Gym & Misc Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym II

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Those people that make up these crazy looking exercises so it looks to others that they are pro yet they probably get little out of it other than injuries

I really do wonder about this sometimes. One of the guys is huge though, so im assuming it works for him. Others, well, I do have a giggle at.
Haven't read through the thread and I don't think I'm going out on a limb suggesting that I'm not the first to post it, but my number one gripe is people who bounce deads. They're called dead lifts for a reason.

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Yesdy I was pumpin the dukes...then went to put the dumbells back...and this guy is walking so slow in front of me..i was patient..

Then he looks around for 10 seconds at the dumbells while he can see me waitin behind him with 17.5kg dumbells (not super heavy, but enough to wanna put em down)

Then he finally chooses the weight righ next to the only two free spots left...and instead of grabbing them and moving away he starts curling right there...ffs mate why curl in front of the dumbell rack when someone is behind u

I had to reach next to him and rudely put my dummies back..he was oblivious the whole time..

Ugh that shits me...... I dont see why anyone does their sets right in front of the racks. They just dont give a stuff about anyone else in the gym so I end up treating them with the same contempt and just reaching over in front of them.
But its kinda annoying when you have just finished doing 35kgs on a dumbell press, you dont really want to be standing there holding them longer than you have to....

Haven't read through the thread and I don't think I'm going out on a limb suggesting that I'm not the first to post it, but my number one gripe is people who bounce deads. They're called dead lifts for a reason.

Nah, they dont bother me - they are only harming themselves!!
But your right, a deadlift is just that, a deadlift.
Yeah you're right, I just get irritated easily. High threshold for visibly angry, though.

Pretty much everyone at the gym pisses me off to the point where last monday I ordered some weights. Only 3 or 4 gym sessions left.
Ive seen it all.

There are about 6 places (off the top of my head) to do pullups at my gym. None of which were occupied. One guy, who was being douchey the whole time, proceeds to do pullups on the lat pulldown machine. What? Why? Why would somebody even think of that? How?

Re: Irritating people/things that annoy you in the gym

People who do forearm exercises - most arm exercises require flexion and extension of the forearm muscles anyway - there is no need to isolate them.

That's harsh and ignorant. I started doing some forearm isolation exercises some months back when I developed forearm tendinitis. Seemed to help...
That's harsh and ignorant. I started doing some forearm isolation exercises some months back when I developed forearm tendinitis. Seemed to help...

I think I have some form of forearm splints. Everything ive read suggests my forearms are under developed, causing this issue. What sort of exercises helped you?
I think I have some form of forearm splints. Everything ive read suggests my forearms are under developed, causing this issue. What sort of exercises helped you?

Just some dumbbell wrist curls using relatively lite weights. - Certainly didn't overdo it. It's true that forearms are exercised naturally when we grip weights, but we often lift weights that our chest, shoulders, or biceps can handle, but our forearms can't. Pushing under-developed muscles is the quickest way to develop tendinitis, which unfortunately is what I did. I can imagine splints might be another consequence.
Ive seen it all.

There are about 6 places (off the top of my head) to do pullups at my gym. None of which were occupied. One guy, who was being douchey the whole time, proceeds to do pullups on the lat pulldown machine. What? Why? Why would somebody even think of that? How?


I just can't picture how this could work. Equal parts amazing and stupid
A couple of kids have just started coming to the gym in the last couple of months. One wears skinny jeans EVERY TIME. Who wears skinny jeans to the gym? Doesn't exactly irritate me as such, just leaves me a very confused individual.

I want to ask him why.
There is a guy similar to this at my gym (uni gym). I go at 6am, and when he's there, he's always got a flat-peaked cap on. At 6am, inside. WHY??

Also - WTF at chin-ups on the lat pull down?
Yep, uni gym for me too.

As for the pullups - He just put the pin in the maximum weight and then hung off the bar with knees bent. He was doing pretty strange exercises the whole time, boasting to his mate about how much s**t he knows and that he is always right. And then every now and then after a set he would throw a quick 1-2 jab combination whilst exhaling loudly so everybody knew what was going on. I felt sorry for his mate.

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Not much angers me at the gym. If i see people doing exercises wrong than i just know im well ahead of those people and they wont get anywhere near the benefits i recieve. It makes me feel happy more than anything.

The only thing that gets up my nose or gets me irritated is wanting to use a machine or dumbbells and someone else having them. Having people stand on your toes with not enough room is the thing that angers me. Also people that grunt loudly when doing exercises - no need.
Yep, uni gym for me too.

As for the pullups - He just put the pin in the maximum weight and then hung off the bar with knees bent. He was doing pretty strange exercises the whole time, boasting to his mate about how much s**t he knows and that he is always right. And then every now and then after a set he would throw a quick 1-2 jab combination whilst exhaling loudly so everybody knew what was going on. I felt sorry for his mate.

Haha I can picture this now. You would win the internet if you managed a photo or a video!
when as soon as you finish your last set, someone very quickly takes the machine/space or whatever. u could be coming back with dumbells or something but they don't care do they.
when as soon as you finish your last set, someone very quickly takes the machine/space or whatever. u could be coming back with dumbells or something but they don't care do they.
To avoid this, I just leave the towel there. If my towel is there, I'm using that equipment, pretty simple. As soon as I'm finished, I take the towel away. Its not rocket science.
Dude in my gym tonight who was using 2 barballs to himself (1 bench, 1 squats). Also for some reason he was using all the 5 + 10kg plates. On his bench he was using 4x5kg and 6x10kg while it was quite busy. Also was grunting a lot during his reps.

However he redeemed himself later on by doing front squats - 160 for a triple, then 180 for a single - he looked like he weighed 75-80kg.
Middle aged women.

My god, today i was doing heavy military presses, my gym is small and only has 1 olympic bar for the bench, nobody using it so i went ahead as usual and used the rack on the smith machine. I'd done 2 sets and walked 2 metres away to say something to a mate and some woman came up, took the weights off the bar and put them onto the smith machine, took the bar and just managed to drag it to the bench press and do a few reps then left it there. She continued on her weird circuit where an annoying ass alarm that sounds like a bird goes off really loudly from a speaker every 2 minutes and then came back once and did another 2 reps.

Was a bit of a what just happened moment haha, my mate and i just lost it.
I know the bicep curls bit has been well overdone, but the other day a young skinny guy was pretty much 'personal training' two much older females (presumably his mum and another) and is all that was completed in the 45 minutes that i saw them was various bicep curls... preacher curls, barbell curls, dumbell curls, hammer curls, concentration curls, etc... he was thin as a rake, and both ladies were 50+ and one overweight, he could not have administered a worser workout for them all... and as it was a monday i've dismissed any possibility that all three are embarking on a 6 day split...

At my gym its gotten to the point where it is actually a little embaressing doing bicep curls myself, as at any one time 50% of people in the weights room are doing them... one of the trainers even posted a sign on the free weights wall saying 'WANT BIG BICEPS?' which went on to say that curls wont get you there and to book a session with him focusing on whole body workouts which was a clear dig at everyone at this gym and pretty funny.
Not much sh!ts me at the gym but from time to time these things s**t me.

-using the squat rack as a phone booth.
-people not putting there weights guy had over 100kg of weights on his bar in the rack and just walked away not big 20kg plates i mean the little ones.
-seen one silly b!tch skipping in the weights area.
-people using more than one thing like a bench/power rack and something else in busy times.
-poople who ask are you done soon and just hover around to your done.
-poople who ask are you done soon and just hover around to your done.

Whats wrong with people asking how many sets you have left? :confused: People ask me all the time and I have no problem with it...
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