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  1. M

    Hobart Stadium: $750 million cost

    So that includes swimming & tennis does it? :)
  2. M

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

    He was just a sad product of a gun violent society. Clearly mentally disturbed, its the ready access to mass killing weapons which is the issue. But being the US, they'll pray & pray & pray, then do NOTHING. (except argue they need more guns).
  3. M

    Hawthorn tassie future

    Well that'll impress their Victorian members.
  4. M

    Hobart Stadium: $750 million cost

    Oh dear! They pay NOTHING. So why should the AFL? Its our team, our finances, our stadium, for our other uses.
  5. M

    Hawthorn tassie future

    This I doubt very much. The AFL have wanted to move Hawthorn out of Launceston before. Now we are actually getting a team they'll not want them taking money away from the Devils program. The AFL make the fixture, so I fail to see how/why they'll allow any financial relationship to continue to...
  6. M

    The Stadium!

    Like most things, a lot will be ambivalent, they don't really care. I think they do care about is spending more on health, housing & education. We spend more on those than ever before, but they don't hear that message. Also they don't know what generates that money for services. Its not all free...
  7. M

    Hobart Stadium: $750 million cost

    Do NRL, Aleague, NBL, Tennis, swimming or any pay for stadium/facility buildings or improvements?
  8. M

    The Stadium!

    Who knows. We have a large 'Green' group in Hobart city. They oppose just about anything. Its generally the inner city, Battery point, SOHO, WOHO clique. I remember the noise over the Marine board building. Built in 1972 on the waterfront, covered in Italian marble. They want to live in a museum...
  9. M

    Hobart Stadium: $750 million cost

    See if you can find a photo of it. (This'll be good. ;))
  10. M

    The Stadium!

    You did say break a window. You didn't press the 'sarcasm' button. :)
  11. M

    The Stadium!

    Its not glass. Its a very tough synthetic.
  12. M

    Hobart Stadium: $750 million cost

    WTF is a LIBARY!!! Is that an Adelaide thing?
  13. M

    Hobart Stadium: $750 million cost

    Better than a water tank or an office block. :)
  14. M

    Play Nice 46th President of the United States: Joe Biden 2: Incidit in scyllam cupiens vitare charybdim

    Well this is the fact of the matter. Trump handed tax cuts to the already wealth, & an additional 2 Trillion debt to the whole nation, plus cut regulations to benefit the corporate sector & talked & talked about his health policy, coming every 2 weeks, which NEVER did.. Meanwhile Biden passed...
  15. M

    Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

    Facts or figures which don't suit the Zionists & their pathetically weak western lobbied acolytes, don't count.
  16. M

    Hobart Stadium: $750 million cost

    Maybe 'The wood shed' ;)
  17. M

    The Stadium!

    Thats to keep the teams afloat, nothing to do with the stadiums. The AFL own the club licenses, not the stadiums. The stadium is for more than just AFL football anyway.
  18. M

    The Stadium!

    The AFL committed $15million
  19. M

    QAFL 2024 season

    I don't think you can equate some kids games with senior interstate games. Sadly they are a thing of the past I'm afraid.
  20. M

    Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

    Anti-Zionist or anti-Semitic?
  21. M

    Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

    Animals. The IDF & Israel expect sympathy, they are crude animals & thugs.
  22. M

    QAFL 2024 season

    Historically you could only play state footy for the state you're playing in at the time. Hence a Qld born player in the Tassie team, & various Tas & Vic born players in the Qld team. The alternative is state of origin, but that is only really possible at the AFL level. Trying to get a Tassie...
  23. M

    Mid East Israel declare war after Hamas attack III

    No, but the weight of atrocities committed over the last 70 years, let alone in just the last 8 months, is heavily weighted on the IDF/Zionists side.
  24. M

    QAFL 2024 season

    Hi, just thought I'd mention the fact that although Tassie don't lose players to their own VFL side, we continually lose players to SANFL, VFL & QAFL. So Its a bit misleading to think its only a QAFL issue. The TSL side, like the QAFL are rep sides for those competitions. (although Tassie...
  25. M

    The Stadium!

    You haven't seen the plans of Stadium 2.0, its financials nor any comparison to Stadium 1.0. When you see the Hobart City Council which never gets full council agrees on anything, ie negative Green group V pro business Marti Zucco group, They were in full support for Stadium 2.0. They saw the...
  26. M

    The Stadium!

    About time. We'll they be able to properly assess the competing stadium proposals. MacPoint 1.0 Building a decent stadium within budget. With Income streams spelled out to pay for the ultimate cost. MacPoint 2.0 A Private Public Partnership (PPP) with a guaranteed maximum Public input of...
  27. M

    The Nuclear debate

    BLM do BLM stuff. How many issues should they protest over? If they did protest over more issues, surely they'd have to change their name? ;) The UN do make noise about it. Its your mates at Sky news who don't mention it, so thats why you don't see or hear anything. The only ones who can force...
  28. M

    Hobart stadium design due this month

    Looks like a North Melbourne crowd. :)
  29. M

    The Stadium!

    MacPoint 1.0 has had over a year to come up with more specifics about an actual design. The site apparently does have real structural issues that 2.0 doesn't. The base of 2.0 is Jurassic Dolerite, whereas 1.0 has that solid base much deeper & thus will require more expensive earthworks. 2.0...
  30. M

    The Stadium!

    Greens legislation with 5 seats in Parliament. Really!!:) That silliness apart, I think Macpoint 2.0 is the way to go.