The "Question to the next person" game


Norm Smith Medallist
Apr 9, 2011
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
Boston Celtics
I will admit.....Stolen from another forum. :)
If there is one like this, Mods please delete.

The idea is to ask a question for the next person to answer, who then asks another question. :thumbsu:

Q. Summer or Winter ?
Already been done but Deaf

Cold Shower hot day or Hot shower cold day
Hot Shower Cold Day.

Anal probe by Aliens using miniscule gentle tool going 1 inch deep, 1 inch wide
Anal probe by sexy nurse using her own hand going 6 inches deep, 4 inches wide
Hot Shower Cold Day.

Anal probe by Aliens using miniscule gentle tool going 1 inch deep, 1 inch wide
Anal probe by sexy nurse using her own hand going 6 inches deep, 4 inches wide

these are getting more and more sexual

I'll take the nurse. she sounds naughty.

Thunderstorm or Settled in Rain
Settled in Rain.

Pricking Your Finger
Fingering Your Prick

To be honest fingering your prick sounds pretty painful so im going pricking your finger.

Beyonce or Rihanna