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  1. Chewy316

    Player Watch Jason Horne-Francis - You were always one of us

    But his aggressiveness early on is one very reason why the Oppo gets worn down. He just has an engine that will keep going.
  2. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    Fwiw, I never thought he was getting sacked in 2019 or 2021. I thought it was a legit possibility in 2022 provided they could get Clarkson, but once Clarkson went to North that was done. He was done in 2023 until they went on that win streak. There was even an important meeting between the big...
  3. Chewy316

    Player Watch Jason Horne-Francis - You were always one of us

    He works into games better than anyone at the Club. First half he was completely off his game - but his work rate never throttles down, and as a result he is able to get more and more involved as the game goes on and players begin to fatigue. Not the first time I've seen him have a relatively...
  4. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    Well they stupidly made the decision to extend him in August last year - which is ridiculous given they would have sacked him after the finals series if he wasn't contracted. It was without question the dumbest move I've seen the Club make since the 2017 extension. I really don't give two...
  5. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    The day he gets moved on I'll be headed to the Precinct at Alberton that very evening with REH, will hold you to that beer.
  6. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    Hard to sack a coach when at the time they had considerably more debt and weren't in a financial position to move him on.
  7. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    The Footy Committee are the ones who make the call - not the Board. And there are people on that committee with strong agendas to move on from Ken at the conclusion of this season. I personally don't trust the Board either - but I know where my info is coming from, and it's close enough to the...
  8. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    You can relax. This result does not change anything going forward. Making finals isn't going to save Ken. It's going to be ok.
  9. Chewy316

    Coach Our Next Coach

    No idea. I'm not going to name names other than the one I know on the list has no previous ties to the Club.
  10. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    This is looking very ominous. A 10 goal thrash would make things very interesting.
  11. Chewy316

    Coach Our Next Coach

    Yeah there is a list of targets they have for assistants. I can't say I've seen the list. I only know of one person on the list (who I've been told has to remain nameless).
  12. Chewy316

    Coach Our Next Coach

    If for whatever reason the tide turns and Ken somehow remains coach for 2025, I will have the information that led to that decision. But yeah, shutting off the DMs might not be a bad option haha, not that I believe I should need to do so 😎
  13. Chewy316

    Coach Our Next Coach

    There will be changes under a new coach in 2025, but the majority of coaches are contracted, so I don't think anyone should expect the broom to come out.
  14. Chewy316

    Coach Our Next Coach

    Yeah I have essentially put my reputation in this forum on the line for this, but im comfortable with that. There's a lot I've been told which I haven't gone into for obvious reasons on here, but it is why I'm so confident. Once it all goes down I'll elaborate a bit further, but for now it is...
  15. Chewy316

    Coach Our Next Coach

    #2 won't happen. The chance of #1 happening is less than 5%. Everyone at the Club knows it is time for a change.
  16. Chewy316

    Coach Our Next Coach

    If I didn't have the Intel direct from the source I'd be believing option 1 as well.
  17. Chewy316

    Player Watch Rookie Pick #45 (2015) - Dan Houston

    Yeah look it's fine to pile on Hinkley, Davies etc but it has to be justified. In this (rare) case, it isn't.
  18. Chewy316

    Player Watch Rookie Pick #45 (2015) - Dan Houston

    You actually want to have some sort of turnover each year. Keeping the same squad brings continuity but also a level of complacency.
  19. Chewy316

    Player Watch Rookie Pick #45 (2015) - Dan Houston

    How many times does it need to be said that Houston isn't getting pushed out? The Club want to keep him - he is seriously considering moving back to Victoria for personal reasons. It's not that hard to comprehend.
  20. Chewy316

    Roast I've lost my faith in Chris Davies

    He's not getting the Richmond job.
  21. Chewy316

    Coach Coach for 2025

    Peter Blucher used to be a journalist prior to becoming an agent. He knows who all the head honchos are. Gossage hasn't just used his WCE connections in reporting this though.
  22. Chewy316

    List Mgmt. List Management 2024-25

    Perryman is a likely addition. I think you'll find they'll move on a few players in the current squad to get draft picks to regenerate the list that way - unless of course they are able to use those multiple first round picks they get in any potential Houston trade to acquire a young but...
  23. Chewy316

    Coach Coach for 2025

    I come in peace. There's legs to the Hinkley to WCE "rumour" - it's definitely not just Peter Blucher getting on the hot mic for a sound bite or two. I don't say this as conjecture, but rather this is info I'm getting from people high up at Port. There's still a lot to play out, but it's one...
  24. Chewy316

    Player Watch Rookie Pick #45 (2015) - Dan Houston

    He's not getting pushed out. The Club want to keep him but also recognise his wish to get back to Victoria. Two first round picks will get it done.
  25. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    Here's the facts: Ken Hinkley holds the record for most games coached at a single club in a single tenure without ever making a grand final, let alone winning one. And that 5-7 finals record criticism which Mick says is "somewhat justified" includes just 2 finals wins since 2014, no wins in...
  26. Chewy316

    Player Watch Rookie Pick #45 (2015) - Dan Houston

    Oh, my bad. Houston potentially leaving has nothing to do with footy. So I don't think the coach is going to make much of a difference in this instance.
  27. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    Doubt it. Would just get off the last year of his current contract which would make the accounting gymnastics a bit easier to manage with the soft cap.
  28. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    We as a supporter base have been through so much hell regarding Hinkley - I would never do anything to pour fuel on that fire. If things suddenly turn and for whatever reason he stays, I will be the first to put my hand up and say I got it wrong. But that will mean that people in high places...
  29. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    And in the event that West Coast hire someone else, Port will at some point between next weekend and a few days after the conclusion of their season announce that the Club and Hinkley are having a mutual parting of ways, and depending on how they want the optics to look, there's a strong chance...
  30. Chewy316

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    Doesn't have to be sacked necessarily. If West Coast wants Hinkley (and the noise from this story isn't just coming from Blucher), the most likely scenario will be that Hinkley is informed by West Coast he will get the job provided he goes through a sit down sham interview (a formality)...