Roast Your 5 most hated Sports People

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Brownlow Medallist
Veteran 10k Posts
Nov 12, 2004
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Okay we've had your 5 favourite sports stars, now I want to know which are the 5 you hate/depise the most in the world (and yes like the other thread, you can mention retired players)

1. Cadel Evans - arrogant whiny little **** who is prone to throw hissy fits and tantrums
2. Ricky Pointing - worst Captain Cricket Australia has had in the last 50 years
3. Kobe Bryant - As a Celtics fan, this is self explaniatory. His lack of class and grace and 'dubious' morality as well is another reason to hate him.
4. Greg Norman - Why this hack got paid so much and revered for being an serial abject failure and choker is beyond me, plus he has no moral fibre
5. Ian Thrope - It's sissy little fruits like Thorpe that are selling the male race down the river.
Hingis- never trust anyone who smiles that much
Carl Lewis- don't trust he was clean and arrogant
Toni kukoc chicago Bulls
Dick Johnson (just because he always beat Holden - actually know him well since and get on well with him)
Mika Hakinnen
Anybody from Man U Chelsea
anyone who does not play for Carlton Wildcats NY Yankees Boston Celtics Chicago Bears
I will think more on this as I have mellowed out too much

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5. Andy Murray - watched him during the Aus Open i think where he kept yelling to himself "YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS GUY" while losing

4. Materazzi - hack

3. Matthew Lloyd - I just hate his face

2. Jana Pittman

1. MICHAEL VOSS!! (for now)
Okay we've had your 5 favourite sports stars, now I want to know which are the 5 you hate/depise the most in the world (and yes like the other thread, you can mention retired players)

1. Cadel Evans - arrogant whiny little **** who is prone to throw hissy fits and tantrums
2. Ricky Pointing - worst Captain Cricket Australia has had in the last 50 years
3. Kobe Bryant - As a Celtics fan, this is self explaniatory. His lack of class and grace and 'dubious' morality as well is another reason to hate him.
4. Greg Norman - Why this hack got paid so much and revered for being an serial abject failure and choker is beyond me, plus he has no moral fibre
5. Ian Thrope - It's sissy little fruits like Thorpe that are selling the male race down the river.

Another gutless, non-sensical pile of garbage from the resident bottom feeding shit-for-brain. Please tell me just one time when you have shown the slightest sign of courage or compassion or goodwill toward anyone worse off than your miserable self? When they hit the Pyranees and some psycho Spaniard makes a break up a ****ing wall, how do you think Evans responds? He finds something inside you and your kind wouldn't even know about. Guts, integrity, a tough, grinding will when every muscle in his body is screaming "quit".

Face to face you would be the weakest pile of shit ever created. I'd put a bullet in your head just to shut your bile filled face up for good. You are a disgusting racist, homophobe and recidivist bully. May Santa bring you and your family plague. :)
agree thy but thought I would run with the thread anyway
still it is CP's opinion and you can't love everybody
I disagree with every person on his list even Bryant (did you hate Magic and Kareem?)
Seriously Thorpe is one of the greatest athletes of all time in all sport Norman and Ponting rated in the top of their sports Cadel MUST be our best peddler of all time
Hates Australia - tall poppy syndrome
agree thy but thought I would run with the thread anyway
still it is CP's opinion and you can't love everybody
I disagree with every person on his list even Bryant (did you hate Magic and Kareem?)
Seriously Thorpe is one of the greatest athletes of all time in all sport Norman and Ponting rated in the top of their sports Cadel MUST be our best peddler of all time
Hates Australia - tall poppy syndrome

I didn't hate Magic or Kareem, because unlike Kobe, they conducted themselves with class, grace and dignity, both on and off the court ..

Have you also noticed that Thy is an 'unbalanced' and 'unhinged' person ??? Only someone suffering from severe mental health problems, like suffering from something like Bi-polar or a similar condition would react in such an 'insane' way to a message posted on an forum. It Beats me why anyone
would want to 'kill' someone for posting an 'controversial' opinion on an internet forum ...

Why does me hating folks like Thorpe and Evans and Pointing make me an 'Australia hater' anyway ? There are lots of Aussies who hate them as well.

And Greg Norman was a mentally weak pro-golfer who constantly 'choked' on the big stage ... Only really won one major tournament throughout his overrated career.
I didn't hate Magic or Kareem, because unlike Kobe, they conducted themselves with class, grace and dignity, both on and off the court ..

Have you also noticed that Thy is an 'unbalanced' and 'unhinged' person ??? Only someone suffering from severe mental health problems, like suffering from something like Bi-polar or a similar condition would react in such an 'insane' way to a message posted on an forum. It Beats me why anyone
would want to 'kill' someone for posting an 'controversial' opinion on an internet forum ...

Why does me hating folks like Thorpe and Evans and Pointing make me an 'Australia hater' anyway ? There are lots of Aussies who hate them as well.

And Greg Norman was a mentally weak pro-golfer who constantly 'choked' on the big stage ... Only really won one major tournament throughout his overrated career.

You hate people who are "sissies" and you hate people because they "choke". Norman won 2 British Opens. You denigrate someone because you think they have a psychological condition. If I am mental because I find you a repulsive, slimy shit-eater then bring on the straight jacket. All you ever talk about is hate and all you contribute here is fouled by the stench of misogyny, racism, homophobia and bigotry.

Now of course the "poor me, why am I picked on" garbage will start to flow like the rest of the liquid manure you dribble.
Considering your long-standing harrassment and abuse against a female poster on this forum, you are the last person to accuse anyone of 'misogyny' Thy old buddy ..

I'm not perfect, far from it, but your constant moral grand-standing and poisonous and self-righteous attitude would be laughable, if it wasn't so damn hypocritical.
5. Anthony Mundine

Spud who beats up soup cans, yet thinks he's Ali.

4. Ferrari

I hate Ferrari.

F1 overturning a ruling on Ferrari's illegal skirting board was yet another political and crooked decision to allow Ferrari and Schumacher to stay in the championship.

3. Diego Maradona

Maradona makes Ben Cousins look clean cut and honest after stealing a World Cup with the "hand of god".

2. Ben Johnson, Marion Jones, Renate Stecher, Peter Korda and other drug cheats

1. Muttiah Muralitharan.

It's a disgrace that this cheat broke Warne's record due to the ICC's politics in bending over for the teams from the subcontinent. Daryl Hair was burnt at the stake for doing his job and not towing the company line. If Muttiah Muralitharan was an AFL team, the AFL commission would have taken away five to ten years of draft picks from him and fined him millions.

"But, but, but MM's arm can't be straightened, so he isn't a chucker..."

And Lloyd wasn't a cheat who dived for free kicks.

Even though I hate the "world game", I concur with Materazzi.
Mika Hakinnen

Why? :confused:

Hakkinen was a champ after fighting back from a horrendous and life threatening accident to win world championships.

Mika was one of the fastest drivers out there.

I loved Hakkinen's press conferences after a win. :)

Hakkinen would just smile and give the media nothing. :cool: :thumbsu: :D
If I am mental because I find you a repulsive, slimy shit-eater then bring on the straight jacket. All you ever talk about is hate and all you contribute here is fouled by the stench of misogyny, racism, homophobia and bigotry.

Now of course the "poor me, why am I picked on" garbage will start to flow like the rest of the liquid manure you dribble.

:thumbsu: :thumbsu: :thumbsu:

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Okay we've had your 5 favourite sports stars, now I want to know which are the 5 you hate/depise the most in the world (and yes like the other thread, you can mention retired players)

1. Cadel Evans - arrogant whiny little **** who is prone to throw hissy fits and tantrums
2. Ricky Pointing - worst Captain Cricket Australia has had in the last 50 years
3. Kobe Bryant - As a Celtics fan, this is self explaniatory. His lack of class and grace and 'dubious' morality as well is another reason to hate him.
4. Greg Norman - Why this hack got paid so much and revered for being an serial abject failure and choker is beyond me, plus he has no moral fibre
5. Ian Thrope - It's sissy little fruits like Thorpe that are selling the male race down the river.

