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  1. conrad_437

    1st Test New Zealand v Australia Feb 29-Mar 4 0830hrs @ the Basin Reserve

    Early days Lyon was a sight to behold.
  2. conrad_437

    1st Test New Zealand v Australia Feb 29-Mar 4 0830hrs @ the Basin Reserve

    The only thing worse than being bald is a man in denial about going bald
  3. conrad_437

    1st Test New Zealand v Australia Feb 29-Mar 4 0830hrs @ the Basin Reserve

    Yep, 163. Still need a fair bit
  4. conrad_437

    1st Test New Zealand v Australia Feb 29-Mar 4 0830hrs @ the Basin Reserve

    I love a traditional test as much as the next guy, but there is hardly anything more entertaining than the last wicket stand where the established batsman is belting the ball around the ground (just like what Stokes was doing to us)
  5. conrad_437

    1st Test New Zealand v Australia Feb 29-Mar 4 0830hrs @ the Basin Reserve

    Labo should start looking at Hazlewood for tips instead of fiddling with his bats
  6. conrad_437

    3rd Ashes Test England v Australia July 6-10 1930hrs @ Headingley

  7. conrad_437

    3rd Ashes Test England v Australia July 6-10 1930hrs @ Headingley

    Can anyone make out what the chant from the Barmy Army is?
  8. conrad_437

    3rd Ashes Test England v Australia July 6-10 1930hrs @ Headingley

    Is the work experience kid on camera duty?
  9. conrad_437

    3rd Ashes Test England v Australia July 6-10 1930hrs @ Headingley

    Why are the pom commentators so excited for a regulation piece of fielding?
  10. conrad_437

    3rd Ashes Test England v Australia July 6-10 1930hrs @ Headingley

    As well as the huge shots that the Bison has played, it's his defence that I love. Looks so confident in his defending the wicket, leaving confidently and calling early. Just knows his slot so well.
  11. conrad_437

    Certified Legendary Thread 2nd Ashes Test England v Australia June 28-July 2 1930hrs @ Lords

    Starc is the only bowler who has been genuinely threatening. What's with the wait?
  12. conrad_437

    Certified Legendary Thread 2nd Ashes Test England v Australia June 28-July 2 1930hrs @ Lords

    How the **** do we make the same mistakes again
  13. conrad_437

    End of an Era - a recap.

    No one could've imagined that Smith would become anywhere near the batsman he is. Ditto Head, ditto Labuschagne. A lot of these players can develop quickly given the right circumstances, and almost appear out of the blue as a talented test player. I wouldn't worry massively about Australia being...
  14. conrad_437

    Vale Shane Warne

    Confirmed state funeral by the Victorian government and the Warne family. Was a formality I suppose. Really hope it can be at the G. Would be an incredible celebration and tribute of his life.
  15. conrad_437

    Vale Shane Warne

    It definitely will be. But it'll still be the same stand, just with a major upgrade. There's no reason either can't happen now.
  16. conrad_437

    Vale Shane Warne

    Already been offered a state funeral from the Victorian government. Not being massively into basketball, it really struck me how widespread the response was in mourning Kobe Bryant’s death a couple of years ago. Just the sheer shock and subsequently, the outpouring of grief and exclamation of...
  17. conrad_437

    Coach Grumpy

    For low intelligence people, yes.
  18. conrad_437

    Coach Grumpy

    Pat is doing exactly what a good captain is doing right now and protecting his players. If you want to criticise him for being 'dishonest', go for your life. Pat has no obligation to give details to the broader Australian public over the relationship between him, his coach and the players. That...
  19. conrad_437

    Coach Grumpy

    You're right, but it's not as if Langer walked into the job six months ago and the players haven't even entertained his coaching style. Clearly, it's worked in some respects, and in others failed. Four years is long enough for us, the cricketing public, to give the players a break and let them...
  20. conrad_437

    Coach Grumpy

    That's my biggest takeaway from this thread. If a clear portion of the playing group have an issue with Langer the coach, then why keep him on? Call them 'soft' all you like, a team is not going to perform well under acrimony. What good is having Cummins reveal all about what has transpired...
  21. conrad_437

    Test Root V Anderson and Broad.

    Been a while since I read KP's book in 2014, and I know it's KP, but from memory he did discuss in-depth the culture of the English changeroom and especially the bowling cartel. I believe he mostly referenced Broad, Anderson and Swann as the main culprits, who would openly berate teammates...
  22. conrad_437

    The Ashes, First Test Australia v England @ The Gabba 8-12 December

    Hahahahaha Root! You will never be anywhere near Smudger!
  23. conrad_437

    The Ashes, First Test Australia v England @ The Gabba 8-12 December

  24. conrad_437

    Ashes 2021/22

    I would normally feel sorry for Tassie if the MCG got the 5th test over them, but we deserve it after the last two years. Life has been heckin'g shit over that period and no other state can relate to it. Hopefully CA pull through
  25. conrad_437

    Test Paine Steps Down From Ashes .

    Goes to show the impact social media has in this age. Made into an issue that is way bigger than it actually is - a consensual sexual interaction by two adults - by the mainstream media that feeds on outrage culture. Really got to feel for the bloke, stepping away from the game is a reflection...
  26. conrad_437

    2019 1st Ashes Test - Edgbaston 1-5 August 2019

    Gee what a start!!!
  27. conrad_437

    Australian cheating at Newlands, where to from here?

    Not you specifically, just find it funny how much the general consensus has shifted.
  28. conrad_437

    Australian cheating at Newlands, where to from here?

    Quite funny how almost everyone here was stating beforehand that they wouldn't take anything less than 12 month bans for both Smith and Warner, now the common consensus is that it was over the top.
  29. conrad_437

    Dave Warner tea time incident.

    Australia vice-captain opens up on stairwell incident, what triggered his 'emotional response' and how he'll approach the next Test Sam Ferris, in Port Elizabeth 08 March 2018 Australia vice-captain David Warner has broken his silence on the "vile and disgusting" personal sledge about...