The gym/fitness thread

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Dec 7, 2000
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think this is right place to post it..

basically what i do is strength training every second night involves heaps of crunches, pushups

the rest of the time i do light weights dumbells, for butterflys, deltoids & bicep curls

and eating alot of protein riched foods, im looking to build muscle, but also improve fitness and toning

any pro's out there what are your thoughts??

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think this is right place to post it..

basically what i do is strength training every second night involves heaps of crunches, pushups

the rest of the time i do light weights dumbells, for butterflys, deltoids & bicep curls

and eating alot of protein riched foods, im looking to build muscle, but also improve fitness and toning

any pro's out there what are your thoughts??

I wouldn't say crunches and pushups are strength training. They do help your functional strength but it isn't strength training.
think this is right place to post it..

basically what i do is strength training every second night involves heaps of crunches, pushups

the rest of the time i do light weights dumbells, for butterflys, deltoids & bicep curls

and eating alot of protein riched foods, im looking to build muscle, but also improve fitness and toning

any pro's out there what are your thoughts??

How much muscle do you want to build? You should choose one or the other for now, either to add mass, or get fit and toned. Building muscle is by far harder so you should go with that first. You can always tone up and step up the cardio once you have built some muscle. Get someone to teach you how to correctly perform squats, deadlifts and bench press. Those are the big 3 mass building excercises. Get a good PT to write you a weights program or,even better go to or and either seek advice there or start using some of the hundreds of programs written by pros in the forums.

I've been training again for 2 months after 10 months off. I do 2 days on, 1 day off, but it's not iron clad. I'll take a couple days off if i need it.
For what it's worth this is my current program:

Workout 1: Back
Barbell Rows
Lat Pulldowns (Front)

Workout 2:Chest
Bench Press
Dumbell Incline Press
Dumbell Flyes

Workout 3: Shoulders
Military Press
Standing Flyes
Reverse Cable Crossovers

Workout 4: Arms

Close Grip bench press
EZ-Curl bar skullcrushers
Rope Pulldowns

Hammer Curls (across chest)
Barbell Curls
Incline Bench alternate dumbell curls
Reverse Curls

Most excercises are 3 sets, between 6-10 reps. Sometimes i mix it up, do 4 sets, or super sets. Deadlifts are the only exception, sometimes i do singles at close to max weight, other times after some warmup sets i'll do 3-4 sets of 3 or 4 reps at say 80% max weight. This program is really a mass building program. There's nothing in there for definition or toning.

I don't do quads at the moment as i'm still recovering from knee surgery. Calves are done on chest day,just 3-4 sets of standing calf raises,i use the full weight on the machine, supposedly 350 pound but it doesn't really equate to that. Hamstrings get plenty of work from deadlifts.

I don't do cardio, partly because of my knee, partly because i hate it :)
I've been training again for 2 months after 10 months off. I do 2 days on, 1 day off, but it's not iron clad. I'll take a couple days off if i need it.
For what it's worth this is my current program:

Workout 1: Back
Barbell Rows
Lat Pulldowns (Front)

Workout 2:Chest
Bench Press
Dumbell Incline Press
Dumbell Flyes

Workout 3: Shoulders
Military Press
Standing Flyes
Reverse Cable Crossovers

Workout 4: Arms

Close Grip bench press
EZ-Curl bar skullcrushers
Rope Pulldowns

Hammer Curls (across chest)
Barbell Curls
Incline Bench alternate dumbell curls
Reverse Curls

Most excercises are 3 sets, between 6-10 reps. Sometimes i mix it up, do 4 sets, or super sets. Deadlifts are the only exception, sometimes i do singles at close to max weight, other times after some warmup sets i'll do 3-4 sets of 3 or 4 reps at say 80% max weight. This program is really a mass building program. There's nothing in there for definition or toning.

I don't do quads at the moment as i'm still recovering from knee surgery. Calves are done on chest day,just 3-4 sets of standing calf raises,i use the full weight on the machine, supposedly 350 pound but it doesn't really equate to that. Hamstrings get plenty of work from deadlifts.

I don't do cardio, partly because of my knee, partly because i hate it :)

That's a lot of work. I've built up a good muscle base but would like to tone up and get fit now. I do very similar to what DemonDude does but with a bit more Cardio.
People should post up some stats if they want real advice.
Training experience

Deenamite, you say you've got a good muscle base based on a similar routine to DemonDude. Sorry, but I find that hard to believe. Unless you're doing the compound exercises Schism mentioned, you haven't got a muscle base to speak of. Post some stats up, I'd be interested to see them.
I'm 22, female, 5"3 and 58 kilos. Wanting to tone up as I'm looking pretty lean (other than my gut that just won't budge) and would like to build some muscle tone. I have issues with my back so I am working on strengthening my core and back at the moment. My eating is pretty good 90% of the time...I'd say I probably tend to be a bit of a carbaholic but I don't drink so I guess thats a plus.

