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  1. peetoo

    Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody? - Part 2 -

    I take it’s not the ‘cake hole’?
  2. peetoo

    Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody? - Part 2 -

    Will this pass the woke test?
  3. peetoo

    Politics Meghan Markle and Prince Harry - Racially Villified or Royally Unpopular?

    Passes on complaint about ‘leaks’ in a leak. Publishing a book, the CAD! He’s 20 odd books behind Charles
  4. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    So how is the problem getting worse when increasingly more seems to be being done to combat it?
  5. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    Ten slaps now, or five delivered at any time in the future? Mental abuse can be just as bad
  6. peetoo

    Society/Culture Neoliberalism

    The biggest irony is neolibs calling them selves conservative. They want to rip down institutions not called the IPA
  7. peetoo

    Politics The economy is set up to screw young people

    The yimbies seem to be making inroads. Pity they don’t seem to be holding developers to account as much as governments and councils
  8. peetoo

    Politics The economy is set up to screw young people

    Never fear you youngsters. The conservatives of the Anglo world have national service to help you along
  9. peetoo

    Politics The economy is set up to screw young people

    If it's a full on housing discussion. There's a lot of talk about governments failing For whatever reason the development sector is failing badly. There's sites marked for development in desirable locations sitting there untouched for years if not decades
  10. peetoo

    Politics The economy is set up to screw young people

    Is this anything new? Seems to track my life I was 25 in 1984
  11. peetoo

    Politics Meghan Markle and Prince Harry - Racially Villified or Royally Unpopular?

    If this is true, they are indeed miserabl SOBs, regardless of their health issues.
  12. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    Guys the approach may be admirable. Attitudes may be changing (is there any measures of this) BUT We still have an acute crisis of extreme violence. Many saying getting worse Can’t we ask if this ‘sharing the blame’ is missing a very real problem. Or if not missing it, an inadequate response...
  13. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    More than 550 charged after four-day domestic violence blitz | Operation Amarok ran from Wednesday to Saturday last week and saw a total of 1,070 charges laid and more than 550 people charged, with police from every district across the state involved. Police said 226 of those arrested were...
  14. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    While the commentary always goes the ridiculous, serious distraction from the key issues. Which have been covered already
  15. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    He refers to it, but his MO is to make the audience squirm in the name of comedy. OK in small doses I reckon
  16. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    Cant speak for anyone else but in family ‘situations’ my base desire is to get time out from it. So perhaps my issue is not dealing with it. Not great, but not violent. I’m male btw
  17. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    Is fantasising violence actually violence?
  18. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    The conversation about consent is an ideal place to modify attitudes about male-female relationships.on both sides. Which will also improve these issues I suspect the majority of younger generations are already doing better, but there are pockets of reactive behaviour. The manosphere thread...
  19. peetoo

    Politics Meghan Markle and Prince Harry - Racially Villified or Royally Unpopular?

    Fair enough. Enjoy the triggering till they all disappear in a bottomless hole
  20. peetoo

    Politics Meghan Markle and Prince Harry - Racially Villified or Royally Unpopular?

    They wanted to scale back and do tours like this one. A third way. Monarchy inc stick to its ‘all in or all out’ roots. Didn’t think outside w the square ar all
  21. peetoo

    Politics Meghan Markle and Prince Harry - Racially Villified or Royally Unpopular?

    Royalty isn’t all image and celebrity? Better tell the media then?
  22. peetoo

    Politics Meghan Markle and Prince Harry - Racially Villified or Royally Unpopular?

    More than a few see beyond the click bait and see a missed opportunity if the royal family inc had thought ‘big ‘ over ‘megxit’ Their vision was to be largely overseas particularly Africa and fringe activities like invictus The main royals could have kept major areas like US aus etc...
  23. peetoo

    Society/Culture Has society become better or worse over the past 30 years?

    Sometimes advertising firms quietly that the piss out of their clients In this case Apple. Btw my iPad Pro 2 gens ago is ok and doesn’t need to be thinner.
  24. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    Have the campaigns been reviewed for effect? This is a crisis we are in right now.
  25. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    No doubt, but are they ‘beliefs’ rather than cases. Eg when thy find that murders like torturing animals as youngsters? It all seems moot when you hear the latest serious assault, often to a stranger, we’re out on bail for a string of similar serious issues? I don’t believe generally women are...
  26. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    Good points. If parents can ‘discipline’ their kids then no need for the advert. It was just unneccesary and probably unfounded in terms of causation. Mor danger of parents bullying their kids unnnecssarily So chief, did you think the advert was a good advert?
  27. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    We would also call out this advertising if it too appears poor.
  28. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    Take the advert where the male child is pushing over a female child. The inference is the male child needs behaviour altering in some way. We aren’t told how. I just don’t see this kind of messaging as harmless. The child is already guilty of a future DV. Is the suggestion. Is this messaging...
  29. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    We keep getting this narrative that ‘average blokes’ are threatened by public attempts. To curb DV and GV Which seem to be failing spectacularly by the way It’s just not It’s frustration that for example the messaging doesn’t seem to be resonating, and some adverts are just well…bad Let’s...
  30. peetoo

    Domestic violence

    I strongly believe the related advertising campaigns have been poor. The two which stand out are The one suggesting young boys acting up are potential DV perpetrators and need to be adjusted/influenced The one about sex consent which was too twee to actually use the word sex