One Hour Photo's

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Sep 10, 2000
Perth, WA
AFL Club
West Coast
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I just finished watching this movie starring Robin Williams(Serious Role but a good one i think) and after seeing it i am left feeling unsure how to react. I mean i get the story yet am lef totally bemused at the same time, i understand it yet have no idea. Dunno, but id be interested to read others thoughts about this movie as its a little unusual you could say. Not normally something that would interest me yet this one had me glued to the TV
Just reading a few reviews. Scored an average B at yahoo and gave it a rating of 81% which isnt bad at all. Also been reading a few viewers comments and it seems you either love it and reckon williams was great, or you hate it and think he stunk. I myself am leaning towards thinking it was great but definately believe it is a movie where the viewing audience will see it on a very wide spectrum.

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I liked it. I thought he played a great role...definately shows he isnt just a comedian. I loved the squicky shoes. It was wierd tho and the ending did suck arse a bit...but i still liked it.
I saw it at the newly renovated Sun Theatre in Yarraville - Check it out, its great Sun Theatre
Anyways, really enjoyed the film. Quite intense at times (not overly scary, just intense - especially the scene where he is part of the family) I felt it was a good insight into human behaviour and how people need families, need to belong to a supportive, loving unit.
The ending of the film was interesting (what did you want, Sy to kill the husband and his lover?) to the point that everything Sy did and felt was an illusion, to the point that even he created an illusion for the people he hated - the husband and his lover.
Originally posted by mouldy_bread
I saw that last week, and while I generally thought the movie was good, I have to say I was a little disappointed at the end.. it didn't seem to have enough closure.

Agree. Was a good movie, but I just thought that it ended too it wasn't a proper ending.....
Originally posted by happy_in_hell
I saw it at the newly renovated Sun Theatre in Yarraville - Check it out, its great

My friend and I saw 25th Hour there today. That place is gorgeous, and so comfortable.
Too bad about the film, but you can't have everything.
Enjoyed it.

Robin Williams was brilliant. He had me completely moulded to the point that I have never ever felt so sorry for a character in my life than for his character.
workng in that kinda business, i loved it.. i dont stalk my customers but i feel and understand the movie a bit more... trust me, all the photos Robin Williams got to see, i get to see too... porno, cats, gays, babies, familes... great movie!! but yeah ending predicitable

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Yeah I know I am a ways behind with seeing this but managed to watch it last night. Loved it but could someone please explain the ending to me. I get the whole bit in the police station and the abuse he must have suffered etc, the fact that the wife is obviously going to forgive the husband but what was with the photo at the end?
Yeah I thought it was a solid movie but lacked that extra bite I guess.

I like Insomnia more as far as Robin Williams playing a bad guy goes.

I really didnt enjoy Death to Smoochie, found it a bit of a yawner to be honest, which is weird because I'm an Ed Norton fan too....
Sy, the photo guy! eheeh :eek:
I really felt for his character but made me feel sick when he forced that woman to perform oral sex on the cheating husband. He seemed a bit perverted...

Anyway, I thought it was a rather good movie but the ending could have been better. I especially liked that part when he suddenly opens his eyes and blood gushes out. Freaky!
Pretty clever in some parts, like the scene where he wanders around the house in his imagination etc...

Robin Williams' films are generally pretty enjoyable, this wasn't an exception.

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