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  1. Norm De Guerre

    Roast Classic Tom Browne Moments

    A sad day. Footy journalism is dead.
  2. Norm De Guerre

    Roast Classic Tom Browne Moments

    That is not a very flattering telling of events for our boy Tom. It reads like whoever wrote it is mocking Brownes pathetic thirst to be seen as a legitimate news breaker. This line really stands out from the rest of the snark. "So you can imagine how poor old Browne felt at 7pm on Monday...
  3. Norm De Guerre

    Prediction Kenny Hinkley to coach Essendon in 2023

    Surely the Bombers go with a story that everybody can get behind and bring back Hird.
  4. Norm De Guerre

    NO TROLLS Clarkson signs on as new North Melbourne coach - No Trolling

    Alistair Clarkson clearly disagrees.
  5. Norm De Guerre

    NO TROLLS Clarkson signs on as new North Melbourne coach - No Trolling

    Because Essendon are such a stable and well run club?
  6. Norm De Guerre

    Jamarra Ugle-Hagan is the next big thing

    If: I hadn't read any of your previous posts on Bigfooty. Then: I would've suggested that this game was a real sliding doors moment for you, one where you lost your objective grip on reality.
  7. Norm De Guerre

    Toast How can this Melbourne side be stopped?

    The answer is clearly to let Steven May get pissed and punch a teammate in the teeth.
  8. Norm De Guerre

    Prediction Dogs or Dees dynasty or not?

    Ah, Bigfooty. Where the carrot of the future is always dangled in front of the donkey.
  9. Norm De Guerre

    Opinion Is Jack Macrae Overrated?

    Im pretty sure that I just did.
  10. Norm De Guerre

    Opinion Is Jack Macrae Overrated?

    Because the thread is a troll by a North supporter buttttt hurt over Bulldogs supporters and their buttttt hurt trolling threads discussing North players here on the main board. I admire the op's ability to constantly real in the fish in this thread, but it shouldn't be mistaken for a legitimate...
  11. Norm De Guerre

    Cody Weightman NORM SMITH THREAD

    Max Gawn to do a Nathan Buckley.
  12. Norm De Guerre

    Roast Classic Tom Browne Moments

    I can only imagine how inept he was as a lawyer if he had to stoop to being a TV reporter. I pity his former clients.
  13. Norm De Guerre

    Luke Beveridge

    Nobody can create a narrative for players to get behind like Luke Beveridge.
  14. Norm De Guerre

    Chris Scott's legacy if he gags in another finals series?

    If only Geelong knew that topping up with guys with poor finals records only got you as far as prelims. Gary the Ghost and Junktime Jeremy are not the hardened players you build a premiership winning forward line around.
  15. Norm De Guerre

    Chris Scott on Doc Larkins - "unprofessional"

    The ironing of somebody who's entire career has been in the sports entertainment dismissing the views of a medical professional as that of an entertainer is pretty special.
  16. Norm De Guerre

    Injury Medical Sub - the first integrity check

    He got hit in the head and was subbed out as a precaution. He didn't fail a concussion test. Are you suggesting that players aren't subbed out as a precaution to further injury? That Johannisson came on and kicked a goal is irrelevant. Unless you are also suggesting that medical subs can't...
  17. Norm De Guerre

    Opinion Is Jack Macrae Overrated?

    Good thread. Will read again when in need of a laugh.
  18. Norm De Guerre

    Dogs land a beauty in Ugle-Hagan - but can they keep him?

    You pot stirrers do understand that he was 15 when he arrived at the clubs NGA and not a number 1 draft pick...right?
  19. Norm De Guerre

    Opinion AFL 2021 Round 20 - Liked, Learnt, Hated

    Liked: Hearing a car horn toot toot toot after a goal at Ballarat on the weekend. It brought more atmosphere than the canned crowd noise. Learnt: Watching teams stumble over hurdle after hurdle, yet still miraculously be in contention for a finals berth where the prize is an afternoon as the...
  20. Norm De Guerre

    Player Watch Marcus Bontempelli is overrated

    Seems to like icing the game when it counts more.
  21. Norm De Guerre

    Who Will Win The 2021 Premiership

    The AFL will roll out its historical vendetta against the Swans and instruct the umpires to take the cup away from them. So we can put a line through Sydney. Geelong. Melbourne. Western.
  22. Norm De Guerre

    Jamarra Ugle-Hagan is the next big thing

    Isn't it marvellous! The freight train of unearned father sons continues to drop them off at West Footscray Station. To think that we don't even have to do a single thing about it. The beauty of it all is that these unearned gifts show no sign of easing up and Im ok with that. All aboard!
  23. Norm De Guerre

    Who Will Win The 2021 Premiership

    Im gonna follow the lead of the commentary team from Thursday nights match after watching the game in front of them and jump back onto the Demons train. I will however reserve the right to jump onto whichever of the other contenders they happen to be calling at that particular point in time...
  24. Norm De Guerre

    Who gets Clarkson? - Now with poll

    There will be a lot of mid-tier coaches looking over their shoulders next year and a lot club administrator reassessing what they currently have. Typically when teams change coaches, the candidates are either untried or past their used by dates. Candidates aren't usually legends with a proven...
  25. Norm De Guerre

    Is Richmond a genuine threat in 2021?

    He’s Duursmas dad.
  26. Norm De Guerre

    Is Bigfooty overlooked in the major AFL media?

    They may not reference this site directly, but they sure do steal from it; Especially when it comes to much of the made up bullshit they use to fill trade week(s).
  27. Norm De Guerre

    Sides that constantly throw the ball

    I found the omission to be incredibly disrespectful given the years of work we have put into this aspect of the game.
  28. Norm De Guerre

    News Buckley standing down; Robert Harvey interim coach for 2021

    Whateley inexplicably tied himself to the mast of the SS Buckley quite some time ago. How he has managed to look past the iceberg that is Collingwood's on and off-field unravelling brings into question his impartiality and judgement.