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  1. C

    Has this forum become more right wing since the election?

    Interesting, thankyou for that Medusala. Your quote from Hillarys website is particularly concerning and I dont like the idea of the worlds largest economy being controlled by Unions! In saying that, I dont really know ALOT about US unions and Im basing all my fears on the impact of...
  2. C

    Has this forum become more right wing since the election?

    I believe in free market economics but its not the only thing that decides my vote. My belief is that no American president could ever really change the US economic system that much anyway. I would love to see a Rudy Guiliani or a John Macain upset Huckabee but I just dont think its going to...
  3. C

    Has this forum become more right wing since the election?

    What can I say? He is the best of a bad bunch!
  4. C

    Has this forum become more right wing since the election?

    Perhaps I just see myself as being what I think Thatcher and Reagan would be these days had they been of this generation and not the 80s. I dont think either of them would go for Huckabee (he would be too conservative and too new age religious for both of them) and would be more inclined to vote...
  5. C

    Has this forum become more right wing since the election?

    Hahaha...sorry I did not get the Othello reference. Its the one Shakespeare play I did not study in TEE. ;) On Barack, yes, I could see myself voting for him if Huckabee won the republican nomination (which is increasingly likely). I like Thomson but I dont think he is a shot so Im not...
  6. C

    Has this forum become more right wing since the election?

    The Young Liberals have become just another wing of the factionalised Liberal Party. They no longer campaign for policy growth and development for young people within the party which is what they are supposed to do.
  7. C

    Has this forum become more right wing since the election?

    Do you mean Mike Huckabee? The current candidate for the Republicans in the US elections?
  8. C

    Has this forum become more right wing since the election?

    I would have to agree Dry Rot, it has become more right wing around here. It used to be Unit and ITN and a few other pests but now there is a whole breeding ground of them. Im rightwing, I vote conservative and always will but even I cant find an argument to back up some of these new...
  9. C

    Matt Birney quits WA Liberals...

    Very interesting. Im dissapointed Birney has made this decision, I think he could have achieved a great deal had he got the chance in government.
  10. C

    Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    I just thankgod that politics hasnt come to this in Australia. The murder of an woman who was going to play a very important role in the upcoming elections in Pakistan does not bid well for democracy and fair play in that country. Her father has been killed, her brother and now her. Is the...
  11. C

    If you could meet any 5 people from any time in history...

    I cant nail it down to 5, I have 7! Julius Caesar- A leader of men Cleopatra- A clever and beautifull woman. John F Kennedy- I would like to know who really killed him (Cubans, Russians, The CIA?) and what he would have gone on to do if his life had not been cut shot. Mikhail...
  12. C

    Family Law Reform: Is the "no-fault jurisdiction" causing moral decay?

    I dont think you can put a specific price on infidelity and domestic violence either but I think it should still come under major consideration when the couple is seperating and splitting up their assets. If one party in a relationship has done the wrong thing and it can be proven then they...
  13. C

    Family Law Reform: Is the "no-fault jurisdiction" causing moral decay?

    We are all to blame bzparkes (future and present politicians, judges past and present, family law court attendents, solicitors and barristers). I call these people: 'The system' The system as I call it have all spent to long sitting back and do nothing because to do something is to much hard...
  14. C

    Family Law Reform: Is the "no-fault jurisdiction" causing moral decay?

    ...has succeeded in is stopping him from selling assets, and destroying the business she built. She has been awarded a trial date after 6 years (For **** sake...6 years!) Whose fault is it after 25 years when the Mother finally wakes up and says enough is enough? Thats the REAL question...
  15. C

    Telstra call centres on 4 Corners now

    This is where I disagree with you. If I am a stand out in my job, I want to be able to go to my employer and say 'I am better than the average around me here'. 'I think Im worth more to my company or employer than the average, put me on my own contract to allow me to do better in life should I...
  16. C

