Side by Side with Reykjavik - RIP (re-read Rey's message to us all #108, pg 5)

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Always enjoy the highly literate and intelligent nature of your posts rekjavik despite finding your username almost unpronounceable and unspellable. Hope you make a full recovery and your sharp wit and tongue are once again a highlight of this board. It is a lesser place without your presence. I wondered what was missing. Sadly I now know.:):):):rainbow:

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Hey Reykjavik, some folks asked me to pass on this message ...

BigPond call centre in the Philipines said:
Dear Mr Lob,

We are very sorry to hear that you are not well.

You are our most favourite customer.

We love when you call us. We have so much fun. You are a very nice man.

Sometimes our call centre is quiet and we get bored. So we ask the server complex team to make Mr Lob call us.

They do something with software and you call us! So much fun!

We hope you get better so you can call us again soon.

We send service technician to your home tomorrow sometime between 6am and 10pm to deliver flowers and maybe fix Internet service, Ha Ha!

Yours estimably,

BigPond call centre in the Philipines.

Reykjavik has so much love for BigPond, as you can read in this pearler from Rey below ...

Dear Bigpond.

So I get that your system crippled my ADSL by throttling it back to less than dialup speed even though ive only used 2 GB out of 100 I have contracted for. I am sympathetic to your plight when you tell me its because Telstra and Bigpond systems cant communicate and its a software problem at your end. Here I was thinking you were the same thing, but apparently you have some sort of weird multiple personality disorder going on. Must be terrible. And of course being in telecommunications and provision of internet connectivity, I must assume software is something you have little familiarity with.

And your endless attempts to address my needs have been heartwarming to say the least. I now have an excellent introduction to understanding Philipino English after no less than 14 different members of your estimable service teams have not helped me over at least 10 hours of phone waiting during the last three weeks while all asking the same pointless inane questions over and over because they couldn't be assed reading the notes on my account.

I even didn't mind so much when those same 14 people managed to **** up the escalation of my problem several times resulting in a service team being dispatched (twice) to fix a (non-existent) problem on my phoneline, when the problem was back in your software all the time. At least it only took you three weeks to get the happy go lucky funsters of your server complex team on the case. Complex indeed. It must be complex, given you told me it will take them two months at least to fix the problem you created, by your incompetence, and you cant even be arsed sending me a note when its done. I should just check my ADSL every day and one day, hey presto, about May, it will be ok. Maybe. The suspense and surprise will be adequate recompense indeed for your inability to even do something as simple as provide a notification that you have un****ed my internet, which you yourselves stuffed. A point I think at least worth making again.

However, I hope you will at least permit me a momentary display of pique. I know I should have expected it, after all there is nothing you bunch of complete moronic jizzrags haven't stuffed up so far so I shouldn't have been surprised. But when you provided me with extra data capacity on my phone to give me some functionality after you crippled my system yourselves by your own incompetence, then told me I could whistle if I wanted it fixed in less than two months, I assumed that meant it was, oh I don't know, at least free.

So when I found that not only had you charged me for it, but twice, on my latest bill, I was a bit unimpressed. Especially when I rang your as always estimable Philipino sweatshop to have someone for the fifteenth time mispronounce "Rob" and ask me inane questions, then to be told that free means you charge me for it and when you fix my system, the one you stuffed by the way have I said that before, sometime in two months I can request a refund, I was less than thrilled.

So the large letter full of dog droppings that is about to arrive at your head orifice I mean office should be taken in the spirit of the above. Perhaps an invitation to do better if you will, or a commentary on the quality of your customer "Service".

Yours Failthfully,

A wellwisher.

P.S. ******* scumsucking campaignery bastard anal pustulent useless toeragging feculent taint snorting imbeciles. campaigner.

If you think this is a pearler too, leave Reykjavik a like ... Link here .
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Get well soon and hurry back

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