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  1. MacMum

    Review Round 20, 2024 - Gold Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    Was holding my breath there for a while but yes it was a gutsy win, phew. Not sure about Hippy down back though, looked like a big gangly giraffe at times.:grinv1:
  2. MacMum

    Review Round 19, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Sydney

    Obviously this is my favourite one, it definately makes you want to sing at the top of your voice and celebrate with Charlie, happy vibes...... but Port's "You'll never walk alone" before their matches gives me goosebumps. Those two songs will always be connected/remembered to our clubs.
  3. MacMum

    Review Round 19, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Sydney

    Totally agree......I'm not big on stats, I tend to go with what a player does when he has the ball and in Cal's case he saved the day right when it mattered. I gave him a vote just for that reason. Fages said in his presser that with the crowd roaring as Cal ran, he (Cal) thought he was about...
  4. MacMum

    Review Round 19, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Sydney

    ...imo he should be in the team every week. He's got footy brains with a good mix of spunk about him.
  5. MacMum

    Review Round 19, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Sydney

    Wow, that brought me to tears when the siren went....after I'd had a heart attack in those last few minutes!
  6. MacMum

    Game Day Round 19, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Sydney

    You and me both!!
  7. MacMum

    Game Day Round 19, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Sydney

    I can't watch....why do they do this to us! When Cal got that goal I nearly knocked over the computer desk!!
  8. MacMum

    Non Lions Discussion 2024

    Jordan Lewis did on AFL360 when he, Reiwoldt, Montagna and King? were sitting over on the couch talking about it to Robbo and Whately....I forget what night it was. ..said exactly what you have said. I clapped my hands when he said it, because like you I was getting frustrated that no-one had...
  9. MacMum

    Preview Round 19 - Brisbane v Sydney @ The Gabba (Sunday 1:10pm AEST)

    With flights and god knows, everything else that is down (..and they want to go cashless!) anyhow, was wondering about the interstate clubs needing to fly etc....would it affect Sydney getting to Brissy. Most airports are still in complete disarray when I checked a couple of hours ago..A bus...
  10. MacMum

    Preview Round 19 - Brisbane v Sydney @ The Gabba (Sunday 1:10pm AEST)

    YEESS!!! You little beauty!:grinv1::thumbsu: This crazy world returns to normality.
  11. MacMum

    Game Day Round 18, 2024 - West Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    Rayner having a great game..also good to see ZacB in there having a go too, was off for so much of the season. Time to let it rip boys...let's go!
  12. MacMum

    Game Day Round 18, 2024 - West Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    Just hoping Eagles can't keep up the pace they're playing at....and we get our act together and get on with the job of winning this very important game. Frustrating at the moment..
  13. MacMum

    Game Day Round 17, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Adelaide

    This is getting too intense for old hearts.....but with Charlie back, eases the pressure a bit:grinv1:
  14. MacMum

    Game Day Round 17, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Adelaide

    May all the gods love ya Charlie!!:heart:
  15. MacMum

    Game Day Round 17, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Adelaide

    ok, looking a bit better now. Keep up the effort though boys please.
  16. MacMum

    Game Day Round 17, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Adelaide

  17. MacMum

    Game Day Round 17, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Adelaide

    Hmm, starting to getting a bit annoyed with you boys....where is your fierce determination, killer instinct?
  18. MacMum

    Game Day Round 17, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Adelaide

    We need to focus....and Joe and Hippy get their act together, very disappointing atm. Hopefully better after half time. Would dearly love to see Charlie land a couple to get his confidence back..
  19. MacMum

    Game Day Round 17, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Adelaide

    Struggling with our jumpers....too close in a fast contest. Not the brightest idea to wear them. Great goal, woohoo:thumbsu:
  20. MacMum

    Game Day Round 17, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Adelaide

    We could, we should....but will we? Now is the time to really start putting these other teams on notice.....get out of our way!
  21. MacMum

    Review Round 16, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Melbourne

    I'm getting too damn old for a finish like that! Boys seriously, you need to remember us oldies out there in tv land watching while you are fiddle f**ting around :eekv1: I wasn't sure Hughy could get it from there. I watched thru fingers! As said, never in doubt!:laughv1::heart:
  22. MacMum

    Game Day Round 16, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Melbourne

    ..not looking good. Can only hope for a turn around when they come back out:unsure:
  23. MacMum

    Game Day Round 16, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. Melbourne

    A bit nervous about this game tbh.. Welcome back Will, so good to see you out there raring to go...but please come thru unscathed if you wouldn't mind! Rip into those Demons boys (you have my approval to take out Lever and May if need be👊) ;)
  24. MacMum

    Football Related Random Thread - PART 2

    Love Abby Holmes! She's come out guns blazing, so to speak........she's now hugging and kissing most of her interviewees!:grinv1: You show 'em Abby...just stupid, stupid people!
  25. MacMum

    Game Day Lions v Power @ Adelaide Oval, Round 15.

    Why did we ever doubt this team!!:grinv1: :heart:
  26. MacMum

    Game Day Round 14, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. St. Kilda

    Looking good so far when I've had a glimpse of the tv...:)
  27. MacMum

    Football Related Random Thread - PART 2

    Saw nothing whatsoever wrong with it! Neither Abby or Lachie looked uncomfortable. What a wowserish world we now live in. Crazy. Media love trying their hardest to stir up trouble.
  28. MacMum

    Game Day Round 14, 2024 - Brisbane Lions vs. St. Kilda

    Not sure how much of the game i'll see due to my granddaughter and her family arriving from Portland anytime after 7pm .. ..just as well I love them dearly and look forward to seeing them.......anyone else I would not be happy. It's up to you boys, just like last week please. Go Lions!!
  29. MacMum

    Review Round 13, 2024 - Western Bulldogs vs. Brisbane Lions

    Well done to every player......they were awesome! Eric's best game and absolutely love our youngsters, JBez brilliant and the rest of the team played like real for the kill! Was nervous in the last qtr but didn't need to be so sat back and enjoyed that winning feeling we have...
  30. MacMum

    Game Day Round 13, 2024 - Western Bulldogs vs. Brisbane Lions

    Wow, didn't see those last couple of goals coming!!:grinv1: