like dominos and it won't be long before Iran gets involved and a full on Sunny-v-Shia war begins for real. Turkey is already settling scores with the Kurds, and how long before Israel gets involved? Israel will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if they believe they are going to be overwhelmed. Russia hates Israel and would not hesitate wiping them out. Meanwhile Russia and China sense the US does not have money or the will for another war and they are baiting the West.Putin is openly suggesting that the Baltic countries which seceded from the Soviet Union i.e Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania did so illegally and Russia could decide to march in and seize control. One problem for China is that they have not fought since Korea and they believe that they can intimidate the US. Are they going to be in for a rude shock.If any of these three powers are threatened or attacked, and one of them uses nuclear weapons it is all over. It will be like the old all in brawls of the 70's, one in all in. Ofcourse we also have North & South and India & Pakistan. There is a lot of bad blood between nations and it has been 70 years since the end of WW2.

Global warming will be the least of our problems. Nuclear winter, contaminated atmosphere and land will result in 95% of humans dying horrible deaths. Einstein once said he had no idea how they would fight WW3. He was certain that he knew how they would fight WW4; With bows and arrows.
I thought he said with 'sticks and stones'.

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Global warming is so real, that it's terrifyingly scary that we're still questioning it.
Global warming is so real, that it's terrifyingly scary that we're still questioning it.

True but do not believe all the doom and gloom the Greenies will have you believe. In the next 50 years technology will change the world.
The Tesler battery will revolutionise household energy. Most households will be able to disconnect from the grid if they have solar panels.
pretty sure the planet is not doomed, the earth may go thru some changes and make it very hard for man to continue it is the way it is if we manage to wipe ourselves out the planet will rest for a few hundred thousand years and then be back to normal as to whether man makes a return that's another think all together..

watch a doco few year ago that suggest if man was wiped out it would only take 30,000 odd years for nearly every trace of man to be wiped from the earth..
pretty sure the planet is not doomed, the earth may go thru some changes and make it very hard for man to continue it is the way it is if we manage to wipe ourselves out the planet will rest for a few hundred thousand years and then be back to normal as to whether man makes a return that's another think all together..

watch a doco few year ago that suggest if man was wiped out it would only take 30,000 odd years for nearly every trace of man to be wiped from the earth..
It is a gradual change, so life would find a way. If the worst eventuates many species would die out, homo sapiens may decline but would find a niche for itself somewhere. The planet would find a new normal and new species would evolve to fill the holes left by those that died out.
There may be a mass extinction event IF it goes unchecked and the worst estimates eventuate, but not in the Permian or Cretaceous event range. (Those two pretty much mark rise and fall of the dinosaurs.)

Takes about 20 mins to get good, but it's very interesting. If true, we are actually coming out of a mini ice-age.

Honestly, I think there's some basis to this. There are many sites around the world where sea shells are found inland, often metres about sea level. That can only mean that the ice caps melted before.

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Takes about 20 mins to get good, but it's very interesting. If true, we are actually coming out of a mini ice-age.

Honestly, I think there's some basis to this. There are many sites around the world where sea shells are found inland, often metres about sea level. That can only mean that the ice caps melted before.

Or that over geological time land shifts, sideways, upwards, downwards. I've found ocean fossils in sandstone 500 metres above sea level. That's not evidence of a biblical flood, or seas that reached into the mountains. It is evidence of active geology.

Whether we are coming out of a mini ice age (certainly at times the planet has been much warmer than it is now, and also much colder at others) or heading to a major warming, the effects are much the same. In any rapid climate change large scale extinction is likely and mass migration of homo sapiens as formerly habitable areas become not so habitable. Civilisation has produced a lot of improvement in our lives. It has also tied us to the locations of our cities. Our homes, economies and societies are largely based around cities, some of which could suffer greatly from any (human induce or otherwise) sea level rises.
Even if all we are doing is accelerating an otherwise natural event, the scale will be that little bit larger with less time for adaptation to take place.

The ice caps have melted before, just as they have extended across Europe and Patagonia. Dinosaurs roamed what is now Antarctica, though the land mass was somewhat further north than at present. Never before has the activity of a species played a significant part in the process, if it is now. Never before has a species had the ability to forsee the issues and mitigate against them, or ignore it and increase the problems.
I think that the earth is changing anyway, but scientists can agree that the high level of CO2 in the atmosphere is due to humans. How much effect this is having is up for debate however.

If we put aside the cause of the warming for one minute and focus on what is happening in the world right now it is pretty scary.

- Water levels rising, places like Bangladesh with over 150 million people will have large areas under water.
- Warmer seas means it effects acidity levels, oxygen levels, nutrient levels, levels of plankton and krill, it effects currents. This is HUGE. They are finding sun fish off the coast of the UK in summer now: they are a tropical species. Entire populations of sea-life could be wiped out. Coral bleaching is already happening on the Great Barrier Reef.
- The polar caps melt exposing the dark sea underneath, this absorbs more sunlight and accelerates the warming.
- Species like polar bears are becoming malnourished as they need solid ice to catch seals.
- The Amazon rain forest is experiencing droughts. If it dries out too much then it faces risks of huge forest fires where plant species are not adapted to deal with this.
- Increased number of droughts could wipe out crops.
- Rising seas could displace millions as well as inundate farming land with salt.

At the same time our population keeps growing and growing. We need to produce more tomorrow than what we did today, all on potentially less land.

And our oil will not last forever.

Anyone see a problem? Man-made or not?
Major problem. I'd say man-made, but could be a bit of both. As people always say the earth has warmed and cooled periodically for hundreds of thousands of years. But I don't see how all the Co2 and other greenhouse gases we pump into the atmosphere couldn't have an effect. We should be transitioning to green energy but we have that fool leading us who wants more coal mines and thinks wind turbines are ugly.

First mass extinction caused by a species. First climate change event caused by a species.


But we'll keep on doing the same thing, keeping on living our high polluting and highly wasteful lifestyles. People won't do anything till it directly impacts them.
Scarier thought is if the planet cools and we get above average rainfall for a period, humans will survive a warmer planet, but if the planet freezes, all bets are off.
So a climate change group says climate change is going to flood (coincidentally) some of the most popular tourist destinations in the USA within a century unless we drop fossil fuels and that surprises you?

So why are the Maldives going under water? Are you ignoring that fact, or is your argument on the basis that the world goes through these climate changes, independent of mankind?

Because I agree that it COULD just be natural. How the hell can you or I be absolutely sure though? The fact is there is far more CO2 in the atmosphere as a result of our activities. I argue that even if we are not responsible, it would be wise to hedge our bets and head for a greener future. Why roll the dice on the only planet we have?
So why are the Maldives going under water? Are you ignoring that fact, or is your argument on the basis that the world goes through these climate changes, independent of mankind?

Because I agree that it COULD just be natural. How the hell can you or I be absolutely sure though? The fact is there is far more CO2 in the atmosphere as a result of our activities. I argue that even if we are not responsible, it would be wise to hedge our bets and head for a greener future. Why roll the dice on the only planet we have?

The world goes through changes over great periods of time. We think 100 or 1000 years is a long time, but its really just blinking as far as the planet is concerned. We certainly do our bit to pollute the shit out of the place but earthquakes, tectonic plate shifts, ocean current changes all impact climate and sea level. Plenty of ancient cities have been underwater for centuries - that wasn't caused by excessive fossil fuel consumption