This is what my workout looks like currently

4x RPM (Spinning) sessions
2x weights x cardio
Cardio: 15 mins running warmup, weights then 20 mins of bike/crosstrainer
Weights consist of
3x5kg dumbell chest press but balancing on ball instead of bench
3x4kg bicep curls balancing on bonzu ball
2x20 squats with ball behind back and holding 4kg medicine ball
Barbell Rows
That's a lot of work. I've built up a good muscle base but would like to tone up and get fit now. I do very similar to what DemonDude does but with a bit more Cardio.

Actually, apart from arms day, all the other days i'm in and out of the gym in 30-40 minutes. It's hard work, but not alot. Intensity is the thing. I don't like doing biceps/triceps on the same day but that's the way it is for now.
I'm 22, female, 5"3 and 58 kilos. Wanting to tone up as I'm looking pretty lean (other than my gut that just won't budge) and would like to build some muscle tone. I have issues with my back so I am working on strengthening my core and back at the moment. My eating is pretty good 90% of the time...I'd say I probably tend to be a bit of a carbaholic but I don't drink so I guess thats a plus.

For core strength, normal deadlifts are the be all and end all. Depends what sort of back problems you have though. I have 2 bulging discs, one 'severely' and impinging on the thecal sack,according to the doc and catscans. I still do deadlifts, and getting heavier all the time. Currently after 2 months back in the gym i'm deadlifting 140 kg (116kg bodyweight). You should get medical advice first but having back problems doesn't automatically mean deadlifts are out.
Can someone explain the differences in difficulty, benefits from running on a treadmill as opposed to footpath/oval etc.

I find I can do 4 or 5 K's on a treadmill much quicker than i expect i could outside?

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Can someone explain the differences in difficulty, benefits from running on a treadmill as opposed to footpath/oval etc.

I find I can do 4 or 5 K's on a treadmill much quicker than i expect i could outside?

I avoid treadmills like the plague. But maybe the ones you use have good shock absorption, making it easier on your ankles and knees. Possibly crank the uphill angle a bit to compensate? Either way, i imagine running on footpaths regularly would absolutely smash your joints.
I changed my routine up from a 2-day split to a 3-day split and I'm really feeling it after the first week.

Starting to up the ante a bit. Supersets, dropdown sets, etc.
I've got my diet down for the first time ever, and have stopped working out before work as I skipped too many days (its a bitch getting up at 6am to go gym when i know i can sleep in to 7.30am).

Need to change gyms though, the one i go to just isn't adequate. There's not enough machines & freeweights and I'm sick of having to constantly wait for a machine to free up because some arse clown is doing the 8th set of the same exercise, or taking a 5 min rest between sets.
How much is the average gym membership around the eastern Subs of melbourne these days?

Look around. I pay $46 and I get access to gym, swimming pool, spa, sauna and personal trainers. Only beef I have is that the gym floor could be bigger as it can get crowded during peak hours.

When I worked in the city a local gym gave our company a special offer which was still crazy expensive. From memory it was like a $400 sign up & $120 monthly membership. Needless to say i don't think anyone took up their offer.
Look around. I pay $46 and I get access to gym, swimming pool, spa, sauna and personal trainers. Only beef I have is that the gym floor could be bigger as it can get crowded during peak hours.

When I worked in the city a local gym gave our company a special offer which was still crazy expensive. From memory it was like a $400 sign up & $120 monthly membership. Needless to say i don't think anyone took up their offer.

$46 per month??

Do you find that you use the pool/spa/sauna much?
$46 per month??

Do you find that you use the pool/spa/sauna much?

I don't use it at all :D
But I'm planning to use it in summer when I'll taper off my weights workouts and try to cut a bit. Will also come in handy once football season starts to help with injury management.
You won't find anywhere cheaper than that with those kinds of facilities - I'm paying 49 a month but that's only because I got that deal while I was still a student and they haven't upped it.
Can someone explain the differences in difficulty, benefits from running on a treadmill as opposed to footpath/oval etc.

I find I can do 4 or 5 K's on a treadmill much quicker than i expect i could outside?

I'd imagine it would have to do with pacing yourself.

On a treadmill the machine sets a constant pace and you follow it, running by yourself is a bit different.

Go for a run with someone else and you'll notice that you'll be able to run further without stopping as you and your running parnter settle into a constant pace.
I just joined up to the gym i used to train at last year and even with the ex-member discount it was about 680 dollars for the year. Prices went way up because of new equipment. Great gym though. I train after work, around 3 PM and its basically empty at that time of day. Perfect.
try to join when specials are on, the gym im at now was $29 for first month, good thing is their isn't much members so its never crowded
What's everyones thoughts in regards to doing pushups to build triceps and chest? do they do the job?

I'm about 172cm, overweight at about 75kg. I have almost zero definition in my arms and chest. real skinny arms! have started pushups recently, and can now punch out 30 comfortably. Of late I have gained some tricep definition. But curious to know how effective they are exactly.

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