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  1. im_a_lazy_sod

    Everton Fans Thread

    Yeah sounds like with the loan there’s a few things still up in the air surrounding the loan and what happens in the interim. Can’t blame them in all honesty - not an ideal situation for either party until the first mess is resolved.
  2. im_a_lazy_sod

    Mega Thread VICBias - Genuine Discussion Part 2

    The plane running out of water isn’t vicbias. The charter flight was the only viable option to get back quickly and in one leg. The league not doing more to ensure we don’t have to use a charter company is slight vicbias. The league constantly sending us and other select teams down to...
  3. im_a_lazy_sod

    Mega Thread 2024 Media & Miscellaneous Thread

    This whole “shafted by the draw” is a 50:50 argument at best. No one knows who is going to be good or shit when the fixture is released (we usually have a fair-ish idea). And the sweeping statements are made when teams can drop in or out of the 8 easily. We could have 4 games against top 8 teams...
  4. im_a_lazy_sod

    Roast Vent Here

    We are absolutely screaming out for a crumbing small forward with a bit of an edge. When our mids are panic kicking in to the forward 50, we have 3-4 tall blokes down there and the ball goes to ground we are ****ed. Unless Treacy plays that role (half serious as he loves the pressure acts, is...
  5. im_a_lazy_sod

    Roast Vent Here

    Window is opening up currently, but won’t be open properly until next year - unless the freo doctor has anything to say about it and slams it open for us. Here’s hoping!
  6. im_a_lazy_sod

    Review Freo go down against the Hawks

    Was always going to be 50:50 but that last quarter was shocking. Effort was poor moving forward - too much kick and hope. The only reason the margin was only 14 points was due to some great intercept marking from the us usual suspects and Hawthorn kicking in to the man on the mark a couple of...
  7. im_a_lazy_sod

    MRP / Trib. Isaac Heeney - High contact on Jimmy Webster

    Yeah and Chris Judd didn’t get done for elbowing Pav in the face and won the Brownlow that year too. Different rules for different players unfortunately. You still can’t go around whacking blokes in the face - regardless of if you get suspended for it or not
  8. im_a_lazy_sod

    MRP / Trib. Isaac Heeney - High contact on Jimmy Webster

    If you elect to bump and accidentally get them high you get done. Why should it be any different if you smack someone and accidentally get them high? Especially when it’s off the ball
  9. im_a_lazy_sod

    Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

    He won us a game without even signing for us though. That’s pretty handy ;)
  10. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 17 - Freo v Tigers Sat July 6th 8:10pm AEST/6:10pm WST (OS)

    Imagine wishing injury on another player. Stay classy
  11. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 17 - Freo v Tigers Sat July 6th 8:10pm AEST/6:10pm WST (OS)

    Surely they could just give Dusty an extra business class seat so he could make the trip?
  12. im_a_lazy_sod

    Is it on?

    After being 0 wins against top 8 teams, we are now suddenly 3 wins 5 if you don’t include percentage that differentiates 8th to 12th all on the same amount of points It’s never as good or as bad as it seems
  13. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    Bro, Heeney dropped the ball in like 3 tackles and it was play on continually for him. Yes, we did get some lucky calls, but let's not ignore Heeney getting a free run whenever he got tackled.
  14. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    Yep let's just focus on one call not the 8 extra your way ;) cry me a river - or an estuary
  15. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    TBF the free kick count was pretty much even in the third/early fourth and somehow ended up 17-9
  16. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    For all the talk of "Freo haven't beaten a top 8 team!" Now we have somehow beaten 3
  17. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    How the **** did we win that. What a dumb kick
  18. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    How long before we get a holding the ball again? Two tackles and he dropped it. Play on
  19. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    What a soft high free. ****ing dogs
  20. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    Lol no holding the ball? Legit hit the ground
  21. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    How long in the tackle?
  22. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    That kick from sharp ooft
  23. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    How was that not holding the ball though?
  24. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    Sydney allowed to just drop it in a tackle again and it’s play on. Fair enough there’s been some questionable calls both ways but Sydney are just dropping the ball when they feel a tackle
  25. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    Yeah that’s not an advantage if everyone stops. No one knew who’s it was.
  26. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    They missed a free kick against Amiss for being a docker. Swans unlucky
  27. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    After all the times the swans have just plain dropped it in a tackle - even getting a free for holding the man in one instance - they can STFU
  28. im_a_lazy_sod

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Swans v Freo Sat June 29th 1:45pm AEST (SCG)

    Jye see what you did there