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  1. The Flying Belgian

    Summer Paris 2024 - General Discussion

    Nearly to the end of watch the replay... The easy option is to go for snark and point out things that didn't work. And there were many. But good on them for trying something different. Tha rain would've been shit whether they were in a stadium or not. I think the experience for the athletes...
  2. The Flying Belgian

    Preview Round 20 - Brisbane Lions v Gold Coast Suns, Sat 27, 4:35PM; People First Stadium, Gold Coast

    The Suns version of Nathan Eagleton?
  3. The Flying Belgian

    Non Lions Discussion 2024

    The same approach would go for 99% of all businesses - say something negative and you'll get your knuckles wrapped. Not sure why anyone would be surprised.
  4. The Flying Belgian

    Summer Paris 2024 - Basketball

    Perhaps. Stereotypes usually have a portion of truth behind them. They can buckle down late in matches if necessary, usually on the back of someone like LeBron. But they do tend to go into Globetrotter mode when those stars get together. I'm not sure it's deliberate, maybe subconsciously they're...
  5. The Flying Belgian

    Unofficial Preview Changes/discussion Round 20, Pineapple Grapple.

    Yep. Someone posted about someone being “bias” against something and I nearly posted about it but thought it might look too pedantic, but now I see I’m in good company. :D I’m still getting used to the modern usage of “versed”. (It’s “biased” BTW)
  6. The Flying Belgian

    Coach Fages and the coaching group

    Likewise, Gloomy Gus's must surely live a miserable existence. Then there's the dedicated contrarians don't really have an opinion - they just take up an opposing viewpoint to make themselves feel intellectually superior to others. The psychology of footy followers is fascinating at times...
  7. The Flying Belgian

    What do you want out of season 24?

    Nice self-promotion! :D There were quite a few supporters ready to write off the season early doors. Who know who you are!
  8. The Flying Belgian

    Unofficial Preview Changes/discussion Round 20, Pineapple Grapple.

    As has been previously advertised, he's pretty tidy with his hands. I watched the replay and he got himself to good spots, but either through luck or lack of confidence it didnt quite work for him. Everyone knows young rucks can take a bit, but he's come a long way in the last year. No reason to...
  9. The Flying Belgian

    Unofficial Preview Changes/discussion Round 20, Pineapple Grapple.

    On Henry, I didn't think he was terrible, but was understandably caught out by the pace. But I though he showed enough as a ruck who can pinch hit forward in future years. Just not yet.
  10. The Flying Belgian

    Summer Paris 2024 - Basketball

    Am fascinated to see how this USA team plays. Stacked with stars, more so since the Dream Team, but I’ve always maintained that they would rather look good losing than get down in the trenches.
  11. The Flying Belgian

    2nds 2024 VFL thread

    So ChrisThaLedg, now that you've popped your head up and you seem to be open to some constructive criticism.... If you've looked at any of the threads on commentary on BF, you'll notice how disparate the opinions are on what style of commentary they prefer. Personally, I lean towards the...
  12. The Flying Belgian

    Review Round 18, 2024 - West Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    Just imagine his smug, smarmy face. That should say it all.
  13. The Flying Belgian

    Tackling banned?

    This. Have highlighted the key word. The AFL jumped to the outcome for this event, rather than demonstrate that the action of each type of tackle is inherently dangerous and would cause injury more often than not in different circumstances.
  14. The Flying Belgian

    MRP / Trib. MRP and Tribunal - 2024 - Rd 19

    Sounds like you could sit on an AFL tribunal. "This is what it is coz I said so".
  15. The Flying Belgian

    Review Round 18, 2024 - West Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    Ironically, players only started to do this en masse when contact below the knees aka the sliding rule was brought in. Unintended consequences everywhere. There's a lot of AFL bashing at the moment and I'll put my hand up and say I'm as frustrated with them as most. But I also accept the AFL is...
  16. The Flying Belgian

    MRP / Trib. MRP and Tribunal - 2024 - Rd 19

    So am I correct in the AFL are suggesting that players perform hip-drop tackles? Cause there are other football codes that are busy outlawing that.
  17. The Flying Belgian

    Review Round 18, 2024 - West Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    I do agree somewhat with that, but that wasn't the part I was objecting to. You've basically just slandered Duggan with no evidence. That said, the way concussion was mismanaged 20+ years ago was pretty ordinary when there was plenty of evidence of the dangers so maybe they do have a point.
  18. The Flying Belgian

    Review Round 18, 2024 - West Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    It's her job to argue the case made by the MRO, not be objective. I don't like it, but this is the way judicial processes work. If you want to rage against Michael Christian, Andrew Dillon and the AFL at large, I won't object. While you're at it, the general state of litigation and insurance...
  19. The Flying Belgian

    Review Round 18, 2024 - West Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    Who knows? I don't and you don't. Maybe he's still feeling the impacts of the concussion. But in the absense of any shred of evidence you decide to assume the worst of somebody. Classy.
  20. The Flying Belgian

    Review Round 18, 2024 - West Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    Just when I start to agree with you, you come out with bullshit like this. Given the lack of thought gone into this post, I can only assume you have no brains.
  21. The Flying Belgian

    Review Round 18, 2024 - West Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    Save the money for an appeal and use it on a fine for Swanny or Daly to give the AFL a massive spray. Would be cathartic.
  22. The Flying Belgian

    MRP / Trib. MRP and Tribunal - 2024 - Rd 19

    Actually, many of us hold the opnion that it shouldnt have been suspended. Probably that same number again didn't feel the need to post (or in your words "whinge") about it. Doesn't mean we didn't think it was bollocks.
  23. The Flying Belgian

    Sydney is such a ****weak club

    Good to see all of the 10 Sydney posters on BigFooty are over on this thread. 11 after the COLA allowance.
  24. The Flying Belgian

    Aussies Aussie Watch - Paris 2024

    Sounds like Josh Azzopardi has received a late call-up for the 100m.
  25. The Flying Belgian

    Competitions Do You Believe in Magicians - Lions Goalkicking Competition - congratulations Jackywats!

    Surely we do. If undecided whenever we finish up, go on total goals.
  26. The Flying Belgian

    Game Day Round 18, 2024 - West Coast vs. Brisbane Lions

    Just part of your pre-game ritual, isn’t it?
  27. The Flying Belgian

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Management discussion

    The point of the chin is where boxers often get knocked out. Don't know the physiology behind it.