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  1. conrad_437

    Trades 2024 Round 20 Trades

    Four trades left. Thinking of Comben to Curnow, as I seriously can't see a single other forward that's worth selecting. This gives me 96k spare cash. I'm considering getting rid of NWM with my 3rd-last trade. I can afford any defender I want, and leaning toward Sinclair, but could be persuaded...
  2. conrad_437

    Most overrated player in the AFL currently?

    Shai Bolton the easy answer. Downhill skier of the highest order.
  3. conrad_437

    Rudest/Nicest player you've met?

    I briefly met Kane in a professional sense and he was fantastic, couldn't fault him at all and came out having a completely different view of him. Still disagree with a lot of his comments in the media and I still see him as a shock jock, but couldn't speak more highly of him from the 10 minute...
  4. conrad_437

    Rankine on Starc.

    Echo chamber in Port Adelaide. I see. Once you go for the 'coward' cheap shot for a player who has shown to be anything but, you reveal yourself as someone who isn't ready for a genuine discussion.
  5. conrad_437

    Rankine on Starc.

    Hence why he'll get a week. Those campaigning for more almost certainly have a set against Rankine. Incidental head on head contact when the actual bump itself is executed fairly. Get real.
  6. conrad_437

    Rankine on Starc.

    Massive overreaction tbh. Should just be a week. The bump is intentional but it was an unintentional head clash that delivered the damage. This is no comparison to any of the precedent that people are throwing out. Kinda shocked at the consensus in this thread to be honest. Feels very much 'eye...
  7. conrad_437

    Trades 2024 Round 18 Trades

    8 trades left. Thinking of going with this: With a solid amount of trades left I can probably afford to do a double sideways like this. Still stuck with Dawson but what can you do. Tossing up whether to go for an M9 or topping up other areas of the field with the remaining 6 trades. I'm...
  8. conrad_437

    Trades 2024 Round 17 Trades

    Sullivan > Humphries Freijah > Rankine Most straightforward I’ve had in weeks. So relieving
  9. conrad_437

    Rudest/Nicest player you've met?

    Has anyone had a good experience with Garry Lyon?
  10. conrad_437

    Cam Rayner

    I genuinely can't imagine being so obsessive that I'd post SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE TIMES on a thread about a player that has literally no bearing on my team. I haven't even read more than this page - and I don't think I need to - to find out what Danny boy's discussion has been like. The...
  11. conrad_437

    Trades 2024 Round 16 Trades

    Certainly nothing to write home about. The aim shifted from rank to league a longggg time ago.
  12. conrad_437

    Trades 2024 Round 16 Trades

    Should I: Upgrade Oliver to Serong OR Go Oliver to Rozee and pocket some change (177k spare) and save it for when I can upgrade a forward to a better option.
  13. conrad_437

    Toast Welcome to the Temple of Bontempelli, please take off your shoes and pay your respects

    I was still in primary school when Barry Hall came by. Pretty sure it wasn't long after he nearly killed Scott Thompson in a headlock and one of the kids had the gall to ask him about it. From memory he took it well and was quite diplomatic
  14. conrad_437

    Where does Marcus Bontempelli sit in the players of this era

    People forget that Bont had articles like this being written about him in his third year: His 2017 and 2018 seasons saw a mild plateau due to some pretty painful hip trouble that was kept mostly under wraps. After 2019...
  15. conrad_437

    Where does Marcus Bontempelli sit in the players of this era

    As poor as the Brownlow is as an indicator of the best player in a given season, the legacy aspect of it is huge for any players career. It would be sad if the Bont didn't win one - it would mean that his excellence would be more likely to be overshadowed in a generation's time by his...
  16. conrad_437

    Rudest/Nicest player you've met?

    Aker was the rudest easily. I was a kid not much older than 7 or 8 when I saw him (while he was at the Dogs) down at Williamstown Beach. He was my favourite player and he gave me absolutely nothing.
  17. conrad_437

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 13 - Bombers v Blues Sun June 9th 7:20pm AEST (MCG)

    Is there a forward in the league who is KOTD more than Curnow? He definitely ain't getting held much more than any other key forward. Must be just better at throwing his hands around wildly exaggerating contact.
  18. conrad_437

    Verbal Faux Pas, Jargon, Cliches, Boganisms, etc

    JB: Nik Cox is ambidextrous on both sides
  19. conrad_437

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 13 - Dogs v Lions Fri June 7th 7:40pm AEST (Marvel)

    Umps are feeling the pressure now
  20. conrad_437

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 13 - Dogs v Lions Fri June 7th 7:40pm AEST (Marvel)

    **** me ump give us ****ing something. Taking the ****ing piss
  21. conrad_437

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 13 - Dogs v Lions Fri June 7th 7:40pm AEST (Marvel)

    That's the most intensity I've ever seen from lobb
  22. conrad_437

    Player Watch Harley Reid isnt leading the rising star so far

    I feel like most sides would pick Darcy, but Reid will win it this year. Won’t be too aggrieved - he’s an absolute jet and arguably more impressive due to how physically up to it he is for a first year player
  23. conrad_437

    Player Watch Sam Darcy

    Tim English is majorly held back because of this. He probably has all the skill of Darcy, but it’s Darcy’s toughness which will ensure he ends up one of the best
  24. conrad_437

    Player Watch Nick Daicos - Can he be the GOAT?

    That’s completely fine too. Just feels like he’s an outlier in terms of “best player(s) in the league conversation”, in that he often feels the need to play for his free kicks or exaggerate contact. It’s essentially gamesmanship and I’m sure the Collingwood fans love it, but as a neutral trying...
  25. conrad_437

    Player Watch Sam Darcy

    He’s completely overshadowed compared to a certain N. Daicos and H. Reid for a bloke who could genuinely be the best player in the league pretty soon. He’s Tim English with a bit of C U in the NT about him. Couldn’t be that far of the rising star, really. Reid has been incredible, no doubt, but...
  26. conrad_437

    Player Watch Nick Daicos - Can he be the GOAT?

    Geez he’s so good to watch. Combination of vision, kicking and speed is probably on par with the best we’ve seen. But the diving is heckin'g hard to watch. The reaction to the Duryrea accidental elbow was almost Rance like. Its not winning him any fans.
  27. conrad_437

    Vic Best nightspots to go in Melbourne

    Yep, totally true as well. There's a lot of cynicism regarding a night out at the moment, where enough people are aware they'll have just as much fun at home sinking beers with their mates as they would having a night out, just removing the effort required. I imagine back in the day a night out...
  28. conrad_437

    Vic Best nightspots to go in Melbourne

    Most of the factors people have mentioned are pretty spot on. Especially the cost of going out, which is a pretty massive deterrent. It'd be difficult to spend less than $100 on a solid night - which 18 to 25 y/o don't exactly have in their back pockets. Education around nightclub safety has...
  29. conrad_437

    Trades 2024 Round 12 Trades

    Looking at: Windsor > Freijah T. Brown > Houston/N. Martin/Richards Not quite sure which option to go with for the second one. Richards I would have to wait for a week, and he would still be due to have his bye. But his upside looks huge. I can't see Martin and Houston getting a huge amount...