Historical Figures you can't stand and why?

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In short he was a batshit insane, born to rule rich toff who loved playing warhammer as a kid and thought playing with human lives was the same shit.

Reminds me of Tony Abbott. Churchil was washed up in the late 30's. They tell me that people who made a lot of money out of ww2, saved his near bankrupt Arse.

Caused more suffering than prevented, namely because she thought suffering was good and was one way to get close to Jesus.
What is most interesting though is that the 500+ missions that she opened were described as “homes for the dying”. Two thirds of the people who came to these homes hoped to find a doctor to treat them, while the other third received no treatment and lay dying without appropriate care. The doctors questioned observed a shocking lack of hygiene, unfit conditions, a shortage of actual care, inadequate food and no painkillers. The problem was not a lack of money because hundreds of millions of dollars were raised by Mother Teresa’s ministry, but rather a particular perception of suffering and death. She saw something beautiful in the poor accepting their lot, suffering like Christ, and viewed their dying as sharing in Christ’s passion. She believed the world gained much from the suffering of the poor.

The suggestion is many people suffered and died that didn’t need to. To Mother Teresa, the fact that they were suffering was their highest achievement and this should not be interfered with

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You're a ****** for the 'Sack Hird' sig, but I absolutely agree. His "le fight them on the beaches" speeches are so overrated and probably wasn't even written by him. Everyone credits him as the 'savior of Britain' but that's really disrespectful to all the brave men and women of Britain who fought. That's like saying Hitler came up with blitzkrieg tactics or Roosevelt invented the nuclear bomb. Politicians winning wars? Give me a spell.

He was also a tyrant who thought Australian's should basically do what they told them (gets me really triggered when another Aussie talks about how much he likes Churchill. I'm glad Curtin basically told him to get stuffed. At least one good thing to come out of it was it prompted Australia to get off their arse and get political independence from Britain. And it wasn't just Australian's he cucked, decided that it was far better to have thousands of his own people killed in bombing raids rather than give the impression the Nazis had been hacked. Of course winning wars is more important than saving your own people...

He was a failure as a military leader in WW1 and the reason we 'celebrate' Gallipoli. And as if that failure wasn't enough, 'the chosen ones' decided to make him secretary of war, first assignment, . Maybe wiping out annoying leprachauns will be easier than bloodthirsty turks, nope. Ireland retakes nearly 3/4 of its land after 400 years of getting dominated.

Later on after WW2 Churchill talks about how he showed great 'moral restraint' in not taking back Ireland during the WW2, but in reality he knows it would have been a disaster. There is no way the US would have joined if he had done so.

In short he was a batshit insane, born to rule rich toff who loved playing warhammer as a kid and thought playing with human lives was the same shit.
Back at school some clown I knew suddenly had this thing for Churchill and his so called "brilliance".

It reaffirmed that this guy was definitely a clown. Totally ignored the campaigner of a man Winston was.
Che Guevara. He is loved and he is hated. He is one of the biggest commercial successes and one of the most brutal murderers in recent history. It is no wonder that a man so passionately loved and hated is familiar to most people.

Che was a totalitarian. He achieved nothing but disaster. Che presided over the Cuban Revolution's first firing squads. He founded Cuba's "labor camp" system—the system that was eventually employed to incarcerate gays, dissidents, and AIDS victims. To get himself killed, and to get a lot of other people killed, was central to Che's imagination. In the famous essay in which he issued his ringing call for "two, three, many Vietnams," he also spoke about martyrdom and managed to compose a number of chilling phrases: "Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become …"— and so on.

He was killed in Bolivia in 1967, leading a guerrilla movement that had failed to enlist a single Bolivian peasant. And yet he succeeded in inspiring tens of thousands of middle class Latin-Americans to exit the universities and organize guerrilla insurgencies of their own. And these insurgencies likewise accomplished nothing, except to bring about the death of hundreds of thousands, and to set back the cause of Latin-American democracy—a tragedy on the hugest scale.

Caused more suffering than prevented, namely because she thought suffering was good and was one way to get close to Jesus.
One of the more odious pustules to ever draw breath. Given the dire circumstances and conditions she propagated for her victims, her opposition to birth control and abortion were particularly humane.

Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. At his trial, he had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilising terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists.
Reminds me of Tony Abbott. Churchil was washed up in the late 30's. They tell me that people who made a lot of money out of ww2, saved his near bankrupt Arse.

You can add Robert Menzies to the list. Dumped by his own party and willing to give up the defence of Australia to instead defend mother England.

Had to nerve to crtizise the Germans yet moved to the biggest war monger country of them all and helped them get nuclear weapons so they could terrorize even harder. There is no photos of him riding the black only buses or drinking in the black only bars, living in the black only suburbs. There is little about him questioning segregation. He was quite happy earning his money and living off the back of white supremacy.

He moved to the US in 1933. At that stage they hadn't fought in a war for nearly 15 years, and didn't join another war for 8 years after that. Back in those days America used to avoid conflict. Lol at trying to suggest the America that Einstein immigrated to was the same as it is today.

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Che Guevara. He is loved and he is hated. He is one of the biggest commercial successes and one of the most brutal murderers in recent history. It is no wonder that a man so passionately loved and hated is familiar to most people.

Che was a totalitarian. He achieved nothing but disaster. Che presided over the Cuban Revolution's first firing squads. He founded Cuba's "labor camp" system—the system that was eventually employed to incarcerate gays, dissidents, and AIDS victims. To get himself killed, and to get a lot of other people killed, was central to Che's imagination. In the famous essay in which he issued his ringing call for "two, three, many Vietnams," he also spoke about martyrdom and managed to compose a number of chilling phrases: "Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become …"— and so on.

He was killed in Bolivia in 1967, leading a guerrilla movement that had failed to enlist a single Bolivian peasant. And yet he succeeded in inspiring tens of thousands of middle class Latin-Americans to exit the universities and organize guerrilla insurgencies of their own. And these insurgencies likewise accomplished nothing, except to bring about the death of hundreds of thousands, and to set back the cause of Latin-American democracy—a tragedy on the hugest scale.

But he looked really at peace when he died. Ya gotta respect that.
Mother Teresa internationally. Nationally it has to be Menzies. I wasn't around when Menzies was PM, but for someone who did nothing as PM, I have no idea why he was so widely lauded.

Menzies built the Snowy Mountains scheme ( even though it was planned under Labor, the actual work was done by the Coalition) , and he dismantled the White Australia Policy. He also stopped any plans for the nationalization of industry.


So why did he go to America? Biggest war mongers of them all.


So he moved to a country even worse? come off it? I'm not a fool. Plenty of people who believe his shit must be. I notice there's few on this forum fear men with intellectual independence, that's why they turn to abuse.


Running from NAZI's was Albert? That's why NASA hired heaps of NAZI'S after the war?


care to do the same pie chart for Australia and colonies since say 1895?
This blog entry is quite an outstanding researched documentation of British war crimes under Churchill and our current queen. Yep that's right, under our current head of state. They both should of been hanged in the Hague, if we followed common law principles.

It's a result of personal experience, that I know of this, when few others do. In this blog, it reproduces many others opinion that all British units involved in these war crime in Kenya, should of been brought to justice.


The German sociologist Wolfgang Sofsky in writing about Nazi Concentration Camps exposed the system in which a selected few detainees were encouraged to discipline their own people in return for minor rewards. This system was present throughout the camps in Kenya

Caused more suffering than prevented, namely because she thought suffering was good and was one way to get close to Jesus.
This lady was one of the greatest humanitarians in history. My comments about live baiting and greyhounds pales into insignificance compared to this post!

Had to nerve to crtizise the Germans yet moved to the biggest war monger country of them all and helped them get nuclear weapons so they could terrorize even harder. There is no photos of him riding the black only buses or drinking in the black only bars, living in the black only suburbs. There is little about him questioning segregation. He was quite happy earning his money and living off the back of white supremacy.
You can't stand Albert Einstein?

I think you are just desperate to seem edgy.
Same as the people who say they hate Nelson Mandela.

Basically you've heard or read a snippet about something bad they've done, and you think you will seem very clever by going against the grain.

But the truth is, you have no idea, and you have not actually looked into what they did and achieved that makes the tiny edgy point you have, mean nothing.
You can't stand Albert Einstein?

I think you are just desperate to seem edgy.
Same as the people who say they hate Nelson Mandela.

Basically you've heard or read a snippet about something bad they've done, and you think you will seem very clever by going against the grain.

But the truth is, you have no idea, and you have not actually looked into what they did and achieved that makes the tiny edgy point you have, mean nothing.

Why haven't you addressed my points? You scared of something? Hence the abuse pretty boy?
Why haven't you addressed my points? You scared of something? Hence the abuse pretty boy?

I'm not sure you can judge Albert on going to the US and helping the war effort. Even if you did, you would acknowledge we now live in the safest most peaceful period in history.

I'm not saying the US hasn't caused issues but in relative terms it has done exceedingly well.

in regards to einstein:

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