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  1. dogwatch

    Your Bulldogs Diary

    Check when he posted the pic.
  2. dogwatch

    Your Bulldogs Diary

    Great! When you've done that 54 times* try this one ... *You can stop after 16 times if you like. :)
  3. dogwatch

    Your Bulldogs Diary

    Hey I like it! That's me!! Fossie 32 wishes it had been 16 degrees on May 4th though ...
  4. dogwatch

    Your Bulldogs Diary

    Fossie ol' mate, I'm concerned that eating hot doughnuts may be a compensatory activity which could be bad for your health (are they jam doughnuts? iced doughnuts?) I like your sig though. I'm hoping Schache gets jumper #9 and becomes a star for us. Will help get you over your separation...
  5. dogwatch

    Toast Songs Dedicated To Bigfooty Posters, Dogs Players etc

    This one's not exactly for a BF poster - it's dedicated to our dear mate Dodoro...
  6. dogwatch

    "FirstDogOnTheMoon is your friend"

    Premiership hangover :(
  7. dogwatch

    "FirstDogOnTheMoon is your friend"

    You see what I have to deal with up here. It's the stifling land of the Philistine and the Barbarian. BF is my oxygen tank.
  8. dogwatch

    "FirstDogOnTheMoon is your friend"

    Cheers ... I must go check them out. You should have got in touch - we could have watched the Dogs game over a beer.
  9. dogwatch

    "FirstDogOnTheMoon is your friend"

    FDOTM's effort after the Brisbane game. The almostbutnotquitening. I love the many faces of Brendan McCartney.
  10. dogwatch

    "FirstDogOnTheMoon is your friend"

    Hmmmm, I have a feeling I know this Carl fella from somewhere else ...
  11. dogwatch

    "FirstDogOnTheMoon is your friend"

    I loved this one FDOTM (I know you're secretly watching). You really captured the Grant thing beautifully! Hope you can see it out until the end of the season. We don't want you to miss a week with "soreness".
  12. dogwatch

    Congratulations Julia

    Geez, some people just can't help themselves can they? I don't give a shit what party or leader you support, let's just keep the political sniping out of it. Save your political comments for one of the thousands of political blogs out there. This is a footy board. Don't you get it? And...
  13. dogwatch

    Congratulations Julia

    Political preferences are irrelevant: the exposure she gives to the club is of immense value. Being able to tell your kids/grandchildren/their friends, etc that the PM supports your club is a good way to impress them and get them on board. Having Mission's brand name flashed on the screen on...
  14. dogwatch

    The average supporter is of below average intelligence

    Re: Eade is coaching like an amatuer Good post JC. I never expected Howard Gardner to be quoted at length on this board ... and staying on topic too!
  15. dogwatch

    The average supporter is of below average intelligence

    Re: Eade is coaching like an amatuer Touching briefly on the IQ issue again (bear with me folks) I have little doubt that Eade is one of the most intelligent coaches in the league. You can tell that during interviews. But time and time again we see dumb things happening, like failing to...
  16. dogwatch

    The average supporter is of below average intelligence

    Re: Eade is coaching like an amatuer Thanks Arkangel - good contribution. I see that the Flynn effect is also more pronounced in the lower half of the population so it further strengthens the point that if the distribution is skewed in any direction it is skewed above 100. However IQ...
  17. dogwatch

    The average supporter is of below average intelligence

    Re: Eade is coaching like an amatuer Not necessarily ... take the following series (these could be BF IQs!): 50 54 60 70 90 110 110 120 120 120 130 The average (or mean) is 94. There are 6 above it and 5 below it. [The median is 110 ... and the mode is 120, for the stats buffs] Now, what...
  18. dogwatch

    The average supporter is of below average intelligence

    Re: Eade is coaching like an amatuer Sorry BJ, but what you call the mean is actually the median (the mid point in an ordered series). The mean is actually the same thing as the average.
  19. dogwatch

    maRGIN V Sammy Power's kangas

    Dogs by 36
  20. dogwatch

    FiRST GOALKICKER V The Barry Crockers

    Higgins - first of four for the match