Movie Zoolander 2

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Oct 9, 2003
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Was announced this week that Zoolander 2 is being made, with both Stiller and Ferrell confirmed. In my experience the first one was a movie that polarizes, people either love it or hate it. Personally I loved it and can't wait for the sequel. One of my all time favourite comedies with so many quotable lines.
Not expecting the sequel to be as good as the original, comedy sequels never are, but I just hope it doesn't derelicte my balls.

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The story is Derek and Hansen struggling to make it and stay relevant in the modern day fashion industry all these years later

Damn that Chris Hansen is so hot right now.

I really hope they don't do this.
It will change it from that crazy cult classic of cinema, to just another movie.

Pretty sure anyone who watched anchorman 2, now doesn't care that much about anchorman.

I think the thing with these movies, is that they are so stupid and random and have no rhyme or reason. So the second that we know they are trying to do it... it loses everything.

I would say the same about Super Troopers. Hope they never try for a second movie.
Ah, that's a shame. Zoolander is one of my favourite comedies and I think it worked because it suited the times it was made. With Drake Sathers' suicide, I really think they'll struggle to recapture that spirit. I kinda feel for Stiller and Ferrell, they're desperate to stay relevant and they've been recycling for the last few years in search of a hit. The Secret Life of Walter Shitty was a huge blow especially.
Ah, that's a shame. Zoolander is one of my favourite comedies and I think it worked because it suited the times it was made. With Drake Sathers' suicide, I really think they'll struggle to recapture that spirit. I kinda feel for Stiller and Ferrell, they're desperate to stay relevant and they've been recycling for the last few years in search of a hit. The Secret Life of Walter Shitty was a huge blow especially.
Its funny for Stiller, Farrell is so one dimensional that he's shtick is starting to wear thin, but always thought still had more strings to his bow. Shame, also loved the first, and never thought a second was necessary.

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