Can I be honest here, I didn't expect such an 'nasty' reaction or people to take such 'offense' at my comments, call me naive, but I thought this thread would have been good for a laugh ...

I probably went slightly OTT with some of my comments, but the truth is I didn't expect for this thread to take on such a nasty tone.
Can I be honest here, I didn't expect such an 'nasty' reaction or people to take such 'offense' at my comments, call me naive, but I thought this thread would have been good for a laugh ...

I probably went slightly OTT with some of my comments, but the truth is I didn't expect for this thread to take on such a nasty tone.

Can I be honest here, I didn't expect such an 'nasty' reaction or people to take such 'offense' at my comments, call me naive, but I thought this thread would have been good for a laugh ...

I probably went slightly OTT with some of my comments, but the truth is I didn't expect for this thread to take on such a nasty tone.

Just re read your opening post again. Take it all in. Think about exactly WHY it turned a bit nasty.

Its an excellent idea for a thread, but your rationale as to why you dislike these people is completely insane. You chose 4 out of 5 Australians and gave no real reason as to why you hate them so much. Norman is a choker? Ponting isn't a good captain? I mean seriously, its just a poor attention seeking effort.

And the Kobe one... well i can understand why you dislike him, because you're jealous that he has 4 of these...

FFS CP, I have learned to live with taking your drivel with a grain of salt and a desperate grab for some attention, but can you please FFS, stop uneccessarily using 'inverted' commas for 'words' that are completely in 'context'. Sh*tting me no end.
Have you also noticed that Thy is an 'unbalanced' and 'unhinged' person ??? Only someone suffering from severe mental health problems, like suffering from something like Bi-polar or a similar condition would react in such an 'insane' way to a message posted on an forum. It Beats me why anyone
would want to 'kill' someone for posting an 'controversial' opinion on an internet forum ...

For one Magic Johnson certainly didn't act with dignity off the court... you know the reason he caught AIDs right? Wouldn't have anything to do with sleeping with 100s of women outside marriage.

Seriously you are a flog of the highest order. I agree with the gist of what thy said maybe not to that extreme you are seriously one of the most pompous, sanctimonious people alive. How you can judge that someone with a medical condition is instantly going to become a killer is seriously small minded. You are a remnant of a bygone era.
Seriously change your supported club again as your opinions are not wanted here and your prescence on this forum only infuriates everyone due to your simplistic nature.
On another note its nice to sit back and spew your garbage whilst remaining anonymous you gutless cretin.
Can I be honest here, I didn't expect such an 'nasty' reaction or people to take such 'offense' at my comments, call me naive, but I thought this thread would have been good for a laugh ...

I probably went slightly OTT with some of my comments, but the truth is I didn't expect for this thread to take on such a nasty tone.

Seriously C_P, you've described some of the admired and respected sports people in the country as arrogant, whiny little ***, hack, serial abject failure, choker, no moral fibre, sissy. It was absolutely disgusting. These men have put their heart and soul into what they do for years.

Throw this in with your uninformed, ignorant, agenda driven slander towards Walker and Houlihan when none of us have any actual facts that prove them guilty or innocent and if you are still surprised people act the way they do toward you then you really need to wake up.
Seriously C_P, you've described some of the admired and respected sports people in the country as arrogant, whiny little ***, hack, serial abject failure, choker, no moral fibre, sissy. It was absolutely disgusting. These men have put their heart and soul into what they do for years.

Throw this in with your uninformed, ignorant, agenda driven slander towards Walker and Houlihan when none of us have any actual facts that prove them guilty or innocent and if you are still surprised people act the way they do toward you then you really need to wake up.

With regards to the Walker and Hoops debacle, isn't it funny that he's condemning them yet was preaching "innocence until proven guilty" in regards to fev. These two a relative cleanskins (walkers driving offences and houlihans one indiscretion with fev aside)
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