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  1. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

  2. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    Fog “just needs to wait for his opportunity” There’s not going to be a bigger opportunity than this week with Dawson out
  3. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    Besides the Curtin non selection, how ****ing tall does he want our forward line to be? We better mark the ball.
  4. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    Like seriously, if you wanted any more of a clue what a ****wit Nicks is, not picking Curtin is it.
  5. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    Bring Back BACCS
  6. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    So you have faith in the club that they are making all the right decisions?
  7. George Kramer

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    0-13, yeah that had nothing to do with the coach.
  8. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    Don’t mean we shouldn’t have made it
  9. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    No he didn’t, he drove them bottom in his first year. No way was our aside bad enough to go 13 straight losses. And you not giving a **** tells me we should be worried.
  10. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    I wonder why today when this has been pointed out many times…
  11. George Kramer

    2nds 2024 Adelaide Crows SANFL thread

    Wait up you’re not fussed if we lose and yet you’re calling yourself a true supporter?
  12. George Kramer

    2nds 2024 Adelaide Crows SANFL thread

    And would have told Crouch to play finals last year and possibly win a flag
  13. George Kramer

    2nds 2024 Adelaide Crows SANFL thread

    I can’t get my head around it. On one hand you’ve got a club with over a 100 years of history whose whole focus for being is to win the SANFL premiership and who are currently top of the ladder. On the other hand, you’ve got a 10 year old reserves side in a competition the Crows don’t care...
  14. George Kramer

    Paris 2024 Olympics

    When’s the finals?
  15. George Kramer

    2nds 2024 Adelaide Crows SANFL thread

    Look if you’re going to be an idiot go ahead
  16. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    He’s such a dufus. It shits me that he can be so smug when he cost us finals.
  17. George Kramer

    2nds 2024 Adelaide Crows SANFL thread

    I don’t think you’re grasping the concept of different competitions so your analogy isn’t working. AFL - Crows = Crows try and win. SANFL- Crows reserves= rest players in finals I loosely followed Collingwood before the Crows due to the number of Norwood players. I can appreciate those who...
  18. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    I can’t listen to him, what stage did he say that?
  19. George Kramer

    2nds 2024 Adelaide Crows SANFL thread

    Lol, no you can’t. We are talking about the Crows reserves side in a competition they don’t want to be in and they treat with contempt, remember Crouch not playing finals last year. Not their AFL side in a competition despite shooting themselves in the foot continuously, they try and win...
  20. George Kramer

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    Very few coaches get a lot of scrutiny, it’s not how the media operate especially when they like the coach. Nicks lack of personal scrutiny has nothing to do with his coaching, but his actual coaching like defensive gameplan to start the year, vanilla midfield mix, selection and player...
  21. George Kramer

    2nds 2024 Adelaide Crows SANFL thread

    You’re obviously not that much of a WWT supporter, did you support the Crows first and then WWT? How can you put a reserves team that treats the competition with contempt over your SANFL team who is in a finals race?
  22. George Kramer

    Preview R20: Changes vs. Hawthorn

    McHenry, Worrell, EH to drop out, Cook sub again seeing he had a decent run last week
  23. George Kramer

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    And which players were Richmond missing when we lost to them at home?
  24. George Kramer

    Resource 2024 AFL Draft discussion thread

    Yeah but that was against a depleted crap Norwood team if I recall correctly
  25. George Kramer

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    Oh Wayne, if the list can’t cope with some injuries, you’re saying it’s not good enough. Remember when you laughed at the suggestion of Dowling?
  26. George Kramer

    Resource 2024 AFL Draft discussion thread

    Do you think he’s suffering from playing seniors? If he was playing U18s his performances would be dominant and he’d be talked about more. It’s worked out well for us I reckon.
  27. George Kramer

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    Except for last Friday night 🤣 Oh Wayne, of all the crap you’ve posted, then to use the board as validation, yes clubs board has provided a lot of success since 98.
  28. George Kramer

    Opinion Non-Crows AFL 10

    Kellie Finlayson cancer has grown, poor girl and family, ****ing cancer