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  1. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Don’t forget thought that there’s at least a 2-3 week lag from getting Covid to ending up in icu. but it is true that delta is more likely to result in serious illness.
  2. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Nice maths dr j. just the one obvious (deliberate?) error, and some misleading omissions. Out by a factor of 100. not counting already dead. is counting those who only got it in the last couple of days (around half of them)
  3. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    So when I jump online to abc app now and see the 3rd top story is about a mum finding independence and confidence through wheelchair hockey, is that an ok fringe piece? Is that left wing? Right wing? neither? Is that something that might help society (attitudes towards disabled) and therefore...
  4. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Not sure where else to ask, what’s the deal with the nye party at the George last night? organised by the owner (or at least knew it was happening?)
  5. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    No, people can’t and that’s the problem. just because someone is upset that they can’t visit relatives or v-v doesn’t mean they want a Domicron or Gladbags approach. Many of us would be happy to test on departure from interstate, quarantine at home for 5 or 7 days with RATs on arrival and every...
  6. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    How’s that working out so far? NSW stats for hospitalisations: 15/12 166 21/12 284 28/12 557 ICU up 250% during that same period. sadly, we’re not done.
  7. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)
  8. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Source? the most recent Reuters article I found has it at 46%, disapproval at 49%. That seems to be near the consensus. lowest I could find was a Utah figure of 32%.
  9. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    isnt that how it works in most large companies? What’s the difference?
  10. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    About 11% of the US population have received at least one dose. 3 weeks ago it was sitting around 5%, so it’s fair to say that around 5-6% of the US population are vaccinated - not quite the half that our friend suggests. of course it could be that there’s a bunch of poorer nations sitting well...
  11. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Oh, he too tuff for that.
  12. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    I’m guessing there’s a good chance this is complete BS. plenty of under 12s getting around maskless and no one commenting.
  13. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Both countries running at similar rates of infection - around 40 000/million total so far, and similar current rates. what would be the point of quarantining?
  14. Vintage

    Miscellaneous Sports 2021 off-season

    I’m with you 100% Square Peg, closing the politics thread was unnecessary and has caused problems for people in other threads as welll as for those of us who like to talk or read politics. stupid decision.
  15. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    So you’re a teacher and when you approached parents they told you to **** off? I call bulls#ht.
  16. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    I don’t understand why there aren’t limits on the days we can go to the shops? Why not line it up with our watering days, lift some of the buying limits slightly ... that way there are less people inside the supermarket, we’re all going out less and there might be some stuff There when we shop...
  17. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Is this where I come to complain about the cap of 10 people at a funeral? WTF? go to the crowded supermarket every day, send those kids who don’t know how to socially distance off to school each day... but stiff shit if there’s more than a couple of children in the family. So nan or pop passes...
  18. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Work for binding emissions reduction targets rather than argue against them at meetings. announce that we will not allow any additional new coal mines in Australia for local use or export. work to reduce the amount of coal extracted and bring it to nil by 20xx (starting from say 2025?) similar...
  19. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    I love my garden, but I don’t kid myself into thinking that the lawn does anything good for the environment - purely aesthetic. the natives, succulents etc that are more than happy with 2 waterings a week are different though.
  20. Vintage

    Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

    Do we need to sacrifice all of those things, or just be prepared to pay more for them so that they can be carbon neutral and sustainable? Of course that will mean sacrificing some parts of them (less holidays, smaller car etc). i agree with others that population is a massive issue. And it...
  21. Vintage


    Is it too late to plant peas?
  22. Vintage

    Power Blackouts Again

    Yeah, that power's been pretty unreliable over the last couple of years hasn't it? How many blackouts per week/month/year/decade are we having? Seriously mate, ctf down. In my opinion if we were paying a realistic price for energy we'd all be better off, energy (both electricity and petrol) is...