Looking for some help on a P.e essay for year 12

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All Australian
Mar 17, 2006
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Hello every one, just wondering if i would get many people to fill out a survey of what activities people do? it will only take a couple of minutes to do.

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Ok thanks heeps every one, hear is the survey. just put down your answers.


Male or Female

hat type of activities are done, e.g. any sport, walking/jogging house work even gardening

How often are they done, and what frequency, Daily or weekly

Intensity. Low, moderate or vigours

If over weight. You own opinion


Personal barriers. Any thing that stops you from participating in sport.

If involved in a sport what is it, e.g. playing for a club or for fun

Social benefits gained from physical activities. Friends ect.

Walking to and from station & work, running, cycling, gym/home weights
Exercise daily (walking - 5 days per week, running 6-7 dpw, cycling 2-3, gym/home weights 3-4)

Walking low to mod, running mod. to vigourous (comp.), cycling moderate, gym/home weights low - mod.

Weight is ideal (some might argue a bit underweight)

High School teacher (not PE, sorry JD)

Barriers - injury and time constraints placed with heavy school workload.

Compete in interclub athletics (summer) & cross country (winter); looking to compete in duathlons (winter) and triathlons (ideally next summer)

Social benefits - increased fitness leads to improved self-confidence and happiness; solid personal relationships & friendships with teammates and competitors; reinforcement of the value of strong work ethic; comfort in the knowledge you won't be the fat, bald ex-sports jock at high school reunions; having your girlfriend kick you out of the house for a run when she thinks you're being a misery guts!
Age: 20

Male or Female: Male

What type of activities are done: Sport, Gym

How often are they done, and what frequency, Daily or weekly: Daily

Intensity. Low, moderate or vigours: Moderate

Happy with my weight atm, would like to add a few kgs though.

Occupation: Bouncer

Personal barriers. Any thing that stops you from participating in sport: Injuries

If involved in a sport what is it: RecFooty, I play for fun and too meet new people.

Social benefits gained from physical activities: Meeting new friends.
Thanks so far guys, keep them coming tho as i need about 15-20 surveys:(.
Thanks heeps guys so far
Age: 20

Male or Female: Male

What type of activities are done: Running 3/4 days per week, Footy

How often are they done, and what frequency: Daily

Intensity. Low, moderate or vigours: Running vigours, Footy - Moderate

If over weight. Probably ideal running weight, but overall a bit underweight.

Occupation: Student/Gardener

Personal barriers: Work/School and injuries

If involved in a sport what is it: Play Rec Footy and Umpire footy

Social benefits gained from physical activities: Gain new friends, good way of staying in contact with old friends, and builds self confidence.
Age: 20

Male or Female: Male

hat type of activities are done, e.g. any sport, walking/jogging house work even gardening: Cycling, running, weights

How often are they done, and what frequency, Daily or weekly: 3-4 times a week

Intensity. Low, moderate or vigours: Moderate

If over weight. You own opinion: Reasonable size, wouldnt mind losing a few kgs tho.

Occupation: Student/Service Clerk

Personal barriers. Any thing that stops you from participating in sport: Work/Uni/Motivation

If involved in a sport what is it, e.g. playing for a club or for fun: Social basketball, indoor cricket

Social benefits gained from physical activities. Friends ect: Hanging out with mates, just having a laugh generally.
Age 42


What type of activities are done, e.g. any sport, walking/jogging house work even gardening - Swimming, dog walking

How often are they done, and what frequency, Daily or weekly - swimming, 3 times/week; dog walking, daily

Intensity. Low, moderate or vigours - swimming, vigorous; dog walking, low.

If over weight. You own opinion - obese

Occupation - engineer / BigFooty surfer

Personal barriers. Any thing that stops you from participating in sport. - had to quit rec footy because my knees couldn't cope. Had to quit cycling because I kept falling off.

If involved in a sport what is it, e.g. playing for a club or for fun - fun, club days long ago now.

Social benefits gained from physical activities. Friends ect. - moved a long way away from my old clubs. Stayed in touch with very few footy mates although still keep in regular contact with a number of cricket mates (and met more than a few who joined after I gave it away).
AGE : 18
M/F : F
ACTIVITIES DONE : Walking, Netball
HOW OFTEN : Walking = Daily, Netball = 2 x per week
INTENSITY : Walking = Low, Netball = Moderate to Vigerous
IF OVERWEIGHT : Borderline... would like to lose some kgs!
OCCUPATION : Sale assistant @ sports store and Teacher's aide @ primary school
PERSONAL BARRIERS : Injuries & work
WHAT SPORT INVOLVED IN : Play & umpire netball (love the footy tho!)
SOCIAL BENEFITS : Meet new people... increased fitness = better self
esteem and confidence
Age - 42 IIRC

Male or Female - Yes

hat type of activities are done, e.g. any sport, walking/jogging house work even gardening - Cycling, dog walking - play softball with daughter

How often are they done, and what frequency, Daily or weekly - cycle 4 days a week - dog every now and then

Intensity. Low, moderate or vigours - 30 minutes to work and 30 minutes back vigorous - walk the dog is vigorous for the dog

If over weight. Your own opinion - fat bastard, no really, its getting a bit pathetic

Occupation - call centre manager - sit on arse boss people around - great job really

Personal barriers. Any thing that stops you from participating in sport.
I am both fat and lazy - also have no friends

If involved in a sport what is it, e.g. playing for a club or for fun - I would play a sport but it is too embarrasing to start (see personal barriers)

Social benefits gained from physical activities. Friends ect.
less fat, can stop wife complaining constantly about how fat I am because I ride bicycle to work, only complains most of time

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Indoor cricket, Squash, Gym - Each at least once a week. Starting football in a week or 2 as well.

Intensity is reasonable, but nothing like the levels I have trained at previously.

189cm, 88kgs - about right.

Student (University)

Bad ankle - but normally play through.

Indoor cricket team - mainly for fun, but we like to be competitive. Football for Old Scholars. Squash for fun with friends but competitive.

Good to socalise, feel healthy etc.
Age - 18M

Excercise - Running every 2-3 days.

Intensity - Running is probably medium intensity.

Weight - BMI is around 20, so normal weight, maybe a little light.

Occupation - Student (Uni)

Barriers - Dodgy right quad, which has limited running for the last few months.

Social Benefits - General feeling of good health, as well as increased confidence.

Male or Female

What type of activities are done, e.g. any sport, walking/jogging house work even gardening
Combination of

How often are they done, and what frequency, Daily or weekly
Usually do something 4-6 days a week.

Intensity. Low, moderate or vigours
Mostly Vigourous.....sometimes moderate.

If over weight. Im 185 cm tall. With a largish frame. I am also a garbage guts. Currently 92kg would be very happy if i got down to 85kg

IT Consultant

Personal barriers. Any thing that stops you from participating in sport.
Interstate Travel for Work. Need to find a good park or Gym.
Can't run on roads every day as I broke my ankle 3 years ago. It swells up quite a bit after road running.
I have 2 kids finding time is hard.

If involved in a sport what is it, e.g. playing for a club or for fun
Used to play a lot of organised sport. All activity now is self initiated.

Social benefits gained from physical activities. Friends ect.
Great stress relief.
Feel in a better frame of mind.
I've made some great long term mates from being involved in team sports.
Age: 24

Male or Female: Male

What type of activities are done: Swimming

How often are they done, and what frequency: 3 times a week at moderate intensity

Not overweight

Occupation: Studying to be a PE teacher

Personal barriers: Did my ACL late last year and am currently on a waiting list for an op, can pretty much only swim. Usually play footy and basketball, and perform moderate to high physical activity 3-4 days a week at uni

If involved in a sport what is it: Play footy and basketball, but out injured

Social benefits gained from physical activities: Making new friends, developing teamwork and leadership skills


Running, usually every 2nd night, walking usually 4 days a week

Not overweight

Student (Year 12)

Injuries, a little laziness

Currently no sport

Fitness, Friends, Self-confidence.

There we go mate, Cya at school ;)

Male or Female-male

What type of activities are done, e.g. any sport, walking/jogging house work even gardening
-Squash, golf, swimming, gym, walking, sex

How often are they done, and what frequency, Daily or weekly
-squash evry cpl weeks, golf when i can=not often enuff, swim, cpl times a week, gym not often enuff been lazy recently, shld 2-3 times a week but lately once a week if lucky, walk too often as a result of no licence, damn speed cameras, sex nowhere near often enuff

Intensity. Low, moderate or vigours
-most low intensity except for squash and gym which prob clasify as vigorous, squash cause i wanna win, gym cause i wanna get the hell out of there quick as possible lol.

If over weight. You own opinion
-I think just bout spot on, most would disagree and say little underweight

-was a dealer at casino, but living the life of leisure for past cpl mths, spose i better get off arse soon and look for something so can afford my doggies membership

Personal barriers. Any thing that stops you from participating in sport.
-layziness, lack of obvious talent at most sports

If involved in a sport what is it, e.g. playing for a club or for fun
-fun, even when played organised sports, main objective for me was fun

Social benefits gained from physical activities. Friends ect.
-friends, excuse to have drink when game is over, kid myslef that it kinda cancels out my smoking, drinking and other bad habits i shall not mention here, able to keep pace with any lovely young lady that may be drunk, blind or just silly enuff to find me attractive. able to drink and eat pretty much what i want without getting a beer gut, think that may have somethin to do with my metabolism but guess excercise helps a bit too
Thanks heeps every one who has done it so far, it would be nice to get a couple more people tho
Age. 39. (40 next week. Jaaayyyzzzus!)


Type of activities.
Running, cycling, home weights, involved in coaching, training at a junior footy club. Oh yeah, and beach cricket with the kiddies!

How often.
I would do some form of exercise daily. Run 4-5 times a week. Weights 3-4 times. Differing routines in all areas.

Running and cycling... moderate to vigorous.
Weights... a lot of high rep stuff with lighter weights. Heavier weights for chest work.

178cm, 73 kg. Happy with my weight.

Work in the television industry.

Personal barriers.
Three kids varying in ages from 9 to 14 can cut into a bit of time... not that I'd have it any other way of course! I'm fairly motivated though, so I'm often up early in the morning running or cycling or whatever. Easily the best time of day for it in my opinion. Tore a calf muscle many years ago that can flare up for a day or two on the very rare occassion.

Sporting club involvement.
I played footy and basketball when younger, also did some Triathalons. These days it's fun runs and involvement with the local junior footy team where one of my sons plays.

Social benefits.
Healthy body, healthy mind or so they say.... I just like feeling fit. Have also made some great friendships through being involved and participating in sport.
Age- 43 on friday


What type of activities are done, e.g. any sport, walking/jogging house work even gardening-Gym a couple of times a week, try to walk instead of drive places, play recfooty

Intensity. Low, moderate or vigours-try and run 3-4 Ks on the treadmill at the gym,

If over weight. You own opinion-I am underweight

Occupation-disabilty support worker

Personal barriers. Any thing that stops you from participating in sport.-Very, very lazy

If involved in a sport what is it, e.g. playing for a club or for fun Fun, social aspect
Thanks heeps every one who did my servey, i dont need any more as i have finished doing my serveys and handing in the workit tomorrow, ill late you's know how i did as its a S.A.C

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