What shits ya!

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The media. Seems we have somehow gone from having a media who reported the news to a media where every dim witt has to have an opinion piece or has to write stories based on their own opinions and not on any facts or reporting of the events.
About the only thing i read about footy now days is to look at the stats to see who has been going ok.

Also the Olympics and the fuss about us only having 1 Gold medal. Sure it would be nice to have more but we are still top 10 in the world for over all medals at the games so far.
So we have a year where we where close but not quite good enough, deal with it and another shot at parts of the media get a bloody grip, we where never going to continue the upward spiral of gold medals games after games.
The media. Seems we have somehow gone from having a media who reported the news to a media where every dim witt has to have an opinion piece or has to write stories based on their own opinions and not on any facts or reporting of the events.
About the only thing i read about footy now days is to look at the stats to see who has been going ok.

Also the Olympics and the fuss about us only having 1 Gold medal. Sure it would be nice to have more but we are still top 10 in the world for over all medals at the games so far.
So we have a year where we where close but not quite good enough, deal with it and another shot at parts of the media get a bloody grip, we where never going to continue the upward spiral of gold medals games after games.
That's a good post :) I agree.
Over the last two or so years in Perth, a trend has developed where people in cars stopped at intersections will leave 1 to 2.. sometimes even 3 car lengths between themselves and the next car. Why? What possible reason is there? Afraid of being rear ended and being shunted into the car in front? Okay leave half a car length, no problem. Nobody is going to be flying in behind you at the speed of sound and even if they are I daresay you'll have more to worry about than your no claim bonus.

I've even seen people who are first at the lights pulling up 1 to 3 car lengths short of the line. I've seen a guy miss a filter light because he pulled up so far back from the line the pressure sensors in the road were never triggered - no arrow for you mate. I'm sure the 15 cars behind him were thrilled.

Do people do this in other cities?

It really shits me.
Spoke with a Collingwood fan at the Star Trek convention in Vegas a couple of weeks back and she said she'd seen people in Melbourne doing the same thing, stopping a car length or two behind a car or behind the line.

Thankfully, most people in Vegas don't drive like that. Unless they're from California, in which case, they shouldn't even be on the road, because they constantly weave in and out of traffic and ride your bumper.
Having sponsors on footy jumpers.. Even though they are small they still shit me. I would love to be able to buy an Essendon jumper with no shitty sponsors on it.. Even if it cost a shitload extra.
I got one that cost $50 less. Bought it 2007 though, can't remember where.

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Australia Post and their lazy postmen
I know. I'm home 4 days a week, 2 of them by myself, and when there's no car in the driveway they just assume nobodies home. It shits me to no end. Please note this is when I need to sign for something
I know. I'm home 4 days a week, 2 of them by myself, and when there's no car in the driveway they just assume nobodies home. It shits me to no end. Please note this is when I need to sign for something
Happened to me today. If he had come to the door I would have heard and my dog would have barked. Neither happened yet somehow he "missed me"
Mature aged students.

cabbies who stop infront of my driveway so I can't get out (we've got like a specialists clinic/rehab clinic around the corner and people refuse to use their underground carpark).

Brian Taylor.

People who can't dance.

Women that have no interest in me.

University lecturers who cannot operate anything that resembles technology.


People who come into my work (supermarket) and ask things like 'excuse me, do you have cheese?'
When I'm waiting for my train after work and people come and stand right near me when there's heaps of room to distance themselves. Same goes for being on the train. Spread out ffs.

When someone is walking behind you but doesn't have the confidence to walk past. Crazy, but it happens.

Drivers who won't acknowledge when they've made a mistake, like not giving way. It's like even if they realise it, they pretend nothing has happened rather than apologising. It's usually middle aged guys, for some reason. campaigners.

Lazy people at work who ring you up to ask you to tell them about something rather than read an email, because apparently it's too hard to concentrate and think for themselves.

When you genuinely lose something that you really wish you hadn't lost and the realisation of "****KKKKKKKKK IT'S GONE!!!"

Thievery. I really, really hate thieves like the devil. I don't know why, but besides bodily harm, it seems like one of the lowest acts I can think of. One of my staff members was saying how she lost her engagement ring years ago when she took it off, left it on her desk at work to go print something, came back and it was gone forever. Unbelievable.
people who choose the urinal next to me when there are 4 free ones.. wtf??

people on the train who have out loud conversations before 8am... everyone knows its silence before 8!! we are all in our silent misery together.

people who finish reading MX then hold onto it before throwing it in the bin at the end.. pass it over, i want something to read!

this is the killer blow.....

got a myki card.... had an automated myki money top up via credit card set up. Bought a 30 day pass as well...... next day i had to cancel my credit card as it had been frauded. My myki card gets blocked ... after days of phone calls and emails and crap i had to send the myki card in to them so they could unblock it and send it back... i finally get it back.... my 30 day pass has now expired. i used it for one day.. $130 for one day. I ask for a refund or credit.. NONE FORTHCOMMING! they blocked the card not me, not my f'ing fault!

these clowns are a joke.

hello ombusdman.
When someone is walking behind you but doesn't have the confidence to walk past. Crazy, but it happens.

On this topic, slow walkers. Infuriating in the city where there's no room to overtake. ****ing go somewhere, for Christ's sake.
Bad day at work Mumbo?

Haha was it that obvious?

Edit: I've got a good story about the "person walking behind" grievance.

A good mate at uni (let's call him Warrick) was telling me that one day in high school, he was walking home and there was a kid behind him who had kind of caught up to him. Now this kid, for some reason, didn't want to overtake my mate. I think he thought he might get picked on or something. I don't know why because my mate isn't that type at all.

Anyway so Warrick was kind of getting annoyed and every time he looked behind, the guy would look away up at the trees and pretend nothing was wrong.

Warrick decides to start slowing down to see if the kid would walk past him. Each time he slows down, the kid slows down too. It gets to the point where my mate just stops on the footpath and waits, but nobody walks past.

So he turns around with a pissed off face and the kid is just standing there, hands in pockets, looking around at the trees as if there's a cool bird that he has noticed.

Warrick goes "What's going on mate?" and the kid just responds "What? nothing".

So my mate just walks off and the kid starts walking again. When Warrick turns into his house, he hides and watches the kid go past, who starts running home once he got past the house.

True story. Funny as hell.

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