    Telstra call centres on 4 Corners now

    This is where I agree with you Medusala. :thumbsu:
  17. C

    Telstra call centres on 4 Corners now

    Im sorry, you'll need to tell me about the Harvester case. I dont know anything about it. I'm a Liberal, I'm anti union and pro individual rights. Im a proud capitalist and Im reasonably conservative socially and economically. There is absolutely no reason why you can't be a Liberal and be...
  18. C

    Telstra call centres on 4 Corners now

    If thats what they believe then good on them :thumbsu: I've seen one major call centre work place change its ways because they lost 4 of their best staff to the opposition so I live and hope that maybe their right. Only small evidence that its correct though, would like to see more. I have...
  19. C

    Telstra call centres on 4 Corners now

    :rolleyes: I'm a Liberal, always will be. I am a strong advocate of capitalism and grew up in a family which was very money orientated. I'm also an advocate for a fair days wage for a fair days work and I've experienced what its like to work in a work place that doesnt show and practice those...
  20. C

    Telstra call centres on 4 Corners now

    I think they are and if I was running a business that would be part of my ethos. Part of my experience in life has been that way anyway. Always look after your employees and they will look after you generally. Doesnt mean that the CEO's and Boards of Telstra and the big four banks (etc)...
  21. C

    Telstra call centres on 4 Corners now

    AWA's can be good in the right environment. Call centres are not the right environment. You will find this incredibly wishy washy but parts of work choices I like part of it I dont. Depends on who or what I'm talking about. Im generally a small l liberal so big business aint my friend...
  22. C

    Telstra call centres on 4 Corners now

    Not peanuts, I was casual. I got paid a shit load to work the late shifts. Fair enough, I know what you mean. There still needs to be some kind of check and balance on these multinationals and AWA. Lastly, Im glad I graduated and got out of there and onto something I loved and still do...
  23. C

    Telstra call centres on 4 Corners now

    I used to work in a major call centre, back in the good old days. I've seen it first hand. KPI's forever increasing and extra stress put onto the person on the phone. I watched four corners and stood there shaking my head. There needs to be some kind of watchdog paid to watch the likes of...
  24. C

    Howard to get tough of NT Aboriginals

    :thumbsu: Have to agree with your sentiments Campbell. Anyone caught abusing and mistreating their wives/girlfriends/partners, babies and children should get the same justice as what Howard has outlined for the Aborginal community in the North and North west. It may be a political stunt...
  25. C

    Latham to have last laugh on Rudd?

    JM. Again you think you have me figured out. Im loyal to my party but does that mean I agree with 100% of the things that they do? No it does not. Do I try to change things, yes I do. Do I succeed in that every time? Nope. Infact, Ive been locked out of meetings and had my membership application...
  26. C

    Latham to have last laugh on Rudd?

    1. Read the second thread, I was very complimentary of Rudd so you can't say I was posting threads about him that wern't fair or unbiased. There was only that thread about Rudd and Burke where I admit I was just shit stirring. How you look at those two threads and say I was posting loads of...
  27. C

    Latham to have last laugh on Rudd?

    1. That second thread was quite complimentary of Rudd so it doesnt count, it was also only partly about Rudd so thats another reason why it doesnt count. Im not a liar and find it amusing that you have been caught out with mistruths now and so you're getting upset. 1 shit stirring thread and one...
  28. C

    Latham to have last laugh on Rudd?

    Nice to see your not man enough to appologise for being wrong about the fact I have made ONE thread about Rudd. Typical. Sure a government cant controll the economic climate but they can make a hell of a difference by either using good fiscal and economic policy or not. Did the economic...
  29. C

    Latham to have last laugh on Rudd?

    Whats your point? I grew up in Tasmania, it always rained there! :D
  30. C

    Latham to have last laugh on Rudd?

    High interest rates, a unionised and controlled work place and big unemployment rates. I was too little to work ofcourse but I remember the stress it put my parents under and my godparents also. I was about 6/7 years of age so its not my imagination of spending school holidays with my Dad and...