Recent content by 20yearson

  1. 20yearson

    2011 Membership information

    $840 for full paying members next year, $596 for concession, which means anyone with student cards from universitys, health care cards etc
  2. 20yearson

    When will The Pies Win Their Next Premiership ?

    good call, now can i borrow your time machine?
  3. 20yearson

    Rumour Walker to Pies?

    lol! could see jack playing all 22 games for them
  4. 20yearson

    News Mick Malthouse "On the Couch".

    has a video of MM on the couch been uploaded yet?
  5. 20yearson

    Sexual assault allegations

    Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations well we shouldnt let this dampen our celebrations..
  6. 20yearson

    Toast 2010 Premiers

    how sweet it is!! yesterday was special... brought a tear to my eyes! i do feel the pain the saints supporters are going through, we were there in '02 and '03. just like dalethomas13 im 22 years old and the best memories of 1990 for me are on dvd so for me its time to live it up and i hope all...
  7. 20yearson

    JMac emergency?

    yeah but still i dont see him being put on the field
  8. 20yearson

    C O L L I N G W O O D - a call to arms

  9. 20yearson

    JMac emergency?

    on channel ten quarters' said that mick has told leon to bring his gear to the game.. but he's not emergency? surely they wouldnt name a non-emergency in the gf
  10. 20yearson

    Toast James Hird, Mark Thompson and Gary Ablett.

    it really does have that eerie feel of a normal week for a grand final.. quite weird... every minute on sen the words bomber, hird or ablett are mentioned.
  11. 20yearson

    Dry argument at AAMI Park?

    u serious? they said on monday when it got announced that it would be licensed...
  12. 20yearson


    is there any rumours of him finding a new club? when does his contract run out?
  13. 20yearson

    Grand Final seating Allocation

    Hi there, i aquired 1 ticket in section P2 directly behind the saints cheersquad goals, i was wondering if anyone gets a GATE 1 M30-35 standing room ticket (preferred M31) if they would like to swap, or a gate bottom level 1 ticket. i realise standing room tix arent available yet, i go standing...
  14. 20yearson

    Stop the stupid chant!!!

    in the words of John McEnroe.. u cant be serious? its the best chant goin round.. one that lifts the boys when we need them to... one to lose your voice over. ask yourself, how much do you go for collingwood?
  15. 20yearson

    Toast Nick Maxwell

    that is art mattys123, and nick maxwell is a champion :thumbsu::thumbsu: