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  1. GetDimmaBack

    2024 Membership - New record!

    Has been on 59,017 for a few days.
  2. GetDimmaBack

    Rumour Future of the club (Bevo, board, assistant coaches, football department)

    ...and with his daughter's love for the Bont ❤
  3. GetDimmaBack

    Opposition Supporters say the darndest things.

    All the same, I'd be quite happy to take Newcombe off their hands...
  4. GetDimmaBack

    Opposition Supporters say the darndest things.

    Out: Bont, Adz, Astro. In: Amon, Scrimshaw, D'Ambrosio.
  5. GetDimmaBack

    Strategy Trade and List management Thread Part 6 (opposition supporters - READ posting rules before posting)

    Pretty sure it was Polly Farmer, DW. Don't remember any details, but I do recall it being front page news in the papers. I remember Bob Davis being heavily involved. The original 'poach coach'? Must've been resolved, as Polly played a lot of games for Geelong. There was also some controversy...
  6. GetDimmaBack

    Opposition Supporters say the darndest things.

    From the you-know-who board: ''Macrae is ok but hes contracted til 2027 on big money same as daniel which is why they cant afford to keep smith. Id only take him on if the dogs gave us a pick upgrade.'' We are obviously the only club with a salary cap... :cool: I'll never cotton on to how...
  7. GetDimmaBack

    Toast Welcome to the club, Rory Lobb

    Just kidding, Rory ;)
  8. 1721720049050.png


  9. GetDimmaBack

    Lobb shines as Dogs thrash Cats at pork barrel stadium 95-48

    Looks like C Scott has in fact acknowledged the opposition...😁
  10. GetDimmaBack

    Strategy Trade and List management Thread Part 6 (opposition supporters - READ posting rules before posting)

    Welcome 1Bally1. Nice to have you on board! I had no idea West Coast's list manager was on BF. Now we're all in the know 😏
  11. GetDimmaBack

    The Bulldogs and Umpires: Time for a Royal Commission?

    And this all happened... Right.In.Front.Of.You....?
  12. GetDimmaBack

    Strategy Trade and List management Thread Part 6 (opposition supporters - READ posting rules before posting)

    It'll be all over social media shortly if he did...
  13. GetDimmaBack

    Rumour Future of the club (Bevo, board, assistant coaches, football department)

    Click go the punters Click click click...
  14. GetDimmaBack

    Welcome to the Bulldogs Joel Freijah

    A hybrid of Moyd and Crossy for me.
  15. GetDimmaBack

    Best doggies games as a fan

    Tim Walsh's one and only goal...injuries cruelled the poor kid :(
  16. GetDimmaBack

    Best doggies games as a fan

    Two 9 goal quarters, as I recall - 2nd and last. Huge! That was also the night of Matty Robbins' one handed screamer, over Chris Johnson I think. Brought the house down!
  17. GetDimmaBack

    Best doggies games as a fan

    2016 GF. My first game back after major surgery in July. Nice win first up after a spell 🏆
  18. GetDimmaBack

    Welcome to the Bulldogs Joel Freijah

    AFL Fantasy, too. I put him on the bench at the start. Nice price rise🙂
  19. GetDimmaBack

    Strategy Trade and List management Thread Part 6 (opposition supporters - READ posting rules before posting)

    Hmmm...what's a media ''guarantee'' worth? As the old saying goes: ''...not worth the paper it's written on (in)''.
  20. GetDimmaBack

    No Oppo Supporters Non Bulldog Footy Talk - Bulldogs only - Part 5

    Powerful stuff from the former president of the North Melbourne Football Club.
  21. GetDimmaBack

    Game The thread where you cannot reply to anyone in under 30 days.

    Heeney victimised. Why are the Swans always the victims of every hateful bone in the AFL's body?
  22. GetDimmaBack

    No Oppo Supporters Non Bulldog Footy Talk - Bulldogs only - Part 5

    Nice try, Dan...😏
  23. GetDimmaBack

    Game Day Nothing better than a Saturday arvo 8 pointer - Bulldogs v Port @1:45 in a crucial game

    Watching us run an ordinary side into form is a cool way to spend a Saturday arvo, isn't it? 😏
  24. GetDimmaBack

    Confirmed Jedd Busslinger [Signed until 2026]

    Would need an F2 coming back 😁
  25. GetDimmaBack

    Strategy Trade and List management Thread Part 6 (opposition supporters - READ posting rules before posting)

    ...and on the faces of the 3 million "in-the-know" social media posters constantly dribbling on about it 😏
  26. GetDimmaBack

    Confirmed Jedd Busslinger [Signed until 2026]

    You're right again, SGIO... Nice that we can always rely on you!
  27. GetDimmaBack

    Strategy Trade and List management Thread Part 6 (opposition supporters - READ posting rules before posting)

    Spot on. It's an old journo trick to make a speculative (read false) "suggestion" and get the party mentioned to deny it. Instant "news" 😁